Volume 4 Issue 3: LIONHEART

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In, But Not Of.





Volume 4 Issue 3

Serge WillFonch 6WayStreet BreezeTheVoice Ezekiel

LIONHEART Saltymagazine.com


THE LIONHEART CHRONICLES The righteous are bold as a lion | Proverbs 28:1

Contents 20 18




In Each Issue

Salt Spill (Interviews)


Books and Music


Will Fonch


Is There Not A Cause?


Breeze The Voice


Selah – Prov 28:1


6 Way Street


The X Files




Five Finds for Entrepreneurs




Five Faves for Artists




22 44



Contents 82




SALTY Bites (Features) 26

Pure Sex by Bianca Ashton


Flesh Aroused?

by Robyn-Ann Lawson


Life After College

by Shanacee Shreve


Character Trumps Career

by Conrad Meier


Bear Beauty

by Robyn-Ann Lawson


Psalm of His Hand

by Jeff Ruediger


Suffering Well by Rachel Miller


Flawed Yet Saved

by LeCresha Durham


LionHeart by Ashley Hodges

94 86 56




FORETASTE The man who fears the Lord has nothing else to fear. Believer, your fear of God has granted you audience to His very throne – a throne of grace – so access it frequently and boldly. You have been empowered with favor to ignore the urgent or the tempting and to instead choose God. Corporate America, cultural trends or any other form of busy-ness will not catch or carry you when weak. So rest in grace, work in grace, and live in grace. You have the right to pursue peace, righteousness, and the presence of God in all that you do. He’ll handle the rest. This holiday season, I pray you unwrap new dimensions to your inheritance in Christ. May the New Year be crowned with the reality that a new heaven and a new earth are drawing closer still. And may any time spent with family and friends be a reminder that their souls are eternal, but your time with them may not be. So be bold and joyful in sharing the Good News of your testimony and life this month, and always. Living under the grace of the Gospel is our privilege and enduring practice, may not even one day go by where we waste it. The righteous are as bold and free as lions, walk unashamed.

Robyn-Ann Lawson editor@saltymagazine.com 10


robynannl 11




SALTY Magazine, LLC is a print and digital publication for those in, but not of the culture. Our articles, apparel, and art highlight young individuals infiltrating society with beauty, creativity, and truth.

Robyn-Ann Lawson Contributors Rachel Miller


LeCresha Durham Ashley Hodges Shanacee Shreve Bianca Ashton Shanae Hardy Conrad Meier Jeff K. Ruediger Photographers Gary Charles Thabo Nk Role Models Jean Carlos “JC” Burgos Kamille Virgo Other Saltshakers


Eboni K. Mckenzie


Quashana Henry


Sabrina Singleton





Haley Young IV









instasalt Some of our favorite streams to follow, check them out on











st yle



@thewaybrand 14



spiritualit y











@eazyyokeart music


@msnatalielauren 15


BOOKS Reads on our radar submitted by you!

SEX Sex, God, and the Single Life by Hafeez Baoku Most singles, whether Christian or not, might describe their experiences with sex and love in one word: dissatisfied. In Sex, God, and the Single Life, Hafeez shares of his own journey from sexual regrets and frustration to sexual joy and satisfaction. Through an exploration of scripture and an honest discussion of God’s purpose and design for real intimacy, this dynamic book will reveal the path to satisfaction that singles everywhere have been yearning for.

SUCCESS The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz The tell-it-like-it-is guide to cleaning up in business, even if you are at the end of your roll. “Never started a company before? Struggling with little or no cash? Have no experience, no baseline to judge your progress against? Thank God! You’ve got a shot at making this work.” So says Mike Michalowicz, author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, a business book that is so uniquely useful, so raw and entertaining, it reads like the brainchild of Steve Jobs and Chris Rock.



STYLE Pharrell: Places and Spaces I’ve Been by Pharrell Williams Redefining cool for a new generation, Pharrell Williams is a creative force, using music, fashion, and design to express his distinctive style. Originating at the crossroads of art, design, popular culture, and street savvy, Pharrell Williams’s output is unique. By playing off different disciplines—namely music, fashion, street art, and design—and using each as an element in the other, Pharrell has redefined the role of the contemporary recording artist, blazing a trail for other musicians and prominent cultural figures.

SPIRITUALITY The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler Even if you go to church, it doesn’t mean that you are being exposed to the gospel explicitly. Sure, most people talk about Jesus, and about being good and avoiding bad, but the gospel message simply isn’t there—at least not in its specificity and its fullness. Inspired by the needs of both the overchurched and the unchurched, and bolstered by the common neglect of the explicit gospel within Christianity, popular pastor Matt Chandler writes to remind us what is of first and utmost importance—the gospel.

ART/MUSIC Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work by Tim Keller With deep conviction and often surprising advice, Keller shows readers that biblical wisdom is immensely relevant to our questions about work today. In fact, the Christian view of work—that we work to serve others, not ourselves—can provide the foundation of a thriving professional and balanced personal life. Keller shows how excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity, and passion in the workplace can help others and even be considered acts of worship—not just of self-interest.




Cliff Notes by Natalie Lauren

Diamonds by Johnny Swim

Fortune Fall by Audrey Assad

BOLD by Uncle Reece

In The Cool Of The Day by Daniel Martin Moore

Loose Canon by Canon



Anomaly by Lecrae

Satellite Solomon by Victor Cornelius

Right To You by Johnny P

Rise by Trip Lee

Stix and Stones Unplugged by HillaryJane

The Art Of Joy by Jackie Hill-Perry


You by Breeze The Voice




Blood Brother

is an intimate portrait of Rocky Braat, a young man pursuing depth and transparency who finds it in the heart of God for an HIV orphanage. Winner of both the Sundance Film Festival’s Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award, the documentary is about the unmistakable power of love, as celebrated in the story of one man’s decision to move to India and restart his life among the children living at an HIV orphanage. Unlike others who simply passed through their lives, Rocky stayed, dedicating himself to their health and well-being. Director Steve Hoover ventured to India to chronicle Rocky’s newfound life in this beautifully crafted person film. All filmmaker profits are being donated to directly benefit the children at the orphanage and other HIV/ AIDS initiatives. www.bloodbrotherfilm.com 20



“ The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them;







“ Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions


Text Proverbs 28:1 Art Gary Charles | @charlesg_iv





Words Bianca Ashton



Eph. 5:5


“For be sure of

No matter how many years we’re programmed to think of sex the way the world does or how our natural desires try to validate it, the truth is that sex God’s way is divine protection. It sets us apart as we should be as believers. His way protects us from soul ties, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. In essence, God’s law as it relates to sex protects us from ourselves. It doesn’t feel like it to our flesh but our spirit knows.

this: that no person practicing sexual vice or impurity in thought or in

life, or one who is

covetous [who has

lustful desire for the property of others and is greedy

for gain]—for he [in effect] is an

idolater—has any inheritance in the

kingdom of Christ and of God.”

It’s not that God doesn’t want us to enjoy sex. God designed sex to be so enjoyable that husbands and wives would take joy in it and therefore procreate. God’s heart is centered on people and multiplying. So He made sex something that was extremely pleasurable. Those that aren’t married yet should not look at it as punishment. We serve a God who is one of honor, respect, pure love, and order. Our bodies are designed by Him. It’s always interesting when I see people who are more concerned about what they eat, what they wear, or how often they work out then they are about who they sleep with. The reason we value diet and exercise is because there’s a physical and visible benefit to that lifestyle. We can see the results. Living a sexually pure lifestyle before marriage has spiritual benefits that are not seen by the physical eye, but the reward is just as great, if not greater. Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” If we truly believe that we receive what we prayed for at the moment we prayed for it, then our actions should be proof. If you’ve prayed for a husband or wife specifically designed for you then believe that they exist prior to your paths ever crossing. Single ladies and men, the covenant you have with God should be identical to the covenant that you will make with your future spouse. How you handle your covenant with God in this season, is a direct reflection of how you will honor your marriage covenant. If you wouldn’t cheat on your spouse in marriage, you need not present your body to anyone else before marriage. Faith is the belief in the unseen. Consider your future spouse in your decisions prior to you even discovering their name. That is what faith is all about right? When you believe, you believe that you receive. It’s already done. www.tuesdayswithbianca.com @tuesdayswithbianca @tueswithbianca

Bianca Ashton is creator of the blog “Tuesdays with Bianca,” whose growing mission is to uplift and inspire a generation while serving as a distribution channel for creative people to spread messages of God. 27


theDavidxSingleton files 28

So tell us some of the story on how the Lord got your attention and brought you to Him. I was beginning to feel really convicted for all of the sins that I was committing. However, I felt too dirty to turn to the Lord and be forgiven. I read a book called the Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis, and it discussed that part of Satan’s plan is to make people feel too dirty for Jesus, making sure that they never realize that their dirt is the very reason Jesus had to die. Once I read that I had a heart change and finally gave myself to the Lord. I haven’t been the same since. Have you noticed a change in any habits or desires, especially ones that caught you off guard? Yes, I have, my life has done a complete 180 since giving my life to Jesus. The most prominent thing that I can think of is the change in my anger. I use to be willing to commit violence over almost any action that I perceived as disrespect. This has completely changed. I literally have been hit before without responding in violence. What are one or two struggles you’re currently wrestling through, and some of the grace and lessons God is showing you in the midst. One struggle that I’m having right now is trying to balance my time. Between working as a youth pastor, going to school full time and raising a family, my schedule can be pretty hectic. The Lord has been teaching me to be faithful, and getting me out of the habit of being lazy. www.saltymagazine.com

Are there any new passions or ideas now awakened in you to influence your generation or shape the culture? I want to impact my culture and generation with music and poetry that addresses serious issues that arise in life that God is still faithful through. I want my generation to understand that faith is not an outdated concept that has long since become obsolete, but is a vibrant relationship with a creator that loves his people passionately, and gives their lives purpose and meaning. In light of Jesus telling his disciples not to lose their flavor as “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13), what do you think it means to remain SALTY? I think James said it best: “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27. I think to remain salty we have to live to serve others, and stop letting the world change and impact us. Instead, we should be the ones impacting the world. https://soundcloud.com/Dsingle /Singled2 @DSingleton 29




Be silent all flesh before the Lord, for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling.” – Zechariah 2:1

Words Robyn-Ann Lawson



You are not your own. As Paul reminds us numerous times throughout the New Testament, we are the temple of the Most High and host of the very Spirit of God. So why do we take it upon ourselves to defend God’s address when it’s under attack, especially in our moments of weakness? You are His abode, let Him defend His dwelling place. Feel free to call audibly on the name of the Lord when temptations or lust come knocking at the front door (or any other entrance). Ignoring stirred fleshly desires or hoping they will stop knocking is not smart or helpful. Acknowledge their presence but remember that greater is He that is inside the house (your temple) than he that is on the doorstep (the world). These are not the times to play hero, for spiritual battles will not be won by might nor by power, but by the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). I challenge you to embrace the title of holiness that has been given to you in Christ Jesus, even when you don’t feel like it. And like a crown placed upon your head, you will begin to feel the weight to walk worthy of the gift someone else has purchased for you. Don’t settle for the ruin of sin, call on your King! Lord, I recognize that it is by grace that I have been saved, through faith. I have been justified with Christ, so it is no longer I who lives, but You who lives in me. Therefore, wage war against every unclean spirit that seeks to be exalted in my mind and body. Rouse yourself Lord, silence all flesh & protect your dwelling place – for your Name sake. Amen. More To Chew On: • Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. – Zechariah 4:6-7 • Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. – 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 • Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. –1 John 4:4 www.RobynAnnL.com @RobynAnnL @RobynAnnL 31


theJeffxLaurin files 32

them all. You may not be happy for me, but I know that the God I serve can set you free from anything that is not of him. Many people might ask and say, “How can he be a minister for God to these powerful songs?!” You may look at the picture and you might say, “Hey, I know that guy! He is always dressed down rocking that Jesus swag. He is cooler than my freezer and his style is raw!” But the clothing on the outside hides so many secrets, Which are being covered up by my smiles. What if I told you that the person you see is really not the person you are actually looking at?

But what people don’t know is that ministering is where my God and I met. That’s what kept me fighting and growing in God. Pornography only attacks you behind closed doors, when you’re all to yourself and your thoughts. Your flesh is fighting with your spiritual man and it only gets more intense each time. Pornography affects every area of your life - from mental to sexual.

What if I told you that I once claimed the chains that were brought into my life?

Having that consistency in prayer is the key, and fleeing away from whatever may stir up the urges.

What if I told you I rocked those chains for over 4 years?

Allow JESUS to take the place of pleasure in your life!

How would you feel if I told you those chains where lust, masturbation, pornography, sexual abuse and abandonment?

I share my story because many guys are either going through, or have been affected in these areas,

How you would look at me now? Would I disgust you? Am I not that cool dude you thought of when you first saw my picture? But here is where Jesus changes the picture you’re looking at. Jesus took every one of my burdens and freed me from www.saltymagazine.com

And just speaking it out relieves so much hurt and anger, so that forgiveness will be able to pay its role. You are never alone. God is constantly with you. Let him be the lion in you! So the roar that comes out of His mouth will declare your freedom and impact people’s lives when they hear it.




Entrepreneur Finds


Studios What is the best advice or resource you’ve received or experienced in reference to: ••

Time? This is the largest struggle for any business. Managing their time. However working on film sets has really helped our business to manage our time. In the film world, you always have a script, and that is what you follow on set. However, when actors and other crew members are involved the script changes. Actors improv and something new is born. We follow that with our schedule in the studio. You should ALWAYS have a plan, a schedule that manages your time - that is your script. However, you should plan and be ready to be spontaneous. Be ready for special moments. Have Boundaries. When we started out, our studio was in our two bedroom apartment. That was cool because it was home, but it didn’t give me any boundaries. I could work at any moment. When we grew enough to afford our own place separate from the apartment, it instantly gave me boundaries. Home is home, and the studio is for work. If you don’t have that separate, you will be crushed. I’m not saying that your business will be shut down, but it will stifle growth. 34



Money? Money is a necessary evil. It sucks, BUT you need it. Never ever, ever, ever, act like you have money. For example, if business is going well, don’t sit back. Keep your foot on the gas all the time. KEEP YOUR FOOT ON THE GAS!


Success? Success is something I don’t think about. It’s not real to me. I guess to me, if you are so focused on being successful, you never will be. Focus on your craft. Be the best you can be at your thing. If you do that well, success may find you. But honestly, who cares? If you are doing what you love, isn’t that success? Who cares if people know your name or that you drive a fancy car. Life is bigger than that.


Technology? We are very big into all the tech! You should use it to help you. However, it can also kill you. It can destroy your work/life balance. It can be a relationship killer. You gotta find time to still go on walks, write love letters, and look at someone in their eyes as you eat dinner with them. We can’t lose sight of that. Technology will always grow, just use it to help you. Don’t let the ding, ding, ding of your cell phone control you life. This is a lesson I’m still trying to learn :)


and in that film are some things that I really believe in. So many people are focused on who they should be with, or how successful they should be, but no one is focused on why they are here - their purpose. We are all here for a reason. There is something awesome, something special that only you and you alone can do. Life isn’t about growing up, having kids, and working a steady job, its more than that that. Those things are good, but its bigger than that. We have seen what incredible people in our history have done when they realize their true purpose. Surround yourself with friends, people that truly love you. Being the boss of any company can be so lonely. Surround yourself with people who smile at you, who love you for YOU, not because of what you can do for them. Remember to laugh and be stupid. The money and success fades, at some point they will forget your name, and that cool thing you made. But people will never forget how they feel, and that it what matters most. I grew up like most people watching Robin Williams. He was outrageously successful, super millionaire, literally a famous person. But he took his own life because he was sad and alone. No amount of money or success can make you happy or feel joy.


Don’t wake up at 46 wondering where your life went.

We just made a film called Grace From Above


C&I studios is a media company that supports 3 international children’s organizations monthly.







Entrepreneur Finds





What is the best advice or resource you’ve received or experienced in reference to: ••

Time? Don’t race to be early and never be late, just be on time!


Money? Be willing to invest into your God Idea. And look for the doors of opportunity that bring money your way to add to the investment you started.


Success? Establish what the goal is for your God Idea, the vision, and purpose. Then put in work to get it done. To have a successful career, you have to work hard and determine that if no one believes in your vision, you believe in it along with God - 1000%.


Technology? Technology is your friend. So use what’s available to you and everyone else. That’s the common ground to reach everyone and to let them know what you have available.


Purpose/Passion? Whatever your passion is, there lies your purpose.

Soulboxx Café provides a night life venue for Christians and a witnessing tool to win the lost through the arts. Our events include poetry, live musicians, neo soul, and jazz features. Music is the one art that speaks a Universal Language, so Soulboxx Café’s purpose is to feed the people “music they can live by.”

/SoulboxxCafe @Soulboxxcafe904 37


Entrepreneur Finds

One God United 38


What is the best advice or resource you’ve received or experienced in reference to: ••

Passion/Purpose? I’ve been promoting Christian events for a couple of years now, and I find that the biggest challenges came by way of invisible mountains, the ones that seem to be the hardest to climb but in reality they are the easiest to overcome. These mountains usually take residence in our mind, when I realized that the possibilities to beat these challenges out-weighed the impossibilities, it was then I kept striving more towards the goal to accomplish what I was here for, and through tenacity, I am where I am now. God has always played a part in my life and it was ultimately through Him and still is, that my team and I are able to organize the events we’ve been putting together.


Money? The best knowledge I have gained in regards to money, is that it cannot be the sole reason for pursuing your business. Money should be looked at as a resource to living a more convenient life, not the sole purpose for doing what you choose to do every day.


Success? You have to have a passion for what you do, and you have to love what you do. This way of living, and thinking, produces the best fruit from your labor.


Technology? The best resource I’ve experienced in regards to technology would have to be social media. It has catapulted the business of organizing events, and getting the word out, to a whole new level. Social media has opened doors that never would have existed for me, as far as, reaching audiences in different cities, and states, and networking with people that are in the same business that I never would have met if not for social media.


Purpose/Passion? We have to first acknowledge our strengths and our weaknesses, pursue the areas we are strong in and be optimistic about the results. Challenges in life are there to help us grow individually, but the joy you feel when you overcome is indescribable. I know that God has a measure of happiness for me as He has for everyone else, we just have to tap into His delight and believe that what is for you is for you alone. One God United is a Christian events organization that was formed to bring some of the greatest experiences in Christian entertainment nationwide.

www.onegodunited.com /onegodunited @onegodunited 39


Entrepreneur Finds

Think and Grow Chick 40


What is the best advice or resource you’ve received or experienced in reference to: ••

Time? “Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. ‘Do it!’ I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows.” -- Michael Landon


Money? This quote comes from a book I love, The Millionaire Fastlane, “Wealth eludes most people because they are preoccupied with events while disregarding process. Without process, there is no event…” Everyone wants to have financial success but very few are willing to go through the process -- saving money, being disciplined in your spending, learning how to invest, etc -- to get there. I’m always reminding myself that financial success is about the process.


Success? The book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I think this book should be required reading for everyone, particularly when you are young. The book talks about how little habits we do consistently over a long period of time RADICALLY alters the trajectory of our lives, for better or for worse. Since time is a given, we must be intentional about the habits we are building TODAY if we want to be successful tomorrow.


Technology? I’m obsessed with Evernote! It’s such a great app! If I have an idea or see something inspiring, I save it in Evernote immediately. It’s pretty much my digital brain.


Purpose/Passion? Just knowing that God gives each of us a purpose and no one can take it away. This has really helped me with comparing myself to others or wanting what others have. What God has prepared for me is just for me. All I have to do is walk in it.

Courtney S. is an entrepreneur, speaker, and goal-achievement aficionado. She’s passionate about giving women the tools they need to craft successful personal, professional, and spiritual lives. When she’s not blogging about personal development, creating goal setting worksheets, or interviewing inspiring women, Courtney loves to read books, thrift shop, and cook (almost) gourmet meals. She lives in Dallas, TX with her lovely husband.

www.thinkandgrowchick.com /thinkandgrowchick @thinkngrowchick @thinkngrowchick 41


Entrepreneur Finds

Straight and Narrow Clothing 42


What is the best advice or resource you’ve received or experienced in reference to: ••

Time? I like to write so instead of using an app like most to manage my schedule, I’ve been using a Franklin Covey planner for about 5 years. I plan out the next day every night so I can wake up and “go” without confusion. Works most of the time. Being evangelistic invites unforeseen things into my life which are out of my control - so I just make myself available, roll with it, and rearrange things accordingly.


Money? Plan, Plan, Plan! Look at your accounts and bottom line daily and plan accordingly.


Success? Don’t get cute and never forget who its really about, Jesus. My store is downtown on a main street which hosts many huge festivals. I know everybody. Sometimes I am in front of the store getting hugs and love from everybody and I hear a small whisper, “go sit down for a minute because you think this is about you.” I literally go sit down and get my mind right. Happens to the best of us. Success has to bow down at the Lord’s feet just like everything else in our lives.


Technology? Although I am not tech savvy, I have an extreme amount of respect for technology and intentionally seek out new platforms. Things are changing quickly and there are so many things out there that can lighten ones workload and push ones agenda forward more efficiently. Also, Macbooks and iPhones are the best, lol.


Purpose/Passion? Push the gospel. I love meeting people, all types of people. Love telling them about Jesus. I’m considered righteous because of what Jesus did and not because of what I did. He didn’t die for good people, He died because we are lost and need a Savior. We all are in need of a Savior so it’s easy to deliver that message. Once we stop seeing ourselves as good and bad, but as all bad in need of a good God that forgives the worst of us, the message becomes no longer about us but about a Merciful and Gracious God. That makes for good convo in a bar, DMV, church, or wherever and with whomever.

Strght & Nrrw is a streetwear movement rooted in the heart of downtown Jacksonville, Fl. Our July 2010 launch was followed by the launch of a flagship store in October 2011. We make amazing clothes. But a lot of people make clothes. Here’s what we do different: We mentor young men and women, feed and clothe the less fortunate, provide blankets, shoes, and hygiene kits for the homeless, give baby strollers, pampers and groceries to families in need, partner with non-profits to guide youth and teach entrepreneurship, host Bible studies, concerts, and events. Simply put, we respond to the everyday needs of people. We use our experiences, clothing, music, media, and whatever else we can to connect.








The Salt

(tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture):

Well, God has definitely been using me on college campuses, at different events or even in my own home on a smaller level. And I also know if it’s not college kids, then it’s the young men in our generation today because they’re going in different directions with their own will and plans- but they have no idea what the grace of God does to them, and my job is to let them know about that.

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season): I’ve got another spoken word event coming up in Coral Gables this year, and I’m also in a play at my school FIU – it’s based on faith and obedience. You see, we can’t put God in a box when we allow Him to use us. Next year I’ll also do music as well and I’m collaborating with artists like Dre Murray, John Gibbs 44

over on the West Coast, some of the Rectify family and more. Just know that it’s coming, like a wave its coming.

The Substance

(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): So there’s one verse in the bible in Psalms 139 that says: “Search me O God and test my heart, know my thoughts” and when I said that, I had no idea how much God was listening. When we follow Christ we’re not supposed to be conformed to living a life of comfort. It’s always the discomfort that provides transformation and so he used the closest people to me to test my heart, to see how much love was really being used. He used my family, my own friends, my classmates just to see if, “Yo Will, are you still going to forgive them after this?”, “Yo Will, are you still going to serve after this?”, “Will, are you still going to love after this?” And he’s been doing that to me this entire year.


WILL FONCH The Savor (how do you aim

to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth):

So salt is a form of seasoning, it wouldn’t be wise for me to ever drop out of the seasons that God has given me and fall into my own season . Because in the seasons that God has given me, He’s always able to break me and teach me, and He’s able to use me to pour on to others because salt is what gives flavor, like you said. So if I ever drop out of His seasons that He gives me in the time that I have here on this earth, I lose my effectiveness.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): www.rectifymusic.com/Will-Fonch /WTFoncham @WillFonchTV @WillFonchTV

/Will Fonch TV 45




Life After

College Words Shanacee Shreve

Are you a recent graduate? Are you discovering that your diploma isn’t worth anything? Have you applied to numerous jobs and they tell you to come back when you have more experience? Are you living at home with your parents? Well… you are not alone. Life after graduation seemed so simple to me. “I worked hard so of course I’m getting a job RIGHT after college. Yeah, it might take a few months but it’ll be worth the grind. I had so many internships; I have to get a job.” And then I ran into reality headfirst. It has been a year and a half since I’ve graduated and I’m still not in a great apartment, in a cool city or even working at my ideal job. When we imagine life after graduation, most of us do not envision the comfort of our moms’ plush sofa or working in a 47

cubicle next to people twice our age that don’t even have a degree. If your fantasy of life after college has been crushed by reality, you are not alone. I have found that alumni life is not what it is cracked up to be, especially if you have a degree in communications, marketing or any creative and competitive field. Once you realize the task ahead of you is bigger than you thought you have to find a plan B while plotting how to work out plan A. I have been a waitress for a year all while turning down low-paying jobs in my field and desperately soul searching wondering, “Why me Lord?Why!?” So, I have decided to share my struggles and tips that have helped me brand myself, be optimistic about the future and work harder than I have ever imagined. I may not be where I want to be but I have definitely found a way to turn my hobbies into big bucks and my down time into productivity.


Here are some tips on how to accelerate yourself in your profession: 1. Every Moment Is REAL: Often times we say things like “Man, I’m tired of working here I cannot wait until I get a REAL job?” This idea that one day you’ll get the perfect job and then you’ll be apart of the real world/adult life is false. You are a part of the real world-- every moment, everyday, every second is real and it is up to you to use these days to apply to your future. 2. You Have The Power To Create: You are an artist and you embody the power to create. You have to use the tools that God has supplied you with to paint that picture of a perfect future, your Mona Lisa. 3. Be Remembered: I remember when I first started waiting tables I would sweep and mop thinking “Someone’s going to notice me and my beauty while I’m sweeping. This will be my big break.” Looks and luck are not enough. You have to create likeability about yourself, knowledge and a presence that makes people stop and ask “What is your name?” 4. The Time Is Now Use your free time and freedom to dive into hobbies that you never had time to pursue. 5. Stop Lying Be honest with yourself. You know you are not exhausting every possibility and outlet. Whatever you did yesterday that failed, take it up a notch. Whatever you did an hour ago that did work, take that up a notch too. You have to challenge yourself so that there are no excuses or reasons why your dream failed. Don’t let reality get you down. The career you’ve always wanted is on its way. Continue to pray, work hard, and connect with your true desires. Follow “A Sit Down with Shanacee” for more inspiration.

/A Sit Down with Shanacee Shanacee is the personality behind “A Sit Down with Shanacee” and can be found at the below links:

/A Sit Down with Shanacee @asitdown @asitdown






Good bad



Words Isaac “IZ” Shaw

This morning while in prayer and worship, I found my mind consistently slipping away. Every time I tried to focus on God and my devotion time, some concern, ungodly thought or stressful situation in my life would pop up in my head. Each time these thoughts came to my mind, I would continually attempt to stuff them underneath my spiritual cushion and “keep my mind on Jesus.” I could not figure out what the issue was! After about the fourth time I attempting to get rid of these thoughts, God said “STOP, Don’t you get it? I want that! Why do you think you are before me? Do you even truly understand who I am??” Many of you are a lot like me. In times of worship, prayer, or even your walk with God, you find your mind constantly pressed with the bad and the ugly in your life. And if you’re like me, you can sometimes attempt to put the “good” mask on, while pretending the bad and the ugly just don’t exist. The truth is we have all adopted the idea that Christ, the great physician no longer specializes in the medical field. Most of us believe God is simply concerned with how many

Scriptures we know, the worship songs we can sing, and how many hours we can pray. We are dead wrong. We insult God and do not truly understand who He is when we do not place before him the good, the bad, and the ugly of our minds, hearts and lives. He wants it all. Christ specializes in sick people, and we are all sick to some extent. I challenge you to be real before God: “Lord, I really hate my job.” “I have no idea how I’m going to pay this bill.” “Ugh, I just want to scream sometimes!” “I think I’m in love with this person.” “Why does living saved seem so hard?” “These kids are driving me insane!” “I feel so lonely God.” The ironic thing is that the entire time, He clearly sees the good, the bad & the ugly of our lives and He still yearns for us the same. Each time we come to him throwing the good in his face thinking that He is pleased; He is simply shaking His head in curiosity wondering when we will just lay it all out. God wants the good, the bad, and the ugly. After all, He is greater than it all, isn’t He? It’s okay, lay it all out before Him. It will amaze you what He does with it all. #BeReal

Isaac is a 22-year-old husband, lyricist, vocalist, creator and speaker residing in Atlanta, GA but brought up in Dallas, Texas. He has a passion for two things, music and impact. 49




haracter Trumps Career Words Conrad Meier

Conrad Meier is a geocaching, home remodeling, & rapping pastor who is dedicated to making disciples that walk with a faith that goes beyond secluded Bible Studies within the four walls of the church & into the world we live in every day. His heart is to mold a generation that is not afraid to walk a righteous life with courageous faith, that forsakes the ways of this world for the ways of the Lord. 50


Colossians 3:23-24 tells us “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” In context, slavery was a dominant form of labor in the Roman Empire, kind of like working for wages or a salary is today. Many servants had jobs that would look like our occupations today, receiving food, shelter, and a couple of comforts in return. Today, we would most likely be appalled by the “servants” lack of rights. Their masters were in a position of absolute power over their “servants”; the power that employers or managers have over workers today pales in comparison. With that in mind however, the general principles Paul puts forward concerning slaves and masters in this letter can be applied to the modern mentality of “success”. In our world, success is measured just by the fruit of what we have done. Often times our character or lack-there-of is not even a factor. Many people are not concerned with how we accomplished what we’ve

accomplished, just that we have accomplished it. In the Kingdom of God, there is a different strategy in place. We ought to work with all of our heart toward success in the world without ever compromising the surrender of our heart to the Lord & His Word. This means our character & convictions should always be more important than our careers. I have come across a few artists in the Christian recording community who have no problem with pirated plugins or pirating music.it breaks my heart, because cutting corners and compromising will most likely never lead to consistency in our character. I don’t know what you may be facing right now in terms of your career & how to get ahead, but I can tell you that compromise will destroy your character and your witness for Christ in your career. God’s will is for you to have the character of Christ in order to be a consistent witness through your career. My prayer is that you would strive for success not just in the eyes of man, but also in the eyes of the Lord, because the sky is the limit as long as your eyes are fixed on heaven.

www.conradmeier.com /conradmeier @conradmeier @conradmeier 51



Breeze The Voice




(tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): A gentle Spirit with The Voice of Inspiration. Five years ago, God found me. Shortly after, I also found myself. The passion, the pain, the joy and the inner depths of my heart were suddenly given an avenue of meaningful expression through the gifts of songwriting and music. I’m 23 years young now in today’s ever changing culture. I just hope that through my art, I can lead people to love. After all, God is love right?

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): “Love Is The Answer”: the first single from the “YOU” album featuring Rotana, a Saudi Arabian native and very passionate artist. God has taken this song to unimaginable places thus far. “Love Is The Answer” will be used alongside President Jimmy Carter’s recently released book: “A Call To Action”, calling all humanity to stand up for justice and to be the change that we want to see. Prayerfully, this song will become a global anthem, sung worldwide with all of the social injustices and issues we’re experiencing in the world today.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): So, I was flying home on a long red eye flight from a ministry trip to Alaska, and God gave me a crystal clear vision and a seed of inspiration. He told me to create a body of work that would promote the message of love, for the entire world to connect with. The title, “YOU” came from a very simple, yet very deep place. “YOU” is actually a play on words. The content of the album is personal, it’s all about YOU; designed to take you on an


emotional roller coaster ride. But ultimately it’s not about YOU. Everything leads back to the creator, emphasizing our absolute need for Him and His love. The theme of the album: “Love is the road that leads to YOU”. The greatest commandment is to “LOVE”, so through this love we’ll find both God and our true selves.

The Substance (what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): I believe that Love is worth fighting for. With that being said, I underwent a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare and opposition while producing this project. As stressful and challenging as this process was, this opposition confirmed the power of the message behind the project. I knew that people would be greatly impacted, simply by the amount of personal trials that I experienced during this time. I guess God wanted me to go through the storm so that the project would be as authentic and relatable as possible. Though it was painful, it was worth the fight. What’s love without pain?

The Savor (how do you aim

to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): Moving forward, I plan to remain in love. There’s no better place to abide. Standing up for truth and love through my life and my art is my obligation. I’ll let God take care of the rest.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): www.breezeministries.com /breezethevoice @breezethevoice @breezethevoice



BEAR Beauty BEAR Fruit Words Robyn-Ann Lawson

“The LORD God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit.” – Genesis 2:9 Ladies, God is the giver of external and internal beauty. Both are to be valued and stewarded as unto the Lord. Focusing on one without the other can dull your effectiveness in personal, professional, and spiritual spheres. A beautiful fruit on the outside that brings worms on the inside is a turnoff. The same can be said of a gorgeous woman with a graceless heart. Contrast that with a fruit having a dusty exterior, which will most likely be overlooked even if its insides are tasty. And society has witnessed this similar neglect towards women who were crude or careless in appearance. We all know that a pretty face without substance is vanity, but sometimes we think Christianity gives us a pass to not tend to the physical man. Yes, our godless culture often turns externals into idolatry, but the baby should not be thrown out with the bath water. Beauty is in the eye of the Creator, not Hollywood – so we aim to please Him before any

other man. Yet, as we grow to understand the heart of the Father He will in turn teach us to appreciate and maximize the use of our bodily temples – the temporal flesh and the eternal spirit man. Of course, if our beauty draws people (which it will), it is our responsibility to ensure that there is fruit being produced by our tree. Fruitless beauty is not tolerated in the Kingdom and will be cursed like the fig tree in Luke 11:12-14: “Jesus noticed a fig tree in full leaf a little way off, so he went over to see if he could find any figs. But there were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit. 14 Then Jesus said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat your fruit again!’” Thankfully, we do not have to choose one side. Let’s not be afraid to be a Sarah, Rachel, or an Esther who were both beautiful for men to behold and fruitful in the way they served their husbands and households. God is a God of both beauty and fruitfulness. Do not be intimidated by the world’s perversion of a virtue that isn’t theirs in the first place. Be bold in representing true grace and charm in your culture – externally and internally.

Robyn-Ann Lawson founded The SALTY Collective to pool together skilled disciples that can target and sharpen youth in the areas of business excellence, creative edge, and spiritual edification. She also enjoys discipling women in beauty, truth and purity in her home church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. www.RobynAnnL.com @RobynAnnL @RobynAnnL 54




The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): Well for starters, my government name is Isaac Brentley Shaw. I’m a 22-year-old husband, lyricist, vocalist, creator and speaker residing in Atlanta, GA, but brought up in Dallas, Texas. I have a passion for two things, music and impact. I would describe vision as that of a modern Picasso or Vincent Van Gogh. My goal is to paint beautiful, original, abstract & entrancing pictures through what I create. My will is to get them listening and watching initially. If I can get you listening and watching, before you know it I will have shown you something that you had no choice but to see. I relate it to mainstream individuals like, “Beyonce”, “Kanye West” or “The Weeknd”. These guys created sounds that the masses love with messages that are not so direct. However, because they engaged their audience, they are then able to convey an even deeper, sinful but impacting message such as feminism, mutiny, or even sex and drug abuse. My vision is to impact the culture with a deeper message of truth, hope and the glory of God through mastering the medium of trendy yet timeless and unforgettable art. This will only create greater platforms for the gospel, within the industry.

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): We just finished the music video for a song I have Man! The process has been complex but the team and I are likely to release a mix tape. More importantly, we plan to release the Album “Land of the Insane” within the year. We’re working on some 56


legendary tracks and videos as well for this season. As for the Date? “Soon!” Nonetheless, just follow me and we’ll keep you posted.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): My ideas come out of the array of my complex, yet confusing (lol), Holy Spirit-filled mind. I have always had a heart for changing lives within and outside of the Church; my tool of choice to build the platform is just my creativity and musicality. I believe that the core foundation of my concepts and sounds come straight from the mind and presence of God. I have many inspirations though. In terms of building a platform, I am inspired by guys that some may have forgotten about, such as: “Grits”, “Out Of Eden”, “Kirk Franklin” or “The Ambassador”. As quiet as it’s kept, those guys paved the way for us to even be heard by a mainstream audience. Before them, the idea of “Christian or positive Hip Hop” did not exist in the form of a recognizable “label”. Musically, I am inspired by guys like, “The Beatles”, definitely “Coldplay”, “SZA”, “Kendrick Lamar”, “Tonex”, and others. I believe that Kanye West is a musical genius. I’m new, fresh and a young face in the game and I hope to take it by storm just as each of those guys have done. I believe I am a point of evolution for positive, Christian, and mainstream hip hop as well.

The Substance

(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): There have been many challenges within my life and musical journey. From a young age until about 2011, I dealt with intense, low self- esteem issues. In the 5th grade I attempted suicide twice. Another challenge that really grew my character was growing up poor and un-popular. The majority of my life our water, lights, gas or all three were off at the same time. I know how it is to go hungry, sleep in hotels for years at a time with a family of 6 (begging not to be put on the street), feel hopeless and wanting to quit many times. No one can ever tell me that there is no way out of the feeling of hopelessness. I have been at the lowest points and hated to look in the mirror at my self millions of times. I have been there. I have learned that God is still good! And every tear 57

and ounce of pain in your life is a brick to the house of your purpose! Even the money to make this music was money that my mother did not have when I first started. Without a car I would get off of my waiter job, take the train and bus two hours across town just to make this sound because I believed in it. We (I and my team) believe that we hold the evolution to the game. Nonetheless, it paid off in me striking a production deal with my team, being heard by “Uncle Reece” and our current mutual management and here I am. But we are going to keep grinding. God has shown Himself faithful. I also married a beautiful, breathtaking woman that many would dream of, and she is such a blessing to my life and what God has called me to do.

The Savor (how do you aim

to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): I always say, my “music costs, but the gospel is free!” For me, it’s being led by the Holy Spirit daily to be a tangible Gospel representation in whatever circumstance I am in. My goal is to impact this world with unconditional love and service. In every situation, I ask myself, “how can I be ‘Jesus’ in this circumstance”? People don’t need another intimidating preacher or individual trying to be successful by any means necessary. My biggest concern is that you feel cared for and loved by me and that you know that my presence (and that of those around me) is a “safe house”. I’m far from perfect, but I believe that every one’s life is a stage and microphone, and it is up to us to determine what that sermon will sound like. Most artists aspire to preach a sermon with their songs and leave it there. While there is nothing wrong with that, my hope is to paint a beautiful picture with my music that will draw your attention to the sermon of my life.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): www.Seaqmanagement.Com /IZthesound @Who_izz @Who_iz Also look for me on Rapzilla, Noisetrade, and Youtube


Artist Faves

Jarvis Taylor I’ve been drawing pretty much my whole life. I used to sit with my dad in church when I was a little child and he would always whip out a pen and some paper and teach me how to draw. In 2008 I graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a B.F.A. in Illustration. I currently work as an in-house artist for a clothing company here in Los Angeles. At this point of my life I would have to say my favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 10:31 where Paul says “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” And that’s what I try to do with my art, glorify God.

www.jarvistaylorart.blogspot.com /Jarvis.taylor @jmaurice Favorite app or tool for your art? Photoshop and Illustrator

Favorite book or blog you frequent? Fifty Reasons Why Christ Came to Die by John Piper, Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, The Jealousy of God by Erik Thoennes, The Strong Name by James Stewart



Favorite mentor or influencer who pushes your creativity? My best friends Willie B who is a producer, and Hafid Roserie who is an Art Director at EA Games. A number of friends from art school and an art teacher I had by the name of Rick Reese. That dude always pushed me in class and would call me out if I was slacking off.

Favorite song or album while working? The artists Hawk House, Eshon Burgundy, JGivens, Gemstones, Beautiful Eulogy, Kidd’s last album Hippsavvy, Ichiban:Live from Manhattan, Selah the Corner, Soulection Radio, DJ Aktual, J Dilla, Madlib, The Internet

Favorite quote or advice you’ve ever received? My favorite quote would have to be by my grandfather Pastor B.T. Newman. He would humbly say, “All that I have God gave me, all that I am God made me, and all that I know God taught me.”



Artist Faves

Ashlei Reign Ashlei Reign Williams is an artist amongst many other titles, and can be seen at work at the below websites. www. AshleiReign.com /AshleiReign @AshleiReign @AshleiReign | @AshleiReign_Art



Favorite app or tool for your art? My favorite tool for art would have to be the Airbrush. I love the soft finish and I appreciate its ability to do fine detail in the proper hand.

Favorite book or blog you frequent? The dictionary is the book I frequent often. I’m a huge Logophile. I love conversing and engaging in interesting conversations with various people so of course I have to indulge in the source for the verbal artillery :)

Favorite mentor or influencer who pushes your creativity? I would have to say my parents. I am a writer and an artist. My mother is an artist so she pushes that creative side of me and my dad is a writer so he pushes that side of me. I appreciate them both and they push me differently but equally and they have been extremely supportive in all of my endeavors.

Favorite song or album while working? I don’t have a favorite song or album but the two genres I play most while in my creative space are smooth jazz and hip hop. Smooth Jazz always gives me good energy and relaxation and has a consistency that is helpful when I want to paint or draw something from start to finish. Hip hop gives me the energy I need when I’m doing more organized chaos like throwing paint. Hip hop helps when I’m not focused on staying within the lines of whatever I’m painting. It gives me more freedom to just go at it.

Favorite quote or advice you’ve ever received? This is a tough one because I love quotes and I’ve heeded to so much great advice throughout my life. I guess the first one that comes to mind is actually from Scripture - Proverbs 4:7: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. I live my life like this everyday. I’m constantly learning new things and people and seeking to understand what life is all about.




Barry Daly Barry Daly is a Southern California based photographer who sees art as a medium to connect the world. www.thisispro.net /propfd @thakbz

Favorite app or tool for your art? When I’m shooting from my phone my favorite app has to be VSCOcam; it gives me the ability to edit as if I were editing from my computer. But when I’m shooting with my camera the application of choice would have to be Adobe Lightroom. It gives me a wide range of options without being overwhelming.



Favorite book or blog you frequent? I honestly spend a lot of time on Tumblr sifting through a ton of photos and stories looking for inspiration for future projects; so far Tumblr has never failed me on that front.

Favorite mentor or influencer who pushes your creativity? I have two mentors or influencers. The first would have to be SquintFoto - he’s been doing this work for almost 20 years and he has a wealth of knowledge and is always willing to help. The second person would be Anesha Collins of Unashamed Images. She’s always very helpful and her work is not only an inspiration to me, but she always has the best advice in pretty much any situation - business or creative.

Favorite song or album while working? Right now I’ve been really big on Rise by Trip Lee, but I love Social Club’s Misfit 2, Propaganda’s Crimson Cord, and Anomaly by Lecrae. There are way more like Swoope’s Sinema or HipSavvy by Kidd, but my playlist is always changing.

Favorite quote or advice you’ve ever received? • Reject Passivity. • Success is nothing if you have no one to share it with.



Artist Faves

Andrew Pettigrew Andrew Pettigrew is a freelance Illustrator who is looking to glorify God in his art. www.apgraphicarts.co.uk /AndrewPetiigrewArts



Favorite app or tool for your art? I use Sketchbook Pro 6 by Autodesk on Windows 8. I love it because it allows me to be creative and experimental, while at the same time still have my own unique style. This might sound controversial but I use it as my sketch pad, I rarely use pencil or paper. It’s my go-to program. The program has pushed me as an illustrator. I first started using it on my mobile phone on android but never knew its full potential. Then I got a free version of it on windows 8 and it was on from there.

Favorite book or blog you frequent? I have a ton of books but the Bible is the top read for me. The Bible has got through a lot recently, and it has become a source of inspiration for my art. I recently went back to Genesis and created a few pieces based on Genesis 1:1-10, The Message version.



Favorite mentor or influencer who pushes your creativity? I am inspired by many images via Instagram, however, Bill Sienkiewicz has been my biggest influence as an illustrator and has pushed me creatively. I first encountered his work as a student. My illustration teacher showed us the work he did for the biographical novel of Jimi Hendrix by Martin Green, and I was hooked ever since.

Favorite song or album while working? Beautiful Eulogy’s “Instruments of Mercy” is a favorite of mine. Always on repeat, and has got me through many art pieces. It’s so original and it speaks the truth.

Favorite quote or advice you’ve ever received? “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” – John 3:16-18



Artist Faves

Gary Charles Gary Charles is a visual artist, vocal artist, writer, producer, musician, music engineer, is wildly into fashion and all about Jesus. /gary.charles.12 @garycharles3 @Charleg_iv

Favorite app or tool for your art? That’s a little hard for me to answer because I really like them all. But my go to app for editing is called Union Made buy this company called Pixite apps. The app is exactly like Photoshop but user friendly for the iPad.



Favorite book or blog you frequent? This book I read not too long ago as part of my internship called Tale of Three Kings. The book is about the story of David and how he overcame so many adversities, which actually aided him in becoming a great king. This book really convicted me as far as what goes on in my walk; it pushed me to confide more in Jesus Christ.

Favorite mentor or influencer who pushes your creativity? When it comes to art I don’t really have a mentor. I just browse techniques, pick which ones I like, and tweak it to add my own flavor. When it comes to music I have a few people. One of the greatest influencers is someone I know personally who is doing music professionally at the moment; he goes by the name Bridgetown. I was his drummer for a bit and aside from playing at church he ventured into producing for major artists. Another influence is the guy who showed me music ZS from MonaLisa Productions, Ryan Leslie. I can relate because I play brass instruments, the bass, drums and I produce, sing, and engineer.



Favorite song or album while working? I’m not too picky but I usually go for Mali Music, because he’s mild and calm. But most of the time I work with nothing on. I tend to tune everything out, because I’m so focused on the precise detail of my work.

Favorite quote or you’ve ever received?


“God uses our struggles to write a story; showing how great He is.” -Epiphany



Looking for past art features? Visit saltymagazine.com to check out more creatives in our Online Gallery.


Count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw

you out or speak lies about you to

discredit me. 70


What it means is that the

truth is too close for

c o m f o rt and they are uncomfortable.

You can be glad when that

happens. Words Jesus Matthew 5:11




Psalm IN the

of His hand Words Jeff Ruediger

Why do I continue mourning

To receive the blessings He has sent

Knowing my joy comes in the morning

Although myself I sometimes neglect

Living my life in fear

Under His wing, me, He will protect

Preventing Him from drawing near

He is my refuge and my fortress

Although my heart bleeds

Saving me from my own flesh

Stronger faith is what it needs

Which seeks evil, greed and lust

The desires of this world keep calling

My God, in Him I will trust

But I passionately seek His knowledge

His truth shall be my shield

These trials of life that I think are strange

Unto His word I will yield

I must trust that it’s in the Master’s range

With nothing left to hide

Why do my sins continue to be repeated

Under His shadow I shall abide

Only through Him my enemies will be defeated

Secure in the almighty Shaddai

Through this pain I will grow

For He is the Most High

His amazing peace I will know

In His secret place I will dwell

Many times I could have folded

Delivered from the gates of hell

On the potter’s wheel I am molded

Leading me down the path that’s straight

Even though it does not feel good

His footsteps direct me to Heaven’s Gate

His word assures me it’s for my good

My life is always under construction

Indeed He’s working in my favor

Lessons of Proverbs shall be my instruction

So His perfect will I shall savor

I do not see nor do I understand

I long to be His sweet smelling scent

But I know I’m in the Psalm of His hand



Way St 6




The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact


I want to be a reflection of Christ in all aspects of my life (music, media, relationships, etc.) With the group I want to be obedient to God and make good music that touches the hearts of people and leads them to the cross.

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): I want to keep putting out a few singles and eventually put out a full project as well as visual media.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): I pull my inspiration from everyday life. I often write song titles down in my phone before I write actual songs. A lot of times I have to create my own inspiration when it doesn’t come naturally.

The Substance (what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): Dealing with life outside of the music had been challenging at times. Managing different relationships within and outside of the group has had it’s ups and downs but have made us stronger and drawn us closer to God in a lot of ways.

The Savor (how do you aim

to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): The main thing is making sure I am abiding in Christ daily and staying in community with others.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): www.allCAPSeverything.tumblr.com @_warmitupchris @_warmitupchris 73




(tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): I’m Candace - vocalist in 6 Way, middle school tutor and novice blogger. I’m learning a lot about how God has made me and discovering new passions every day! I would hope to impact culture in a way that encourages creativity (not just in art, but in life) and points people to the truth of the Gospel.

The Spill

(what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): I’m looking forward to making more music with my 6 Way St. family! Our “TGFKAL” EP was just the tip of an iceberg of amazing music that the Lord is working out in us and I can’t wait for people to hear more. Personally, I’m working on a blog/website and I’m SO excited about it! Can’t wait to share.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): It seems like I’m constantly pulling inspiration from everywhere! Life experiences, other people and things I’m currently learning are all things that inspire me.

The Substance (what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): Right now we (6 Way) are not all in the same city (sad face). I feel like I took quite a bit for granted when we all lived in Indianapolis. It’s been a new challenge to manage our time well so we’re still connecting with each other. A high point of my journey with the group was our 2012 trip to the European country of Estonia! It was my first time going overseas and the Lord taught me a whole lot.

The Savor

(how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth):

I want to stay salty by being present in the places God has me right now and with the people He has me serving. I spend a lot of time with middle school students and I’m just praying that the Lord gives me insight and wisdom daily.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): You can reach me @canned_Ace (Twitter and Instagram) and anywhere you can find 6 Way St.! ;) 74


The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): I’m KB. The DJ for 6 Way St. I’m one of the oldest members. I’m married. And probably the more intense personalities in the group. :) I’m an artist but I don’t have an artist mentality! I’m such a planner and so strategic that it’s funny God has given me creative talents. It’s cool though because members like StvG, Chris or K Mase balance me out. They are incredible at what they do and are artists to the core of who they are. I love how we balance each other out. As far as impact on the culture...I would love for believers to impact the culture by the way they live their lives OFF their platforms (aka places of influence).

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season): This season I’m hoping the group will be able to give the people more music and even individually we all will continue to create in our different fields. Either solo projects or graphics or design or blogging or in our individual companies.

The Spark

(what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): Mann...life. Like...for real. Living

life authentically with other broken people will inspire some real content in your art. And if you are walking with The Lord then you get biblical world view on top of all that!

The Substance (what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): Challenges? What challenges? Just kidding... Some of the more common challenges are learning to live and be gracious through our strengths and weaknesses or in our differences. At the beginning we used to bump heads all the time. But as time would pass we would learn to like each other and ultimately The Lord more and more and He would give us grace to grow. The dynamic was kind of like being married but to 6 different people, not just two.

The Savor (how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): A constant pursuit of the Lord keeps me salty, but an awareness of the culture I serve also keeps me salty. I feel like I have a hard time being “salty” amongst the culture when I am not aware of what’s happening in the culture. So I try to be aware and that’s a practical way that I’m able to be salty.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): Website: www.imdjkb.com @imdjkb @imdjkb



The SALT (tell us a bit about you,

and your vision to impact culture):

I’m learning a bit about me every day and the more I learn the more I realize I don’t know much. Ha. I’m just a sinner saved by grace, trying to keep my faith in Christ Jesus and him alone. One thing that I do know is that I exist to show people there’s so much more by communicating an eternal message of love, hope, and redemption, so that perspectives shift and stretch beyond complacency, ya dig?

The Spill

(what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): I plan on dropping a new song this month called Where The Moon Come From. I’m excited about this song because it derived from such an organic place. It’s embodies the message of my beliefs while at the same time pulls on the heart strings of my listeners. It’s very different, but it’s so me. I’m not sure how it’s going to be received because of its creative posture, but we’ll see. My hope is that it inspires one person, if not many.

The Spark

(what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): Nowadays I don’t get inspired by much. But, when I do, it comes in different forms and fashions: I hear, I see, I listen, and pretty much everything generates an idea. Whether I move on that idea or not, I’m constantly depositing them within my creative bank. And whenever I feel like the time is right, I make a withdraw. That



beat drops or my heart pours out, and I began to create. Sometimes it’s spontaneous and sometimes it’s within my prayer time with God. Sometimes I have an idea percolating for months before I feel like I’m ready to communicate it as purposed. I don’t know. When it happens, it happens, and it’s fun!

The Substance

(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): Keeping God first, trusting in his provision for my life, and loving people well. I’ll be the first to say that according to Gods word, I most times feel like I will never add up. That’s why I’m so grateful for Jesus and what he accomplished on the Cross for us who believe. I have had to overcome some major issues within the past few years, from practicing humility to God having to humble me at the same time. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it! Working with the members of 6 Way has blessed me beyond what I could ever realize. They have been reasons to some of my challenges, which has led to high points in my growth.

The Savor

(how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): Oh that’s easy. Keep God first, treat his people with love, staying relevant and current within culture.

The Socialite found online):

(where can you be

@stvg7 @stvg7

The SALT (tell us a bit about you, The and your vision to impact culture): My name is Crystal. I’m one of 6 Way St.’s vocalists. I’m extroverted (but I appreciate my alone time!), I’m an Air Force brat, I like more peanut butter than jelly on my PB&J’s, game nights are my favorite, and I enjoy listening to the radio--just some random things about me :) I feel blessed that God chose to implant in us (6WS) the gift and the love of music. It’s such a cool, universal tool. The hope is that we would use music responsibly and creatively to share the message of Christ. We desire to impact culture by producing quality music and sharing authentic content and through that, we hope to be a part of true life-change, and life-maintained (that’s my first time using “lifemaintained.” I hope you get what I’m trying to say, lol.)

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season): We just want to “spill” ;) some great music this season! Another EP, or two. And, hopefully, a full album next year.

The Spark

(what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): Life. The joys. The failures. The frustrations. The love! My insecurities. My hopes. My prayers. Those are some of my biggest inspirations. Oh, and other great art--like other music, dance, painting, or writing.


(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey):


Giving everyone the space and freedom to express themselves individually while in a group has been a challenge. We’ve experienced the hurt and frustration that can happen when your individuality or freedom of expression gets lost in the attempts to compromise, or sacrifice personal needs and desires to please the others. But we’ve also experienced how awesome it is when we are all freely flowing in our lane, and in our strengths, and how that actually complements the others in the group, and makes the group stronger.

The Savor

(how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth):

By being just as, if not more, intentional about my off-stage life, as I am about my on-stage life. By growing in meditation of His Word. And by staying plugged into authentic community. Being around folks who know everything about me, who I can be honest with and who will hold me accountable.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): @crystalslight @crystalslight 77


K Mase

do Artwork for some cool projects, personally and professionally, hopefully coming out later this year/ early next year.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations):

The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): In case people were wondering… my real name is Kristin. :) I am a vocalist with 6 Way. I play the cello!! I love the mix of classical music with hip hop. I dream big! Since I was kid, my attitude has always been that I don’t want to waste any gifts, talents, or this life that God has given me. The older I get, the stronger this urge is for me. Simply put, I want to glorify God in everything I do! I want to help expand and edify the body of Christ, however God sees fit. It’s amazing that one of the ways I get to do this is through music!!

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season): More music!!! I’m not sure in what format you’ll get it, but I hope that next year sometime we will release another album. I’ve been in a really creative place, making time for the things I love. This is where I thrive! It’s great when things just flow out. I’ve been writing songs, and have opportunities to 78

Lots of things inspire me. Mainly personal life experiences and lessons (I could stop there!), God, my relationship with Him, other music genres like Jazz, original melodies (I usually come up with the melodies first when writing songs and add the lyrics based on the mood/feel of the melody. Same with beats). Anything that challenges me to think in a different way, push the envelope, or do things that have never been done before.

The Substance

(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): The high points: being able to focus on music on a more full-time basis (this is still my hope), writing our own music (collaborating with the other 5 members! We never know how it will turn out in the beginning, but it works out, and is different), honing our craft, meeting new people, and encouraging others through music with a message that is more than just positive, but life-changing! The challenges: not living in the same city (it’s hard, but even so, God is still working things out!), navigating through what it’s like to be an independent group (but it’s great at the same time, just lots of footwork).

The Savor (how do you aim

to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): Staying in God’s word and getting to know it and God on a deeper level every day. Walk out Romans 12:1-2, allowing God to renew my mind and being confident in God’s plan and being set apart. Loving others, being who God created me to be, not being ashamed of the gospel/sharing the gospel. Being obedient, observing, being honest with God, myself, and others… By God’s Grace!.

The Socialite (where can you be found online): @oKMase @oKMase




Words Rachel Miller

I see it all over social media. People proclaiming how “The struggle is real,” or “It’s hard outchea…” Some trial has inconvenienced them once again. It’s not uncommon that all people are faced with difficulties at some point in life. We can stand to forgo another job loss, car accident, miscarriage, natural disaster, and everything else that adds to our countless disadvantages. And often our lack of planning, budgeting, careless driving, and just plain dumb decisions serve as the reason we’re faced with calamities. But even when precautions are taken to avoid the peril, we somehow come up short. Questions of, “If Jesus died so that we may have a new life in Him, why am I still faced with suffering?,” and, “Why do Christians fall victim to every imaginable misfortune?” seem unanswerable in strenuous times. Coming to know the truth reveals that Christians who suffer is less of an oxymoron and more of a guarantee. Although some suffering is endured because of foolish decisions, or being the victim ofsin (absent parents, alcoholic mother produces


mental ill child, etc…), most suffering is the result of The Fall. All of humanity are descendants of Adam, the forefather, making his sin the primary infection of our nature (Rom. 5:12). We were born into a fallen and corrupt world (Rom. 8:20-21; Ps. 51:5), so needless to say, we’ve got it honest. Everyone will suffer to some degree an amount of hardship because of this. And don’t believe the hype– Salvation does not ensure a damage-free life. I’m rest-assured when Jesus said he will give us peace (John 14:27) he wasn’t referring to total ease and tranquility. The new life after conversion is spiritual. And this spiritual life drives our entire outlook on humanity. Having the less than desirable job, and tight finances are not seemingly as difficult to bear compared to the faithless. Parenting a child with a mental or physical handicap is not seen as a death sentence for those who rest in God’s comfort. Paul reminds us that the present sufferings compare nothing to the infamous Glory of the Lord Jesus’ second coming (Rom. 8:18). Our duty is to not primarily focus on finite and


ng Well Rachel Miller is from Chicago, IL. She works in the education field and writes in her spare time. Rachel seeks to glorify God with her life and has a passion for helping young people come to know Christ and His Word deeply.

limited discomfort, but the eternal peace God, the Father, has provided through faith in His Son. Our suffering may further be a way of God disciplining His children. As He allows us to mature in Christlikeness, we can expect tests and temptations. This is not a question of the validity of salvation. How may God measure our faithfulness to Him, if we weren’t at times put to the test to prove our loyalty? 3 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 4 In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. 6 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” 7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is


there whom his father does not discipline? Hebrews 12:3-7 ESV I believe, God pushes us out of our comfort zone, outside of the world, to test our genuine trust in Him. In this we truly become partners with God as we share in the abundance of His power. Jesus said, “…My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). This is a convicting Scripture for me because my sinful nature compels me to believe that I should be comfortable in all situations. However, as I’ve grown in the faith, I realize how life isn’t about me at all. Ultimately, all of life is about God. I serve as only a small part of the puzzle. The trivial things serve not as a hindrance but the vehicle He uses to bring us closer to Him. However, in the meantime, let’s not ponder on the inescapable. We will have troubles (John 16:33). Instead of questioning God’s sovereignty and goodness, we as believers need to devote our suffering to the building of His Kingdom for our joy, other’s encouragement, and His Glory.





The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to impact culture): I got saved when I was 16 years old; prior to that, I thought I knew Jesus and thought I had a relationship with Him because I was a moral guy. Truly, I wasn’t regenerated, until I heard the true preaching of the gospel. Ever since that point my life has been changed and so now, my mission is the great commission to go out into the world, to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. So yes, to wrap it up, it’s to preach the gospel and make disciples whether that is through music or just through my lifestyle.

The Spill

(what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): We just finished the music video for a song I have called “Old and New”. And there are also 4 new songs that I just made. I’m trying to release at least one of them before the year is out and just rock y’all. It’s called “Next Level”. : The other 3 songs, we’re still trying to figure out what we want to do - if we want to save that for the next project or release them as singles. To all my supporters, my followers, I know I’ve been quiet so we’re definitely working to release something before this year is out; then next year you’ll get another body of work.

The Substance (what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): I would say ‘trust’. This is key for me, and I would also say for leaders who have been with the Lord for a while. When you get used to the Christian lingo and how things operate - whether it’s ministry, concerts, or everyday life – it’s easy to feel like you can walk it out by yourself because you know the Bible. So you start spending less 83


time with God because now you feel selfsufficient. Yet when you feel self-sufficient, life doesn’t stop, so you still have real problems and issues that are going on. For me specifically, dealing with anxiety and thinking, “Ok Lord, I know you’re here and I know what your Word says so I’m going to try to figure this out on my own.” So the Lord has really been rocking me with trusting Him, having child-like faith and not worrying. When we get distant in our relationship with Him, like any other relationship, we don’t understand that He is there to walk with us and direct our paths as Proverbs 3:5 says. So I’d say, in all your ways, trust in God with all your heart; lean not unto your own understanding and He shall direct your path.

The Savor

(how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth): Especially as an artist you have people constantly praising you, and can begin to think your music ministry, the audience you’re seeing, and everything just points back to ‘self’. But Jesus says if He be lifted up, it draws us unto Him. So being salt for the church is understanding that it’s not just about doing stuff for Jesus - it’s about being with Jesus. Continuing to be in-filled with the Holy Spirit and be led by Him, so we live an effective life and do not become disqualified like Paul warned. Salt is also a preservative, so Jesus not only saves us, but the Holy Spirit also preserves us and He keeps us until we see Him. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on the real mission, which is advancing Christ’s kingdom, not ours.

The Socialite

(where can you be found

online): www.rapzilla.com/offseason @justserge_ @justserge_



Saved By Grace Words LeCresha Durham

LeCresha, a native Texan, graduated from Prairie View A&M University in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting & Finance. During her initial pursuit of a CPA license, she had an overwhelming desire to share the Awesome News of Christ & serve people in their study and application of the Bible, which led her to her current pursuit of a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. 84


“Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins” Ecclesiastes 7:20

Take a perfectionist and sit her before a perfect God. The outcome: her imperfections are exposed. Take a self-righteous girl and sit her before a Holy God. The outcome: her failed attempts at obtaining righteousness on her own are like filthy rags. The pride that masked the flawed aspects of her character, her heart, and her mind is being chiseled away by the God who created every aspect of her being. How can she be prideful about who she is, and what she can accomplish when she did not have the wisdom, the resources, or the ability to create “herself?”. She had to be created by someone else, and she lives amongst other things and beings that were created by someone other than her. Her existence is a present reality only because the Creator purposed for her to breathe His air. His air. It is air that He “allows” her to breathe for His glory. How dare she attempt to rob God of His glory?! For many years, she pressured herself… and others to live a life of perfection. While others praised her outward perfection, her inward imperfections were laid bare before the God who knows the minds and searches the heart of His creation. There is nothing hidden from God. God saw her pride, her faithlessness, and her stubborn heart, just as He saw the idolatrous acts the elders committed “in the dark” rooms of the temple (Ezekiel 8), and just as He saw Adam and Eve when they attempted to hide themselves after they disobeyed God (Genesis 3). God knows we can never live up to His standards in our own strength and wisdom. One of God’s

responses to our sinful nature, flawed character and inadequacies is Grace. He sees our hidden and visible sin and He blesses us with conviction and repentance. He sees our shame and He clothes us in Christ’s righteousness. He sees our wretchedness and He gives us the gift of sanctification. He sees our flaws and He gives us His Holy Spirit. The truth is: Hope in ourselves is false hope. No matter what we attain, who we have, or what we are called to accomplish in this life, we are in desperate need of the Lord every moment of every day; we have no valid reason to boast in ourselves. The awesome news is that while we are in desperate need of the Lord, we have Him and He will never leave us nor forsake us when we have faith in Him. “Oh wretched woman (man) that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7) The thought that perfection can be and would be obtained in this life, that I had to earn my own salvation has changed from a truth to a lie in my mind;I am no longer heavy burdened. His word is true: for His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). God is faithful. He who began a good work in me (and you) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1). It is a blessing to be able to rest in the perfect work of the Lord. Rest in Him. I am flawed, yet saved by Grace. We are flawed, yet saved by Grace. Praise God! http://thrivesojourner.blogspot.com /LeCreshaDp @CreshaDp @CreshaDp




Chosen Generation Words Shanae Hardy



Artists. Servants. Fashion Enthusiasts. Producers. Twenty one-year-old twins, Taylor and Tyler Pratt are igniting their vision of influencing culture with the fuel of serving Christ—they are A Chosen Generation. Taylor and Tyler, Oklahoma natives, relocated to Orlando, Fla. almost three years ago to expand their education in music business and recording engineering at Full Sail University. The change of environment perpetuated creative encounters and opportunities that allowed for the growth of A.C.G to be set in motion. “The reason we came up with A Chosen Generation is based off of I Peter2:9, ‘you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,’. Our vision for it is to

be an influence in the music and in the arts and entertainment industry because we are more than just musicians, we are artists,” Tyler described, “We just want to make an impact and draw people towards God instead of something negative.” “I guess in the simplest terms, A Chosen Generation just means a generation that is chosen to change every aspect. For us, it’s to change urban music. A Chosen Generation is about everybody in every respective industry,” Taylor added. During the summer, A.C.G launched their first music video, “A Man with a Plan.” The Pratt brothers developed the idea of starting a kickstarter campaign to help raise funds for the production of the video. They exceeded their original goal by over 130 percent. Although, they witnessed massive support, the challenges and rewards of being independent artists continues to manifest itself throughout their purpose pursuit. Tyler, the business element of A.C.G, neatly deducted his perception of challenges as an independent, working artist via levels. His creative articulation changed to an eagerness when he told of the motif behind their latest project,” A Man with a Plan.” The song sketches the obstacle of being music driven while having to maintain a standard of life. The next level of challenge was the emotional barrier between dedicating a life to music through education and hard work and people not supporting the vision, he said.

“Some people in our family, personally, don’t understand. A lot of people have the idea of rap but they don’t take a lot of people seriously that do that with their life.” Taylor, the illustrative engineer of A.C.G, compiled his brother’s challenges into their revelation. “It’s kind of hard developing a sound and everything at the same time. A high point is when it all works,” he concluded while smirking with content. The Pratt brothers practice being the salt of a Godless industry on a daily basis. They start by satisfying their desire for Christ through devotions and serving a ministry that has captured and motivated the talents of young adults in Orlando called The Voice. They have learned to purge their physical temple of the effects of pop culture and urban music in order to sustain distinctive influence as being God driven and not falling prey to the industry’s alluring temptation. In the future, Taylor and Tyler want to earn recognition for their talent while branding A.C.G as an idea. They want to fulfill being “in and not of” by leaking their idea of being a “chosen generation and royal priesthood” into every crevice of culture including fashion, visual arts, and entertainment. “It’s about being chosen to be a game changer in your industry for God and being dope and talented,” Tyler revealed. /ACGiiix @ACGmusic_ instaprattt (Tyler Pratt), artisill (Taylor Pratt)




I no longer look for a reason to run because on His Word I plant my feet

I mimic righteousness not wickedness, therefore I have no reason to flee Firmly planted with Christ as my foundation

The root of His seed manifested in me can produce much needed change for this generation Spiritual direction received from directly above Now with my boldness I humbly confess that I am in but not of This world so I’m not quick to follow their customs But for the sake of preserving His message I am extra attentive to walk in love



n art Proverbs 28:1

Words Ashley Hodges

In hopes that those exposed will learn to confess and forsake their sins to obtain mercy In the love that covered the multitude of our sins to keep us free. Godliness gives me the strength I never knew I had before I’m far from being Katie Perry but every time I speak they hear me roar! Making noise for the everlasting Kingdom of God That seeks to find the lost and give healing to the wounded, broken, and scarred. There is a vain pursuit in the fleeing of the wicked But the King of kings establishes his righteous and makes us confidently bold as a lion




Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the

God-flavors of this earth 90


If you lose your

saltiness, how will people taste

godliness? You’ve lost your

usefulness and will end up in the garbage. Words Jesus Matthew 5:13 (MSG)




We will not be bullied by the culture, or silenced by unrighteousness. We have the hope that many are searching for, and will not be ashamed of that Good News. We will not shy away from darkness, but will “turn up� our light for those that are stumbling. #TurnDownForWhat? We are flawed, but we will not hide or agree with our sin. We boast in weaknesses so Christ can be strong in us.


We will carry our Biblical worldview into every industry of the sciences and the arts, because they belong to God, not man. #CantKeepUsOut We are the salt of the earth, sent to preserve and ignite an appetite for truth, beauty, and creativity. #TasteAndSee We are undercover aliens, here to serve and love you to life. #CantStopWontStop

Signed, Saltshakers Worldwide


Ezekiel 94


The SALT (tell us a bit about you, and your vision to

hearing! I’m trying just to lip sync for God’s heart.

impact culture):

The Substance

I am a husband and father of 3 lovely girls. I believe that family is an important ministry, and with that every minister should steward it well. My gift is using words to impact lives with Truth, therefore, I consider myself to be a lyrical evangelist. My vision to impact culture prayerfully reflects that of Christs’. I know that most messages I present may not be politically correct but my motto is, “Don’t sugar coat the message if they’re spiritually diabetic.” I want to continue to promote transparency, boldness, and Christian authenticity to a generation that has every excuse to be consumed with distractions.

The Spill (what projects are you planning to serve up this season ): I am very excited about my plans for 2015. My team, along with others are in the midst of strategically planning in every area of my career. You can be sure that there will be elements we produce that have been unseen in the genre of Spoken Word Poetry. I am working hard towards releasing an album next year that will highlight my spoken word as well as my lesser known rap career. All in all, I suggest supporters expect the unexpected, and that’s exactly how I like it.

The Spark (what inspired your idea or where do you pull your inspirations): When it comes to spoken word for me, it’s not easy to just randomly write. My pieces are derived from impactful personal experiences or heavy concerns I feel God has laid upon me. You can call me the “Milli Vanilli” of Urban Art, trust me, it’s not my voice you’re


(what have been some of the challenges & high points of the journey): One of the main challenges for me has been balance. I am still learning how to develop my craft consistently, while watering the important relationships in my life. With this in mind, I intentionally pay close attention to my marriage now more than ever. In the season when my platform first began to expand, I was the “Yes Man”. I would do anything and everything all in the name of building the kingdom. I was juggling being the youth minister, music director at church, serious college student, an exemplary employee, and a newlywed all at the same time! I can candidly say, I was a mess! Not to mention my personal relationship with God was taking the backseat to my “work for Him”. I had to realize that God had to be priority and His Word was meant to dictate how everything else fell in place on my to do list. I began to say, “No” a lot more and make conscious strides to let my family know their place was second only to God in my life. This will always be an area I plan to guard carefully, but I’m happy to say, I’ve gotten a whole lot better!

As far as high points, I would definitely have to say the “awe” moments really make it worth it! It seems like God never fails in this area. I’m constantly in awe of all the testimonies I receive in response to poems that I’ve done. I don’t take moments like that lightly and they act as fuel in my tank when I find myself running on fumes. It’s also very refreshing to see that this art form that I feel so knitted to is exploding on such a global level. I often take “Selah” moments to step back and give God his due praise, because it’s simply too big for me to take credit for.


The Savor

(how do you aim to remain SALTY in your daily commission as salt of the earth):

The Socialite

I have a passionate drive in my life to be the Church every chance I get. I think time has come when we as Christians need to start being the Church because we’ve “had church” quite enough. I’m doing a lot of street evangelism these days, going into the prisons and jails and any where I can to share the hope of the gospel. I simply don’t believe that God has only called me to do events where I share memorized (though God inspired) pieces, take pics, sign autographs and go back home. I truly feel led to use any influence I have to get my hands dirty and that’s what I intend to do.




(where can you be found online):

/wordsbyezekiel @wordsbyezekiel @wordsbyezekiel



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