Volume 3 Issue 3: EXCELLENCE

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Volume 3 Issue 3






Volume 3 Issue 3

In This Issue SEASONED COLUMNS 10 Truth by Malischa Oge 12 Beauty by Dayra Galarza 14

Purity by Malischa Oge


Faith and Government by Deanna Baxam


Fitness and Spirituality by Natalia Crosdale


Finances and Business by Riolene Ibok


Family and Family by Suzanne Delica


Future and Media by Alex Hanse


Fun and Education by Suzanne Delica


Friends and Entertainment by Barnabas Johnson


Made in His Image by Carlie Harford


Unwrapping Rap by Ty Scott King


Free Gifts Anyone? by Moesha McAfee




Friends and Entertainment by Barnabas Johnson



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Volume 3 Issue 3

ForeTaste The overall theme for this issue is excellence and how wisdom audibly takes us to that place of operating in our purpose with excellence. Excellence is defined as the quality of being outstanding or extremely good; an outstanding feature or quality. Meanwhile, Wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. In order to be excellent, one must be perpetually wise in their judgments, knowledgeable about life, the arts, and the sciences, and dressed in the garment of truth—which is only perceived through experience. To a younger person, this may seem like an accomplishment only for Grandma Matty and Grandpa Joe. The glorious revelation is that excellence is for anyone that desires it because God says in getting wisdom, get understanding. And that has no age requirement. The caveat, however, is that you have to be committed to work heartily, with quality and intention sealing the marks of your legacy. This must be the motto for every aspect of your life. Since we are dynamic people with complex souls (and lives), it can be overwhelming to try and give each part of you the quality time that it needs. This would take setting appointments with each, probably one per day per week, in addition to juggling the various worlds you are a part of. How can a person become an excellent juggler? Well…I do not know and that is not what this issue is going to teach you! Nonetheless, I do have some candid advice for you: align the worlds around you with your purpose; achieve balance

in your life; allow your personal vision to justify your choices; attract only good people and things; and ask God to order your steps, daily. In order to be excellent, you must engage all five senses (i.e., taste, smell, touch, hearing, and sight) in order to do, think, speak, and relate intently. Now why does that matter? (You may be thinking: Suzanne, you are getting a little too deep or maybe you feel like I’m rambling…that’s okay!) The point: often you say you want to be good at what you do; you want people to appreciate your work; you want to leave a legacy beyond your cool selfies (self-photos) on Instagram and Facebook. But how about first be good at being you! Operate in your full capacity! Ignite your potential and turn it into kinetic dreams, energizing movements, thought-provoking books, ground-breaking inventions, and forward-looking policies! In everything you do, personal and professional, let the compelling fragrance of quality radiate through your fingertips and into your work. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. -Colossians 3:23-24 ESV Now I present to you 7x7 sectors for life alignment and positive influence as you voyage into the depths of your soul and debut your excellence to the worlds around you. God speed!

Suzanne Delica


7 Sectors of Worldly Influence

Faith Fitness Finances Family Future Fun Friends

Government Spirituality Business Family Media Education Entertainment & Arts 8




Christian By Malischa Oge

I came across a very enlightening situation recently, where the reality of things hit me right between the eyes. I was waiting for my next class to begin, when a friend of mine exited a class that just finished. We greeted and I asked how his class was. He told me



that it was a world religion class, then sighed and continued to say he can feel himself slipping further and further away from his faith. Being that he was openly gay, my next reaction of was to ask, well what is your faith? He replied as if I had just asked a stupid question: “a Christian [duh]!” (He said the “duh” part without really saying it if you know what I mean.) I was a little shocked, but had to admit I had similar encounters before. Bible-based Christians in my age group of twenty-somethings are a rare commodity these days. I definitely don’t know all the answers, but I thought I knew the basis of Christianity and what I stand for. But more and more, I meet these young “believers” that have varying views and versions of Christianity that differ from the core principles I thought were established. I didn’t even know there could be different versions of the truth! It seems many of us skew, distort, and attempt to mold Christianity into whatever makes us comfortable -- and if I don’t constantly give myself an evaluation I could end up lying to myself as well. We sometimes change Christianity into something that won’t make us feel guilty for doing what we know deep down is wrong and against Christ. We constantly amend the Word of God, and omit or edit parts of the Bible to serve ourselves and our not so


Christ-like lifestyles. But isn’t that what being a Christian means... BEING CHRISTLIKE? We take the premise that God loves us unconditionally, and twist it to believe we can live life however we want and still have the grace and favor of God. We tell ourselves that as long as we continue to SAY we are Christians that God will accept the contrary way in which we live and embrace us when we stand before Him. Unfortunately, the more you are surrounded by peers that do this the easier it is for you to fall into the same trap. I’ve caught myself slipping into those patterns a time or two, and the only way I got back on track was to really evaluate what was written in the Scriptures and not what those around me say. I really had to take a hard look at the truth that God inspired in his Word, and another hard look at the way that I was living each day. Then I compared them both to see if there was any contrast. In Matthew 12:33 Christ himself said that “A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad.” (That’s the NLT version) This verse speaks for itself and Christ did not beat around the bush when He said it. If you say you’re a Christian, your lifestyle and actions should reflect that statement. Anything other than that are just words…plain and simple.


I’m a Fashion Design student at the Fashion Institute of Technology, and my goal in writing these articles is to show Christian women and men that you can be on trend yet dress modestly. Whether you like fashion but don’t know how to put pieces together, or you keep up with the trends but don’t know how to make them modest, I’m here to help you out! I believe that modesty is vital, especially in our culture. God created everyone fearfully and wonderfully, so why not let the outside be a reflection of your beautiful heart? 12



Let’s be real, fall weather can be very awkward to dress in. It’s too hot to wear a sweater, and too cold to wear a sundress. Here are some tips and trends I found to help you stay modest, stylish, and appropriate for the changing temperature. In the first outfit we have a denim shirt, layered tulle skirt, and sandals. For accessories, we have a collar necklace and a bright orange purse. I love that the skirt is not only a fun piece, but is great for any body shape. It accentuates the waist, which is the smallest part of your figure - but if God blessed you with more junk in the trunk than the average female, this will cover it in a modest and fun way. This ensemble is just a concept, so you can replace any of these pieces with similar finds in your closet. Feel free to put your own twist and personality into your outfit!

fold of fabric at the hips, it’s either too tight or too loose. Unless there is a stylized drape to your skirt or pants, it should lay flat and smooth. At this moment you might be thinking, “Yeah, this is great and all, but where in the world can I find these pieces?” Personally, I love to go to thrift stores just to see what they have. If you’re not the thrift store kind of person, I’d check Forever 21, H&M, and Cotton On. However, don’t limit yourself to these stores. Around this time of year you can find amazing sales because stores are trying to make room for their fall stock. No matter what you’re wearing, let it be a reflection of how incredibly amazing God has made you inside. Have fun, have confidence, and stay classy salt shakers!

Our second look is called “street style”. I love this look because the most important part is confidence. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true! You can wear two completely different patterns, but if you wear it boldly, people will think you look amazing - because you do! Here, we used a printed shirt, a black jacket, army green cargo pants, and white heels. For accessories we have a knitted navy blue and white beanie and a chocolate brown, knitted infinity scarf. This outfit is another one that will work on any figure! The pants are a great fit, and the top is loose and comfortable. Street style is meant to be fun, youthful, and catered to your personality. Don’t be afraid to take risks! If you’re ever stuck trying to figure out an ensemble, first; break it down to the type of clothes (i.e. shirt, pants, jackets), then add colors or prints (floral, stripes, etc). Finally, add accessories (necklace or earrings). Next, check the fit. If you see any sort of crease or 13


B LAMELES S By Malischa Oge


That word has never really been a scary word for me. I was pretty much born in the church. I dedicated my life to Christ at the age of 13, and it’s been a crazy ride with Christ ever since. Back then, it seemed so easy to follow Christ, to do devotions every day, to write songs and memorize verses. I was young, no social life, very innocent, and the world was a very different place.



I AM A VIRGIN. That word has never really been a scary word for me... until now. I am 23 years old and the only place I seem to be able to come up for a breath of fresh air is in my alone time with God. Between nonChristian friends, school, work, movies, music, and just everyday life - every other word seems like it has to do with sex, or just sin in general. Things are not so simple anymore. I took being a tween for granted and didn’t really understand what it meant when the Word told me that I would be tempted and that I would go through trials and tribulations. I thought my biggest problem would be accidently cursing when I was with my middle school friends from my private christian school; but the world is much scarier now. I didn’t realize I was going to grow up to feel and see different things that would make me want to break that vow with Christ. I didn’t realize that peer pressure was such a strong and prevalent force. And I definitely didn’t realize that the fear of being ridiculed or looked at as not fun or “the church girl” would make me want to compromise the essence of who I am. How do I compete with that as a young Christian?!... Deep. Breath. I realized recently that we as God’s flawed and sinful natured children cannot compete with that...at least


NOT ON OUR OWN. I am constantly reminded that I am weak, but I am also constantly reminded that God is strong. God is my strength, GOD IS OUR STRENGTH. A few months ago I found a passage that just clicked, and I knew God was speaking with me. It was one of those “when you know, you know” moments. Anyway, the passage is Philippians 2:15-16 and in it Paul reminds us to strive and fight as hard as we can to be blameless and innocent in the midst of such a perverted world and a twisted generation, his words not mine! He reminds us that we are lights in this world where there seems to be only darkness and that when we go before God we want to be proud of who we were on earth and how we hung on with all of our might to what God said in his Word so that nothing we did was in vain. When I catch a glimpse of how much God loves me and then feel how much I love Him I want so desperately to be the epitome of what Paul describes. I am definitely no angel. I have things to work on as a Christian, as do the rest of us. And I am certainly no better than anyone else. But the next time it comes up that I’m a virgin, instead of shying away from the matter I want to be able to embrace it. I want others to ask and be curious because that’s “my in”! That’s my way of letting others know a little bit about the best and the most difficult thing that has ever happened to me. That’s my MO.


DOMINION Is The New Black

God’s Order for Government in This New Millennium By Deanna Baxam



One meaning of the word “faith” is a strongly held belief or theory. This is the context in which many of us see faith – as a collection of beliefs to which people become attached or to which they pledge their allegiance. Let’s call this ideological faith. When we look at faith in this way, it’s easy to see how a belief system can evolve into a consuming ideology, and how belief-driven ideologies have affected the state of our world, most often not for the better. It becomes even more complicated when ideologies that originated in a religious belief become entangled, over time, with the socio-political views of our own society or the world at large. Then, ideological faith can become destructive. No one needs fresh reminders of this. Our history is replete with accounts of people killing people in the name of

religion. Nowadays, there are those who ferociously advocate ugly positions in modern politics that are based, quite alarmingly, on ideological faith. In the last American elections, for example, I was horrified and pained to hear Christians talk with scorn and hatred about the president of the United States because he did not fit their social, political or religious ideals of who our President should be. In fact, based on this behavior, I’d venture to theorize that ideological faith can become so twisted with political and other biases that it becomes uprooted from its religious moorings altogether. That is what I believe happened when many Christians, who by definition embrace the belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, chose to support a presidential candidate from a religion that does not believe in the deity of Christ, because that candidate supposedly reflected their “values.” Yes, it can be quite confusing, this ideological kind of faith. Even more troubling is the fact that this belief system requires no personal accounting for how the ideology we support lines up with the religious principles we claim to believe in.

Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.



As I pondered the connection between faith and government, I realized that one could think of the word “faith” in very different ways. In fact, our approach to faith can dramatically affect this faithgovernment connection.

There is another definition of faith. When we take faith in its most personal interpretation, we see a paradigm for power that goes way beyond a passionate ideology that lacks personal accountability. This definition interprets faith as a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. For Christ-followers, this faith looks beyond what we understand or what we know from religion, and instead focuses our unwavering trust and confidence in the nature and character of God. I call this Kingdom faith. Unlike ideological faith, which is based in our understanding of a set of beliefs that requires little or no personal accountability, Kingdom faith relies entirely on God to be and do what He said He would do, in us as individuals, and in every area of life where we are to be an influence. It also holds us accountable for living according to what God said we should do and can do. Jesus often talked about the “Kingdom.” For many years we’ve read the gospels and thought He was talking about Heaven! But, if we look closer, we see He could not possibly be equating the Kingdom of God with Heaven. When He was questioned by the Pharisees, Jesus told them they wouldn’t see the Kingdom through observation, but rather the Kingdom was within them. He obviously couldn’t have meant Heaven, then, could He? When Adam and Eve were first given possession of the Garden, they relied entirely on God, on who He said they were, what He said they should do, and for what authority they had. And they had plenty of authority! God gave them the power to name everything in the Garden. They had dominion over the territory that had been assigned to them. God Himself didn’t name anything He made, except for the man. Adam and Eve named everything else. If you think about it, what you call a person, a thing, a situation–how you describe it–influences the way you perceive its relationship to you and its influence on you. Adam and Even sinned and lost their place of dominion, but Jesus came to restore it and to set humanity back in its rightful place in God’s creation, in the Garden. The prophet Isaiah, in foretelling the birth of Christ, said “the government will be upon His shoulders,” and that “of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” The Hebrew word used here for government is misrah, which means dominion or rule. Jesus came with dominion, and He came to restore humankind to our place of dominion. His death on the cross in atonement for mankind’s sin restored the broken scepter of rule that God intended for us to have before Adam and Eve traded it away. When we accept the sacrifice of Christ for our own lives, the framework is laid for receiving that scepter again for Kingdom rule over the territories assigned to us, the same kind of rule Adam and Eve had before things went awry. 18


As Isaiah pointed out, there is no conceived limit or end to the dominion rule of Christ’s Kingdom, the Kingdom that is within us. Therefore, when we put Kingdom faith to work, we will begin to do the things Adam and Eve could do in the beginning. We will name the righteous outcome in the situations of social injustice we pray about. We will, through prayer for our leaders, invoke peace and dignity into our daily existence. If we exercise even the smallest kernel of Kingdom faith we can speak to the mountain before us, and it will move itself right out of its position and into the sea. Political schemes that seem so anti-God can be moved away as our leaders make righteous decisions. The impossible will become possible when we speak with His authority. God has prepared people to lead in government who will go into political contests, legislative sessions, courtroom proceedings and offices of public service with Kingdom faith and a clear understanding of the dominion authority God gave them. Others will lead in prayer and proclamation of God’s word, and

the result will be that governmental and political dilemmas will resolve before our eyes. I firmly believe the latest near-war escalation of words followed by detente between the US and Syria was resolved through prayer. There were people praying who were led by the heart of God, and some American church leaders openly called for a day of prayer and fasting as well. The result was that just when military action seemed inevitable, a solution opened up that could save many lives. Imagine every believer in Christ beginning to understand the authority he or she has been given by God to pray, speak and act in every sphere of human life. We would have an army of believers who begin to wield that authority to influence governments and nations in amazing ways, some through actions, some through positioning, and some through prayer behind the scenes. That’s what we need in this new millennium. It’s the kind of supernatural Kingdom faith that will change the world. It’s dominion. And that’s what’s up.

Is your


keeping you from God? by Natalia Crosdale

We serve a loving and living God. Our loving and living God warns us against lust, gluttony, avarice/ greed, sloth/discouragement, wrath, envy and pride/ vanity. Feeding anxieties, doubts and frustrations with vices like recreational drugs, prescriptions, and a poor diet, you miss out on feeding your spirit with the meat of prayer. Spending time communing with God in prayer and/or fasting brings forth a sense of peace and clarity. Spending time exercising reduces stress levels, builds confidence, and accelerates the body’s release of toxins. For example, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), obesity increased from 15% to 34% in adults from 1988 to 2008. Also reported was the increase in prescription drug use from 25% to 31% in 2007-2008 alone, most common were anti-depressants for middle-aged adults and cholesterol reducing drugs for the elderly populous. In May 2008 an article was released highlighting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) lowered “value of statistical life” of 6.9 million USD, a decrease of roughly $1 million dollars from 5 years prior. What this means is that the less value the government 20

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. –1 Corinthians 6:19-20

places on a life, the less likely there is to be a justification for strict regulation and/or restrictions on pollution and other environmental dangers. What does this have to do with your physical fitness and spirituality? Everything! How can you be valued if you don’t value yourself? Our loving and living God established the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 as a guideline for how the Israelites were to conduct themselves. In spite of our loving and living God providing food, water, and victory early on, the people still, in Moses’ absence, turned to idol worship, bowing down and bringing burnt offerings to a golden calf. In Exodus15-40, the Israelites are featured wandering in the desert for 40 years. In their disobedience, roughly three thousand of the people were killed. Much like the EPA decreasing the value of a life, their disobedience devalued theirs. Through obedience there is no sacrifice. The Lord admonishes us in roughly 64 verses in the Bible to treat our bodies well and understand that it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Here are a few:


You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord. –Leviticus 19:28 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. –Romans 12:1-2 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. –1 Corinthians 10:31 The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. –Matthew 6:22 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions – is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. –1 John 2:15-17

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. –Matthew 10:28 As it is my eager expectation ad hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. –Philippians 1:20 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! –Psalm 139: 13-18 But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. –Romans 14:23

Your body is a temple, so exercise and other healthy disciplines are a form of prayer. Let us not be foolish in this area. 21



& Business by Riolene Ibok

Jasmine and Isaiah, age 6 and 4, respectively, were generally the first children at the daycare at 7:00 AM and the last ones to leave at 6:30 or 7:00 PM. Arriving home between 7:30 and 8:00 PM, it was always a quick meal followed by a bath before the entire process began again around 5:00 AM the next day. To further add to the challenges, these two young children required a lot of attention from their father and I . However, the majority of their day to day care became my primary responsibility. Between the stress of caring for my two young children and the demands of work, I went from a size 12 to a size 4 within less than a year. As my health spiraled out of control, I began to lose my hair. No potions or hair care treatment could control the clumps of hair that shed on my business clothes. I also became short tempered with my husband and children. I often had to apologize to the children for being so snappy. All I desired was to stay in bed to enjoy the silence of a house without a husband or children or even envision my own “woman cave” free from the demands of family and work. While my joy and peace were being sucked out of me, I came to the realization that I had two options: either continue to work in corporate America as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or find


some other form of employment that compliments my role as a mother of two young children. In 2009, I gradually began to explore the possibility of starting an accounting practice in the midst of the financial recession. Out of fear, I became an “unofficial” partner of a friend’s Miami-based firm. Within a very short period of time, I realized my discontent with being an “unofficial” partner because I had minimal input in terms of the direction of the company despite providing the financial started-up cost for the Georgia location where I lived. Unfortunately, that realization came about $10,000+ too late. In November 2010, although still fearful, I started the process all over again. With minimal capital and being a glutton for punishment, I began discussions with another one of my classmates for the creation of another promising business venture. Unlike, my first attempt, I realized from inception that this business partnership would not last beyond the business school semester because this individual’s only contribution was her opinion. Since I was the most enthusiastic one about this venture, I continued down the scary road called “self-employment” alone.


Lord, I believe; help my unbelief. – Mark 9:23-25 (NKJV) No one believed I could travel this road because I did not have an influential name that would cause people to gravitate towards me for CPA services. I also did not have influential friends who could refer clients to my practice. I also did not have friends or family members that were business owners. The initial process of birthing this dream felt like navigating through a vast ocean while using two dinner knives as paddles. However, I had an influential God named Jesus. Then a glimmer of hope came, surprisingly, from another prospective business partner, Marie. After signing the lease to a 750 square foot store front, I met a person that would be a key contributor in this journey. Marie introduced me to Ernest, an individual who had several tax preparation businesses in Florida as well as Georgia. Ernest had been in the business for over eight years and these businesses were financially successful. He knew how to market to my target area, so I joined his company as an affiliate. This relationship allowed for staff and sales trainings and gave me some much-needed morale support. Although I loved the professional career of a CPA, I loathed the idea of prospecting people for the sole purposes of selling my services. During that same time, I completed my second semester of business school which gave me an additional level of confidence in terms of how to successfully operate a business.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of host. ¬– Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV) In January 2011, Accounting & Tax Advisory Group opened its doors to the Metro-Atlanta area. Surely, generating business would be an easy task. After all, I had the education, CPA designation, and professional experience. Unfortunately, I built it and the customers did not come. When the idea of completing 30 to 50 tax returns a day quickly faded, I had no choice but to begin to immerse myself in my faith and soon enough I was extremely content to even complete one per day. Yet, there were weeks where not even one customer walked through the doors. I began to invest in various forms of advertisements including post card flyers, and live Uncle Sam custom characters to direct traffic to my store front. On frigid days in February and March, I would visit the surrounding businesses to place coupons and flyers at the much busier business establishments. All these efforts resulted in minimal revenue. When I continued to


obtain minimal results from the physical activities I was performing, I began the intense prayers. Although I was praying throughout the journey, I managed the business as if my terms and professional knowledge were enough. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” – 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV) Despite the slow revenue streams, failure was not an option because I desperately desired the flexibility of being a working mommy. I had nothing else to hold onto but the promises of God for my life and I had no one to voice the struggles I endured. I prayed constantly using specific versus in the Bible to keep me motivated and to speak life to a situation that appeared to be on life support. Moments when I was all prayed-out, I played praise and worship music. Despite feeling like I was swimming against the currents of success, my children and my faith gave me the strength each day to try again. From week to week, I gave myself an evaluation. This self-evaluation focused on what I did wrong, what I learned from the mistakes I made, and how to prevent the mistakes from happening again. I also evaluated what I did correctly and how to continue the winning streak. At the end of March 2011, I closed my new location for the season despite having a three week window between March and the April 15th tax filing deadline. I began to work from home to minimize operating cost such as staff payroll and utilities. At this point, I had accumulated a few clients but the revenues generated were nowhere near my corporate America salary as a CPA. Nonetheless, I was grateful for every sale that I was able to generate from the services I provided through the business. During this time, I also worked as a subcontractor for another womanowned CPA firm. This firm provided steady stream of audit income. It also provided much needed encouragement because this individual’s background was similar to mine and she, over the past 10 years, had generated revenues in the millions in her CPA practice. I believe it was the Lord showing me that if He can do it for her then surely He can do the same for me. However, the experience soon ended because this individual wanted to hire a full-time staff and I know I did not want to give up on my practice. After that relationship ended, I continued to operate the store front and increase my client base in the community. I also experienced another small victory. The Internal Revenue required all non-CPAs, attorneys, and enrolled agents to pass a registered tax preparer exam. For the first time I felt like I was on the right side of government


legislation because I was not required to take such exams. To take advantage of this opportunity, Ernest hired me as an instructor to teach the required tax course. While working for Ernest, I still had my steady customer base and I was finally able to stabilize the business revenue streams. However, that opportunity came to an abrupt end on Jan. 18, 2013 when the United States District Court for the District of Columbia enjoined the Internal Revenue Service from enforcing the regulatory requirements for registered tax return preparers. I thought this was a


minor delay that would soon be resolved. Unfortunately, it has yet to be resolved.

I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another. – Isaiah 42:8 (NKJV) Accounting & Tax Advisory Group is one avenue of provision that the Lord has used to bless my life and to bless other people with my professional talents. I remind myself daily that there are consequences to leaning on the people, other businesses, and even legislation, but the Lord will allow those various channels to be closed (whether temporarily or permanently) rather than for me to lose my faith in Him. In addition, despite the mountains of challenges, I often remind myself that I am not the first women to attempt this endeavor. There were many Proverbs 31 women that came before me and if God has blessed them, then I know He can do the same for me. Accounting & Tax Advisory Group continues to be open for business and there is no doubt we have the expertise and capability to operate in excellence. However, as the second in command (with the Lord being first), I am reminded that the Lord placed me in this position not because of mere knowledge or talents but because of His grace and mercy. Whether I have no clients or millions, my love and respect for the Lord should be the same. The Lord is not an ATM or a microwave oven with instant results available on demand. Instead my walk with the Lord is one of trust and faith daily. Do I get discouraged at times? Most definitely. However, the Lord’s delays are not denials.



by Suzanne Delica

Why did God create family when He created Adam and Eve? Were the animals not friendly enough and did the trees not provide enough shade? A wood fire for warmth…and God, Himself, the greatest companion…surrounded them all their days. The sky revealed stars and planets, although light years away. It had to be the most beautiful sight—the ability to gaze upon the colorful masterpiece day and night. Yet, God insisted that Adam and Eve procreate, as if His works were incomplete: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” –Genesis 1:28 (ESV) So, God made man in his own image, male and female, and blessed them to make families.

Family is important to God and should be just as important to us. But, if we do not cherish our relationships with our parents, children, relatives, and friends, how can family survive these perilous times? Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration. “How can Satan cast out Satan?” he asked. “A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse. Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.” – Mark 3:23-25 (NLT) Since the 1980s, 40-50% of marriages end in divorce But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. –1 Corinthians 7:2 (ESV) Cheating Survey Finds That People Cheat With People Less Attractive Than Their Spouses Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. –Genesis 2:24 Why So Many Gen Y Men Live With Their Parents

But why?

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. –Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)

FAMILY, n. [L. familia.]

Juvenile Crime On The Rise

1. The collective body of persons who live in one house and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children and servants, and as the case may be, lodgers or boarders.

The wicked die and disappear, but the family of the godly stands firm. –Proverbs 12:7 (NLT) The answer to the why is because God knew the power of family.

2. Those who descend from one common progenitor; a tribe or race; kindred; lineage. Thus the Israelites were a branch of the family of Abraham; and the descendants of Reuben, of Manasseh, etc. were called their families. The whole human race is the family of Adam, the human family.

To be bonded by an idea of a shared Creator would eventually fade.

3. Course of descent; genealogy; line of ancestors.

Thus, we must protect the essence of “family” by protecting one another.

4. A team of players you cannot pick, but somehow seem to fit like a glove; a hand of individual fingers connected by a palm; a unit of members bonded by blood to triumph over trials and rejoice over victories together. “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” –Romans 8:17 (NIV)


But, to be bonded by the Blood is everlasting. It is through this blood that life sustains life.

We must respect marriage and advocate procreation. But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. –1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV) A Family That Prays Together, Stays Together


Future & Media with Alex Hanse

I remember seeing Alex during our matriculation at the University of Florida. He was everywhere to the point that I thought he had a twin. So, I am not surprised at all that he ended up pursuing a career that puts him in direct contact with people! The most memorable thing I remember about Alex is that he always wore a kid’s Finding Nemo book bag. It was easy to spot him in a crowd because of that darn thing. Fast forward some years and he is working on a degree in recording engineering and has worked hand-in-hand with Tom Joyner and a few other notable people. I chose Alex to write this piece on future & media because he is so devoted 26

to empowering people today as part of a better tomorrow. His life motto is “dream without limits” and he does exactly that with his inspirational clothing line Foolies. Through Foolies (and I am sure many other endeavors Alex will pursue in life), he uses words and fashion to empower family, friends, and many others to pursue their dreams at all cost. Alex is a prime example of the type of people we need to highlight in media…not just for a 30 second segment, but for a lifetime! I wanted to pick his brain before I let him write his thoughts on how one’s personal vision of future can shape the world of media around them…


1. Do you find times when your choice of career conflicts with your faith?

sincerely interested people who want to make a difference.

I am essentially an Entrepreneur. My forte or business requires me to sell T-shirts to a target audience that is generally college students. Originally, I was just trying to throw out cliché phrases and stay relevant. But, as I changed my walk and got deeper with my faith I wanted my brand to stand for something even deeper than it already stood for. I didn’t care to appeal to the masses anymore. I wanted to focus on those who needed to be uplifted and inspired. So maybe it did conflict with my faith, but now I think I am on track.

Well, what isn’t popular is how the youth is portrayed. We are usually just a “big accident.” So I try to uplift and highlight the youth that are doing positive things in the world. Maybe everything I post isn’t from a Christian brother or sister, but if it seems fairly Christ-like then I will share it.

2. What was one of the hardest decisions you had to make in your career as a Christian? How did you overcome it? Going full time. Taking that leap of faith is tough. Everyone is scared. It sounds great to be a small business guy/gal, but no one wants to put in that hard work. Honestly, I am still in the “overcome” process. Every day is a test and every other day is a testimony.

6. Do you see room for Christians to make positive strides in the media industry? Yeah, once again. Be Yourself. Don’t lose yourself. Have accountability buddies. Make a constant list of who you are and what you stand for. Reflect and see what is happening month to month. If it changes for the bad, then you know it is time to clean things up. 7. What is your vision of excellence in media? Is there anyone in the industry that currently serves as a role model to this vision?

4. What would you suggest to a Christian that wants to pursue a career in the media industry?

The media and excellence will never walk on the same line. The media will always be flawed. My role models are not all faith-based leaders and I am not 100 percent sure what their walk is per se or to the general public but they inspire me. Jay Z (which I am sure the world will be mad at me for saying that), Seth Godin, Michael Baisden, Tom Joyner, Oprah, Tony Robbins, and the list goes on and on and on. And of course, my mother. She will never be in the media because she passed away when I was younger. When I make it in life I will highlight her and make sure the world knows about the amazing woman she was.

Just be yourself. If you find yourself trying to appeal to the masses then you will be lost. In order to change the world you cannot be like the rest of it.

8. Do you see a connection between what is in the media today and what our future holds tomorrow? If so, how can what we put out in media today set us up for a better tomorrow?

5. How do you deal with what is popular in media and what is not? Does this affect the type of work you put out? For example, attracting a large number of people by publishing what is trending vs. attracting a select few of

Just be positive. If you want a more positive world, be more positive. Search for positive media to promote. Yes, the world isn’t all positive, but it isn’t all negative either and that [should encourage you to post the good things].

3. How do you see yourself making a positive impact in the media industry as a Christian? Yes, I do. I have a motivational spirit and a heart to change the world. I could care less if the media catches on to it. The world will catch on soon enough. I guess that still encompasses the media, but you get where I am going with that thought. I hope.



A wise man once said, “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.” The volume of a quote like this can be seen throughout the country and all over the world. Every single day we are forced to eat the images that the media serves us as if there are no other options. If we do not eat what they give us then we will ultimately be out of the loop—seemingly malnourished from lack of being “in the know.” No one wants to be out of the loop so they continue to feed on the media, even if it leads to their destruction. But, you have a choice. You can be fed by the current forms of media or you can decide to grow and harvest from a new garden of enlightenment. Just as much “bad” images there of the Christian community there are thousands of positive ones as well. It just requires a little search. It requires you to scour the thousands web pages, twitter feeds, and fb hashtags of our society and then put out exactly what you want to see about who you are. If you want the world around you to know what we are really about; MAKE A POSITIVE POST ABOUT IT. Yes, we understand that people are being killed, our brothers and sisters are going to jail, and so on and so forth. But, we are also running companies, graduating from college, giving back to the community and so much more. And, whatever you put out people will believe. If you choose to put out what you have been fed then expect the minds of others to be controlled as well. This is the time to broaden the minds of those who are starving. This is the time to open up the ears of those who have heard nothing but the negative in regards to the Christian community and our nation. Make everyday a day to be positive. Your thoughts, your actions, and even what you post can ultimately shape the world.

Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice. – John 5:28

Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. – Luke 11:34

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. – Philippians 4:8

I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me. A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil. – Psalm 101:3-4

But test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

Our presence can be a positive one, but you have to get that message out there. The media won’t be in charge of doing so. Challenge everything! Find a light to every moment of darkness and use the reach of the media world to help you spread the truth.



– 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Fun & Education By Suzanne Delica

Can fun and education coexist? They can and this is how:


Only 30% of Americans have a passport. (1) Get a passport. Study abroad. Have fun exploring and learning.

In order to become a cultured person, these are some of the key things you need to do Read (2)

Education is not limited to the four walls of an

institution. It is around us. It is in us. It is us.

Try something new! A dish. A style. A dance. A language. A person. Don’t be afraid. Fear is not fun or educational. It is a roadblock that sets you back. So kick it to the curb. And make courage your co-pilot instead. Be a happy student of life (3). Grow because of your mistakes, but excel because of your wise decisions. Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” So why not have fun while doing so?!? Get a degree and get some work experience. Corporate America loves Millennials! (4) Make a dream board. Learn about yourself and have fun making it all come true. 1. http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/02/04/americans.travel.domestically/ 2. http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Person-of-Culture 3. http://www.adaringadventure.com/guest-posts/how-to-become-a-happy-student-of-life/ 4. http://dailyinfographic.com/maximizing-millennials-why-to-hire-gen-y-infographic



friends & Entertainment/the arts By Barnabas Johnson

We all know that secular entertainments and arts have a huge influence on our thinking and perception. We as Christians must align our core values of friendship with the type of worldly entertainments we enjoy. Let’s just clarify this ahead of time. Worldly music and entertainment is not a sin. The thoughts or actions that come from them are. Me personally, I do not put myself out there when it comes to it. I choose not to listen to secular music, drink alcohol, go clubbing, or partake in any secular activities. Only because I know the affect it has on my thoughts and the potential it is to resurrect my past lifestyle. Now when it comes to my friendships I do not reject the opportunity to be a light in darkness. All my friends know what I stand for and my beliefs in God. Look at Daniel and what happened when he stood firm on his beliefs despite his position or location. Daniels actions helped those that were in the world turn around and worship God. Just as Jesus hung out with sinners in their world of entertainments and arts, we are able to impact these environments, but we must act under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Actions speak louder than words and we do not need to point out how we are so different from our friends, but show it in action and love. I live by Corinthians 9:22, “To the weak I became weak, to 30

win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” Don’t compromise your walk with God and stick to your core values of Christ regardless if you are with your friends and/or strangers. Let your love of Jesus be apparent in the worldly entertainments and arts we enjoy. You control the entertainment. Don’t let it control you. The decisions you make about friendships shape your decisions about entertainment/arts in the personal and professional sense. We have to understand that not all of our friends will understand the zeal we have or are called to have for God. This article is not written to tell you to cut off your friends, but to stand firm in your beliefs and your relationship with God. Very few of us are strong enough to not let the worldly entertainment tarnish our walk. Can I be real? Even I struggle with being strong in secular entertainment up to this day as a leader in the church. Do I love my friends? Yes, but the bible says flee from temptations, not play with them. So I am proactive in not putting myself in situations that may ruin my testimony, opportunity, and spiritual credentials to spread the gospel. Friends have a major impact on our thought process and we must not allow the influences of our friends and secular entertainment to determine our character.


Can I be real? I have lost a ton of friends after I decided to completely surrender and obey God. We must pledge our allegiance to God and not our friends. A friend will do one of two things. They will either part ways with you or respect your decision by not pressuring you to partake in secular entertainment and temptations. The problem for some of us is not the music, but the fear of letting our friends down and not pleasing them. Do you realize how serious this matter is? For some of us it is a life or death situation. We are called to pursue excellence as Christians. I honestly believe that this is not a matter of making a decision, but performing an action. We have to always make our walk with God a priority. Yes, I can give a ton of scriptures, but I am not. We know what we have to do sometimes and may even need a friendly reminder. Well here is your reminder to just do it. Choose this day who you will serve: your friends or God? We are called to bring God glory in all that we do. Is the secular entertainment or activities we engage in with our friends bringing God glory? If it is, then well done. If it is not, then changes must be made. Examine who are with your friends and who you are in a spiritual setting. They should be identical versions of yourself. Our purpose is found in Christ and not our friends. Being torn between your friends and Christ is not an option (notice I did not say “should not be”). The only way to pursue purpose and excellence is to make the decision to. I wish it was easier and I could have given step-by-step procedures on how to fix the dilemma that some of us face, but I can’t because this


shouldn’t be a decision that has to be made. We live for Christ and not for the world. We find our purpose in Christ. Do not conform to the ways of the world (our friends), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The simple answer is choose to abide in Christ and renew your mind with the things of Christ. Can your mind really be renewed from secular music and entertainment? Food for thought: the only way to your heart is the things we watch and listen to. Abiding in Christ is a minute-by-minute decision, not a Sunday-by-Sunday decision. Renew your mind and feed your mind the spiritual things and not the secular things. With that being said: 1. Watch the company you keep and eliminate the negative influences. 2. Limit the amount of worldly entertainment and secular music that you enjoy on your free time. Replace it with the spiritual things and watch your way of thinking transform. 3. Don’t cut off friends because of who they are, but allow them to cut themselves off by your zeal for God. They will have decisions to make themselves: change their ways or part their ways. 4. Abide in Christ and the spiritual things secondby-second, not Sunday-by-Sunday. 5. Flee from temptations and resist the schemes of Satan, he works through our friends, environments, and the things that entertains us. Remember, Lucifer was the angel of music and still is today.


Made in His Image By Carlie Harford



The greatest gift we could have received, Was rose colored love, poured through Pores of a Man willing to die for a friend. Unmerited, undeserved, excellence, Has claimed souls, inherited as heirs, His righteousness runs right Through our veins, carrying the very DNA of a King. Excellency Ingrained in our image, giving it back, an honorable offering. Let us not sit on our own Throne, Throwing talents as table scraps, Or hiding lights under baskets. To do that, would be like building A mansion and smashing it. Without your strive towards a Heavenly prize, the body is not Lifted as high. Every part needed, placed perfectly to inspire. Stand up, stand out, glorify His name, Worthy of every working fiber in our being. Next time we are told that we are too young, Too old, unworthy, unclean, tempted to slack And loosen jeans, Remember the genes divinely dispersed inside, When the perfect human, decided to rise Showering us with every heavenly gift, Our life, hidden in the exact visage, of Him.



Unwrapping RAP

to Reach a Generation for


By Ty Scott King



For as far back as I can remember, I’ve always been inspired by music. As a Jamaican, reggae was as ingrained in me as my own heartbeat. I have the clearest recollection of dancing to Diana Ross when I was just a child in my family’s basement after we moved to Brooklyn, NY. And when we transitioned down to Miami, a mixture of bass and salsa was everywhere. But in our house, reggae still ruled, classic r & b came in a very close second, and country (because of my mom’s newfound love for it) became a distant third. We were always playing music because we had two resident deejays, plus it helped to keep us out of trouble. I had friends who could only listen to gospel because they were Christians, but our house was different. We didn’t consider ourselves Christians, so we were open to anything (within reason). That openness changed everything the day one of my brother’s friends came over to let us hear his KRS-One cd. We remembered this style from the Sugar Hill Gang days, but this time it captured us immediately. That was the moment the gift of rap was unwrapped for us, and we all fell in love with it. And just as most people do with gifts, we became lost in it for hours on end. So when deejays started laying reggae beats under rap vocals, it took the art form to yet another level. I held tight to my love for rap music for decades. Then, I gave my life to Christ and the grappling began. I heard the argument that rap was the devil’s music, but I’d also read in the Bible that God created everything. So, I prayed and came to my own determination—that if David could play the harp for God’s glory, people could do the same with any form of art…including rap!

Those souls were the only confirmation and seal of approval I needed. So, when God birthed the desire in me to launch out from being just a poet to being a poet who also raps, I didn’t hesitate. I didn’t take thought to what people would think. I had already seen too much. I was already a witness to how rap could influence a generation to go after Him. I had my own first-hand accounts to prove that the music was infiltrating hearts and renewing minds. There are so many amazing and talented people in the world. But unfortunately, far too many of them are using their God-given gifts to spread messages that are ego-driven, materialistic, self-centered, and degrading. So, why not promote those amazing and talented people out there who are using their God-given gifts to spread the Gospel…the message of hope and love? Why not encourage a gift that is reaching a generation and compelling them to fulfill The Great Commission? Why not unwrap the gift of rap and allow it to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” so that souls will be won for the Kingdom of God? Remember, God gives good and perfect gifts. So, accept the gift of rap (from The greatest Gift-Giver ever), unwrap it, and allow it to reach a generation for His glory!

Shortly after my “aha moment”, I started hearing about and meeting people who were actually rapping the gospel. They were young, relevant, and people’s lives were being changed for God’s glory. 35



Who wants a gift? How about you? There are no strings attached. I must say, a gift is so exciting to receive on birthdays or Christmas, at dinner from that special someone, or even when someone is giving a gift to apologize. However, this gift that I speak of is within your reach, and you may not even know it.



Well first, what is this gift anyway? Some say a gift is something you give to another as a present. Others say it is a contribution given only to receive something in return. The fact of the matter is that a gift is something that is given willingly to someone, without looking for something in return. John 3:16 tell us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” God gave us Jesus, a magnificent gift. For whoever will believe in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. In order for the world not to be lost, Jesus ascended from on high and he took many captives with Him. For Jesus to ascend, He had to descend from heaven to earth, take on our sin, become shaped into iniquities, and then beaten and bruised for us. After the gift of God endured all of that, redemption was then established. As Jesus ascended from this world, he left gifts for us. Do you believe this? Even still, we are to do exceedingly greater acts because of Him. WOW! What a breathtaking sacrifice for Jesus to go through just to give someone a gift. Guess what? Your gift is within you! Have you opened your gift yet? I wonder what it is! Could it be a career in saving lives? Could it be a career to prosecute or defend others? Maybe it is a teacher, or could it be full time ministry? We must


activate the power that works on the inside of us. The power is the gift that is within you and me. When Jesus ascended back to heaven, He left the special gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in the tasks we put our hands to. So, what happens when we don’t unwrap our gifts? Simple, when we don’t unwrap and operate in what we have been purposed to do, it causes a delay in our lives as well as the lives of others. The adversary uses different tactics to oppress and distract us. But, I am inspired to tell you that no weapon the enemy plots against you will succeed. You are a child of the King, and you can start operating in your gifts today. Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” God will not change His mind about what He has called you to do. Because He said it, that settles it. What is “that” deepest desire within, which seems too hard to shake? Or what is it that people see within you that you have not embraced? There is a call upon your life, which can only be manifested after you unwrap the gift within. You’re equipped to be you, and to do what God has gifted you to do. The hand of God chiseled you. You were carved and perfected into “you”. It took unique tools and time to handcraft you. No one can be you, but you! Will you permit your gift to blossom? Someone is waiting to receive it. Unwrap it today!


“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.”

Philippians 4:8

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