Anti-Trafficking Bulletin Vol 11

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A regular digest of information and research related to human trafficking into and within the UK. Produced by the Research and Development Unit, on behalf of The Salvation Army’s Anti-Trafficking Co-ordinator.

Contents 1. Research, reports and journal articles 1.1 Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group latest report 1.2 ACPO report into commercial cultivation of cannabis 1.3 Review of violence, health and trafficking 1.4 Young person’s guide to sexual violence and the law 1.5 IPPR report into the UK’s response to human trafficking 1.6 Report into the links between advertisements for sexual services and trafficking for sexual exploitation 1.7 COMPAS report into the experiences of undocumented migrant children in the UK 1.8 Toolkit: uncovering hidden migrant worker maltreatment 1.9 US Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report 2. Political and legislative 2.1 Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) 2.2 Report on the internal review of human trafficking legislation 2.3 PICUM report into ‘double violence’ against undocumented women in Europe 2.4 Parliamentary questions 3. Campaigns 3.1 More than Gold human trafficking campaign

1. Research, reports and journal articles Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group latest report, April 2012 ‘All Change: Preventing Trafficking in the UK’: follow-up report to ATMG’s ‘Wrong Kind of Victim’ report (June 2010), covering prevention measures in the UK, including, amongst other issues, awareness raising and education initiatives, reducing demand, assisted voluntary return programmes, trafficking of children and devolved policies. m_docs/2012/a/atmg_all_change_prevention.pdf 1.2 ACPO report into commercial cultivation of cannabis, April 2012 Publication of the third ‘national problem profile’ into the cultivation of cannabis which shows an increasing number of farms being detected. /20120430CBACCofCPP.pdf 1.3 Review of violence, health and trafficking, May 2012 Journal article by a team of health researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Kings College London, ‘Prevalence and Risk of Violence and the Physical,

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

The Salvation Army’s ALOVE ‘Cut it Out’ campaign Stop the Traffik and UN: GIFT box Anti-Slavery International Slavery-Free London Stop the Traffik: Make Taxis Traffik-Free Stop the Traffik: Easter Egg campaign LexisNexis introduces Human Trafficking Awareness Index

4. In the 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

news Trafficking of children Trafficking and the Olympics Northern Ireland Policy development in Scotland ‘Four face jail after first conviction under new “slavery” laws’ 4.6 ‘Cash seized from convicted sex trafficker’ 4.7 ‘Forced labour trafficking gangs face tougher sentences’ 4.8 ‘Gangmaster licensing plan prompts exploitation fears’ 4.9 ‘Six people charged with trafficking of Indian woman’ 4.10 ‘Two-fifths of UK trafficking victims are male, survey reveals’ 4.11 ‘People trafficking investigation leads to six arrests in Leicester’

Mental and Sexual Health Problems Associated with Human Trafficking: Systematic Review’, PLOS Medicine. %2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1001224 1.4 Young person’s guide to sexual violence and the law, June 2012 ‘Your rights, your body, your life’: legal guide for young people who have experienced sexual violence, commissioned by The Havens and written by legal practitioners from Rights of Women. _violence.pdf 1.5 IPPR report into the UK’s response to human trafficking, July 2012 ‘The UK’s response to human trafficking: fit for purpose?’: report which focuses on the Olympics as an opportunity for the UK to reassess its anti-trafficking strategy. 1.6 Report into the links between advertisements for sexual services and trafficking for sexual exploitation ‘Reading between the lines’: report, commissioned by Mary Honeyball MEP, exploring the connections between

This bulletin covers material produced during the period 27 March – 28 July 2012 although it should be noted that, due to space limitations, not all relevant material may have been included. The bulletin includes links to material and sources and is provided by way of information. The information included is not necessarily endorsed or supported by The Salvation Army.

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