Building Blocking Training Extra 2

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Training Extra 2 Faith development The following handout gives a summary of the way that faith can be seen to develop in children and adults ,t is not deÀnitive The age ranges indicated are a guide only Some people move through the stages faster and some much slower. Not everyone will move through all the stages and many people will remain throughout the rest of their lives at the stage of development expected from young adulthood or even adolescence. The statements in italics give an indication of how each stage of faith development might look in a Christian context.

Nursed faith – 0–2 years x x x x

Trust is learned by basic needs being met and love given and received Good relationships with carers important for future faith development Faith is based on relationships with carers Concept of God develops from parental relationships

Chaotic faith – 3–7 years x Highly imaginative with literal, powerful and unconnected images, not yet reasoned thinking x Active with lots of questions of ‘why’, ‘how’ type x Symbols are taken literally or as ‘magical’ x Believe what they are told x SigniÀcant adults very important to faith x Begin to see Jesus as friend and God as Father

Ordering faith – 7–11 years x x x x x x

Thinking is more reasoned, but still literal, including understanding of symbols Stories are important and the difference between fact and Àction understood Others’ points of view begin to be understood Belonging to a group of peers is important Faith is linked to the need to belong Can understand Jesus as Saviour

Conforming faith – adolescence onwards x x x x x x

Thinking is abstract and reÁective. 4uestioning ‘why’ can lead to conÁict with authority More developed ability to understand other perspectives ‘:ho am ,"’ and ‘How do , Àt in"’ are key questions Faith is relational, taking on beliefs of wider group Church can be seen as extended family and leaders held in high regard Jesus seen as Lord

Building Blocks © CATS 2009


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