Building Blocks Training Extra 3

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Training Extra 3 Sample toddler services The four seasons: Autumn Welcome song Tune: She’ll be coming round the mountain Oh it’s very good to see you here today! Oh it’s very good to see you here today! Oh it’s very good to see you, Very good to see you, Very good to see you here today!

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Discussion Talk about changes in nature at Autumn. What can the children see around them? Talk about colours and the weather. Story: God makes plants When God was making the world, he had all sorts of good ideas about how to use colours. He was very keen to use all the colours he could possibly think of - to show just how much he enjoys giving us everything! God started to go through all the colours, from white all the way through greens and purples to a deep, deep shade of black. “Mmm”, said God, “I must use up all my colours. I don’t want any left over. I’ll start with the big trees. They will use up lots of colours, especially if I make sure Áowers grow on some of them.” So God made trees. When God had Ànished that bit, he was pleased to have used up lots of brown, especially on the bark of trees, and green on their leaves. But God still had lots of greens left over. What should he do with that? “I know,” said God as a terriÀc idea came to him, “Plants, I need plants. That will use up more shades of green.” So God made plants. All shapes and sizes. And even more shades of green! Just for fun! Then, some of the plants needed Áowers on them. “Great,” said God, “I can invent more bright colours for Áowers. Oh what fun! This is marvellous!” So God made Áowers. Pinks and reds and purples, blues and greys and yellows. (ven black! (ven green! Just then a happy thought came to him. “Why not have some trees and plants which have bits on them to be eaten?” said God. “Good! Another chance to use up my bright colours. I’ll make oranges, pineapples, pears, apples. Yes, that is what I’ll do.” So God made fruit and vegetables and all sorts of plants to eat. Soon, God had used up all the colours he could think of (and don’t forget he had even made shades of all the colours too). God was very pleased with how his world was shaping up. He danced around the trees and Áowers looking at each one he had made. And, they all looked great. (From Tiddlywinks: The Big Green Book, Scripture Union page 26; used by permission.) Craft ideas Make simple hedgehogs with air hardening clay and coloured matchsticks for spines. 'raw a large simple tree outline. /et the children stick or paint on leaves, in Autumn colours.

Building Blocks © CATS 2009


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