JUNE 2012
celloutlines | overview
Boundless Surprise They say ‘life is full of surprises’! So I looked back over my life to look for some. This is what I saw…. I was surprised when, at ten years old, I went out for a ride in the car with my mum and dad. We drove to the airport where my dad flung open the boot of the car to reveal suitcases….we were off on a family holiday to Spain! I was surprised when, after eleven years of being an only child, my parents announced that my dearest wish, which was to have a brother or sister, was about to be fulfilled! I was surprised when, reading my Bible one day, God spoke clearly to me about buying a house, despite the fact that my husband and I worked for a Christian charity without any salary! A year later, we moved into our very own first home! I was surprised when, out of the blue, someone bought us a brand new family car….the exact make and model that my husband had picked out! I was surprised when, suddenly and unexpectedly, my grandfather collapsed and died in his own home. I was surprised when my first baby turned out to be a beautiful girl…I was convinced she would be a boy! I was surprised when my parents in-law announced they felt God calling them to move to South Africa to live. A year later they left, leaving five grandchildren, and seven years later they are still living there, and enjoying every minute of their adventure with God! But we miss them! I was surprised when my daughter’s pet gerbils had twelve babies….they were supposed to both be boys!
I was surprised when at eight weeks old, my second child – this time a boy – was diagnosed with a serious heart condition that required life saving open heart surgery. It was Christmas Eve. I was surprised when some close friends gave us a very generous financial gift to enable us to buy a larger house for our growing family. I was surprised when my husband and I bought home a new puppy to our family. I think our family were surprised too….we are not known as dog lovers! Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs….just when we think we’re plodding along nicely, something comes along and surprises us! It may knock us off track, or fill us with energy, but as much as we like to plan, can we ever really know what’s just around the corner?! Life is full of surprises and serendipity. Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. Just find your next adventure - do it well, enjoy it - and then, not now, think about what comes next. Condoleeza Rice
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