August Cell 2011

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celloutlines | overview

August 2011 Summer is nearly here and we recognise that over the school summer holiday period you may want or need to run your cell group somewhat differently. Perhaps you are only able to organise one activity during August, or you may be able to continue on a weekly basis throughout. You may be away but your cell group may still wish to get together. Maybe you feel the need to give your cell group members suggestions for activities or challenges to stop summer boredom setting in, or to keep them connected if they are away on their hols! Rather than provide four weeks of new material in the standard format, this month’s cell outlines are presented in a way that is completely flexible and adaptable to your needs. We have taken the theme of LIVES/LIVES and provided a variety of ideas that you can choose from to make the summer weeks work for you. We have tried to utilise some of the themes that we have covered so far this year and in previous years. Where this is the case you will find reference to the specific month’s cell notes which you can access from the ALOVE website resources section. (Cell notes on the website go back to the beginning of 2009!) This is also an ideal opportunity to catch up with some of the cell notes that you may have missed from previous months. We have given suggestions for using some of the many other resources that are available on the ALOVE website as well. We recommend that you take some time to browse the resources section – you never know what else may catch your eye and provide you with inspiration for your summer cells!

Bible Lives ‘The Bible: Uncovered’ was the theme for Roots 2011 and if any of your cell group members were at Youth Roots they should have come away with ALOVE’s brand new Bible resource Shelf Life.


Shelf Life is a booklet designed to help young people get their Bible off the shelf and into their lives! It presents six innovative and up-to-date ‘apps’ to guide young people through the basics of Bible study and application, and contains loads of fresh, creative approaches to bring the words of the Bible to life and become relevant in our 21st-century lives! The final section of Shelf Life contains three Bible studies based on stories from the book of Mark: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand (Mark 6:30–44); Jesus Heals A Paralytic (Mark 2:1–6) and The Rich Young Man (Mark 10:17–25). ‘Shelf Life’ would be an excellent summer theme/resource for your cell group. You could take time to read together and try out some of the creative ways of studying the Bible, especially the three Bible studies at the end. In addition, the final Bible studies have been designed in such a way that a group of young people would be able to get together themselves and easily run their own study! This would be a great idea if you are away during August but your cell group still wanted to get together. Contact the ALOVE office and we will send you as many copies of Shelf Life as you require. And if your cell group members can’t get enough of the Bible, you could try one of the 30-day Bible challenges available on the ALOVE website as well! continued over >>>

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