Kids Alive! – formerly The Young Soldier – Issue No 7304
16 April 2022
The world's longest-running publication for children!
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Happy Easter! How many Easter eggs can you find in this week's issue? KA - p1 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 11:20
Turn this page upside down to read the answers
HAPPY EASTER!: 50. EASTER EGG ADDING: 14. DOWN: 1 Soup. 2 Skid. 3 Tyre. 4 Needle. 6 Garden. 9 Nest. 10 Exit. 11 Chef. CROSSWORD ACROSS: 3 Ten. 5 Monkey. 6 Gap. 7 Dread. 8 Rinse. 11 Cue. 12 Spider. 13 Net. GIGGLE IN THE MIDDLE GUESS THE GROUP Dazzle of zebras, confusion of wildebeest, memory of elephants, gang of buffalo, sounder of warthogs. PICK OUT PATCH: Page 10. WHO AM I?: Jonah.
KA! JAM Who Am I? 6 Kiddo 7 iddle Giggle in the M 8–9 le Star Wars Puzz 10 Competition er Colouring Corn 11 rld 12–13 KA! Wo ace 14–15 Your Sp Patch’s Pals: 16 d Pirate Pete an his Jolly Crew
FOUR FIT 1 Bloc. 2 Aura. 3 Tram. 4 Help. New words: Bath. Lure. Oral. Camp.
? e d i s n I s ’ What
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alive salvationarm
EDITOR Justin Reeves DEPUTY EDITOR Cara Mott GRAPHIC DESIGNER Philippa Martin EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Alicia Begley EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Melita Day-Lewis KA! JAM CO-ORDINATOR Ibukun Baku PROOFREADER Chris Horne Kids Alive! office: 020 7367 4910 Email: 101 Newington Causeway. London SE1 6BN. Switchboard: 0845 634 0101 Published by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory (cost in the Republic of Ireland: 65c). Founder: William Booth General: Brian Peddle Territorial Commander: Commissioner Anthony Cotterill Editor-in-Chief and Publishing Secretary: Major Mal Davies The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399 ISSN 1363-5662
KA - p2 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 11:33
m_G al_ sa el Jer u
hat a week! I don’t know about you, but I am worn W out! I’ve been through so many emotions in the last few days that I’m not sure where to start. When I came to
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you last week, Jesus was in Jerusalem and the crowds loved him. Well, that popularity didn’t last long! On Thursday night one of Jesus’ good friends, Judas, told the guards where he was and they came and arrested him! Jesus was taken to a governor to decide what would happen, but he let the crowd decide. There were some other people who had done bad things, but the crowd shouted to crucify Jesus instead. So Jesus had to be hung on a cross to die. I think this was a very cruel punishment for any man, especially a man that had done nothing wrong. There’s no way he deserved that! Some people, like Jesus’ friends and family, were very sad to see it happening, but others seemed to be glad he was finally gone. Jesus appeared to forgive the people who had done such horrible things to him, which was amazing. Even more amazing was what happened just two days later. Some friends of mine were walking in the gardens to visit the tomb where Jesus’ body was, but when they got there it was empty! There was an angel who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead and was alive! It just proves that he is the Son of God if he can literally beat death. I don’t know what else we’ll see from Jesus, but I know that he and the people who are friends with him will do incredible things.
JERUSALEM_GAL_3_16 Jerus aelm _Gal _3_
Just before I wrote this, I enjoyed a perfect Easter breakfast – boiled eggs and soldiers. As I dipped my soldiers (thin strips of toast) into the runny egg yolks, I remembered being told the chocolate eggs we tuck into at Easter were originally designed to remind us of the good news of Easter. The chocolate shell represents the tomb that Jesus was laid in after he’d been crucified. Once upon a time, the extra sweets you get with your Easter egg were hidden inside it. This was a reminder that Easter is about new life – like a newborn chick that breaks out of its shell. At Easter we’re encouraged to think of the fresh start that Jesus gives everyone. When Jesus died on the cross, he made it possible for us to be forgiven for things we do wrong and for us to be friends with God. Now that’s a cracking reason to celebrate – happy Easter!
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The Greatest Love of All by Melita Day-Lewis
ho do you think loves you the most? Is it your family or your besties? How do you know? Perhaps they show it with cuddles, gifts, loving words or spending time with you – or by protecting you or making sure you have clothing and food. I know that my husband loves me, not just because he tells me but by all he does for me. He goes the extra mile to make my life easier and is still kind to me even when I annoy him. It’s as if looking out for me is more important than doing what he prefers. That kind of selfless love is wonderful! So, it’s easy to love him back – most of the time! God’s love is far, far greater than the very best
kind of human love! He showed how much he loved us by sending us Jesus, who died on a cross to save us from our wrongdoings and all kinds of evil. He forgives us and always loves us, even when we mess up. That’s awesome! And that’s what Easter’s all about! When you discover God’s awesome love it’s much easier to do what he wants you to do, such as loving others. In fact, the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:11–12 that when we love others, God’s love shines through us and is seen by them. This Easter why don’t you commit to following Jesus and loving others in the same way that he loves you!
Easter Egg Puzzle Crack the codes in the Easter eggs by joining the first letters of each picture together to make a word. Put the three words in the right order to discover the message of Easter.
Answers on Page 2
4 KA - p4-5 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 13:24
Staying Fit as Followers of Jesus
Kids Alive! follows the Salvation Army Youth and Children’s Ministries Unit’s Explore It! resource – go to
08/04/2022 12:51
KA - p4-5 - 16 April.indd 2
Easter – Love Comes from God
Steve English
Clue 1
God told me to deliver a message to the people living in Nineveh but I didn’t want to.
Clue 2
When I tried to run away there was a huge storm and I ended up being thrown into the sea.
Clue 3 A large fish
Clue 4 When I told
the people of Nineveh to stop doing evil, they listened and showed God they were sorry with their actions.
swallowed me up and for three days I prayed for forgiveness.
Clue 5
However, I was annoyed that God had forgiven them.
Can you guess who I am?
? ?
How well do you know your Bible heroes? Can you name the boy who took on a giant or the girl who watched over her little brother as he sailed down the stream in a basket? The Bible is filled with amazing stories of ordinary people who, with God’s help, did extraordinary things. So read the clues below and guess who this week’s Bible hero is!
KA! JAM is the cooles t Bible activity club around. As a mem ber you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lo ts of great stuff about being a Christia n. You’ll also receive our mini-mag , Chatterbox, which is filled with jo kes, games and much more. And to to p it off, there are loads of awesome pr izes to be won! To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to k/ka-jam-sign-up. Or if you would like to receive the postal vers ion, simply fill in the coup on below. To join KA! JAM just fill in the application form and send it – along with KA! JAM, 101 Newington two first-class stamps Causeway, London SE – to: 1 6BN. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 ye Name: ars old to join. Date of birth: Address:
Boy or girl: I, (signature)
6 KA - p6 - 16 April.indd 1
Postcode: Do you attend a church,
and if so, which one?
apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me . I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvat ion Army and that it is not free subscription to Kid a s Alive!
08/04/2022 13:40
irthday Happy Bir to You!
Pick Out Patch
ure issue birthday printed in a fut d an me na ur yo e se To of birth me, address and date of KA! email your full na Remember to type arm to kidsalive@salvation ct box. u!’ in the email’s subje Yo to ay thd Bir py ‘Hap
Happy easter! I’m having so much fun looking for easter eggs. See if you can spot this version of me on ANOTHER PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.
19 April e 12 Eleanor Knowles – ag 12 Charlie Shaw – age
20 April ge 10 annaby – a H n o r y B y Fa
21 April Grace Whitmore – age 11
2 2 April 12 ll an – age A y o J a n e Me
Guess the Group to name A collective noun is a word used gs. thin or ls a group of people, anima
Confusion Memory Gang Sounder
Large groups of plant-eating mammals – more than 2 million of them – roam on the African savannah, where there is plenty of grass! Here is a list of some of them. See if you can link them to the correct collective noun…
Elephants Buffalo
Warthogs Zebras Wildebeest (Gnu)
Answers on page 2
7 KA - p7 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 12:13
H o h o, h a h a, h e h e!
H e h e, h e h e!
How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur looking so nice? He uses hare spray!
What do you call the Easter Bunny the day after Easter? Eggs-hausted!
Crossword Clues
by Neil Locker
Crossword Clues
3 Number of commandments given to Moses. 5 Type of primate or mischievous child. 6 Space between things. 7 Fear or worry. 8 Wash with clean water. 11 Snooker player’s rod. 12 Eight-legged creature. 13 Mesh between goalposts.
down: 1 Liquid meal. 2 Slide sideways on an icy road, for example. 3 Rubber part of wheel. 4 Sewing implement. 6 Area where flowers or vegetables are grown. 9 Where birds lay their eggs. 10 Way out. 11 Professional cook.
The purple Easter eggs all contain four mini Easter eggs. The orange Easter eggs all contain one smaller Easter egg. Taking into account the eggs-tra eggs inside the bigger Easter eggs, how many eggs in total are in the Easter basket below?
H o h o, h a h a, h e h e!
H e h e, h e h e!
H o h o, ho ho!
HAPPY EASTER! Ha h a, h a h a, a! Easter h a heggs
There are hidden on all the pages in this week’s issue. Each Easter egg is wrapped up with a bow. Have a hunt through the pages – count how many eggs there are in total.
FOUR FIT bered rows so Place the four words into the num the columns in that four new words are formed
Answers on Page 2
H e h e, h e! Didheyou
H o h o, h a h a, h e h e!
hear about the house infested with Easter eggs? They needed an eggs-terminator!
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Some bunny! Some bunny who? Some bunny’s been hiding my Easter eggs!
by Neil Locker
What kind of jewellery does the Easter Bunny wear? 14 carrot gold!
How does the Easter Bunny stay fit? Eggs-ercise!
EASTER WORDSEARCH Find the Easter-related words in the grid
Why did the Easter egg hide? It was a little chicken! L X Q T B C J E C R O S S E A D V M A D S D I N B M L U E S O G O D S R C P M P W V S I T L Q E B Q P B R N Z H T L P E y r o U E S J K A t X S Y E T A L Y V Q D E I F
F L K Z F B R C O L E G R H a K G I J y I R S U a X A E Y r R M N G t E O Q Z e t c i v b r i a l H I P J O M I C U R C
long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… there were 3D puzzles. In this week’s competition, you have the opportunity to win one of these amazing new Prime 3D Star Wars puzzles! Do you know the battle-worn bounty hunter Grogu, known as the child? What about the lone bounty hunter the Mandalorian riding a speeder bike? Speeder bikes require skill and fast reflexes – do you have the skills to complete these Prime 3D puzzles? Recreate the galaxy’s most famous Star Wars scenes with a puzzle from this impressive range of brand new Prime 3D jigsaw puzzles. The puzzles feature some of the most iconic Star Wars characters of all time with 500 pieces for you to put together. The Star Wars Prime 3D puzzles really are a ‘Force’ to be reckoned with! Featuring all your favourite characters and scenes, why not have a go and blast off into galactic action and adventure? For your opportunity to win a Star Wars Prime 3D Puzzle answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to to reach us by Friday 13 May when the winners will be chosen – remember to put ‘Star Wars Puzzle Competition’ in the subject box. You can also enter by filling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: Star Wars Puzzle Competition, Kids Alive! 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN.
! N I W
Prize winners will win one Prime 3D puzzle design, subject to availability.
How many pieces does each Star Wars Prime 3D Puzzle have?
Name: Address: ____________ Postcode:
10 KA - p10 - 16 April.indd 1
Remember, the best way to enter is to email your entry to 08/04/2022 12:19
Easter Egg Colouring
Happy Easter! Here is a picture for you to colour to spread some Easter joy. Email your colourings to: – make sure you write ‘Easter Egg Colouring’ in the subject box and give us your full name, age and address. Alternatively you can post your colourings to: Your Space, Kids Alive! 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN. One last reminder, if you’re sending by post remember to fill in your details below so we know who you are. We send a gift to everyone whose colouring we publish, so don’t miss out!
Address: Postcode: Go to to download a printable PDF of this page
KA - p11 - 16 April.indd 1
11 08/04/2022 12:23
tive lifestyle and caring ac an d an y th al he a ng Livi d spiritual well-being. an l ta en m , al ic ys ph ur for yo
e f i L r u o Y n a e l C g n i r Sp
helps to ir house in the spring. It the ing an cle e tim d en sp athe. Lots of people air become healthy to bre the lp he ll wi d an ss me lp your parents or get rid of the dust and t sort out your toys or he gh mi u yo t tha y wa me aning your life. In the sa o think about spring cle als n ca u yo e, us ho the carers clean rt with Jesus. is by making a fresh sta One great way to begin
A Fantastic Fresh Start At Easter, Christians remember the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made by dying on a cross to save us from all the sin in the world. Not only did he suffer and die, but he beat death to come back to life! How amazing is that? This means that even when we don’t make the best choices we can ask God for forgiveness and he will always love us no matter what. A fresh start means we can forget our past mistakes and look to the future. It’s good to regularly renew our promise to love Jesus and try to think and live like him. A great way to do that is to talk to him through prayer. Did you know that you can pray at any time of the day? Some people like to wake up and talk to Jesus – others do their bedtime prayers. You can even chat to Jesus throughout the day and ask for his help with the things you’re facing. Reading the Bible is another great way to become friends with Jesus as you can read all about him and the things he did.
Real-ationships Once we’ve renewed our minds and our relationship with Jesus we can show his love to the other people we come into contact with. It’s always good to check in on your friends and make sure they’re OK. You can also make friends with other people and love the unloved like Jesus did.
Is there someone you’re friends with who doesn’t know that Jesus loves them? The love that Jesus showed us is the most amazing love in the world – and Easter is the perfect time to share it! This week, why don’t you try and find some time to tell people that they are never alone and they’re loved so much by God?
12 KA - p12-13 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 12:29
Happy Home Who looks after your home? Perhaps it’s a parent or carer or you have someone who comes in to do the cleaning. Maybe you and your siblings each have chores to do so that you can all do your part to keep things neat and clean. When you help out around the house it will benefit everyone who lives there. Being in a tidy space can help you feel less stressed and might take the pressure off someone else.
Caring for Creation Do you have a favourite animal or plant? Just as we should try to love all people, we should try to love creation too. After all, God gave us the plants and animals for us to enjoy but also to look after. (Check out Genesis chapter 2 for more on that.) Showing God’s love isn’t boring! You can get out in the garden and plant some new flowers, or maybe try and grow some fruit. Are there any beautiful places full of nature near you that you can go and appreciate?
It’s time for a fresh start! In the space below write down one thing you can do to spring clean your life in each of the following areas:
Your relationship with Jesus: ____________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Your friendships: ______________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Helping at home: ______________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Caring for creation: ___________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 13 KA - p12-13 - 16 April.indd 2
08/04/2022 12:29
s g n i r u o l Cool Co Nico, age 6, drew this fab picture of a rocket orbiting a colourful planet. Wouldn’t it be so cool to visit outer space?
We love nine-year-old Isaac’s dot-to-dot colouring of a basketball player’s slam dunk!
bove) Libby, age 5 (a e 6 (right), and Ellissa, ag onderful sent us these w ir home town. drawings of the
14 KA - p14-15 - 16 April.indd 1
08/04/2022 12:34
G et I n To u c h !
The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what – other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch? You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.
Fl o re n c e
Email: Post: Kids Alive! 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN
Age? 6. Favourite colour? Purple. Favourite food? Fish and chips. Favourite sport? Kick-boxing.
KI DS ALIVE ! Would you like to feature in our Reader Profile section on this page like Florence? If you would, ask your parents, carers or Sunday school leaders to email the address in the orange box above and we’ll send a questionnaire for you to complete (as well as sending a photographic permission form for your parents or carers). Name
Corps / Churc h Favourite food
Date ofAge Birth
Favourite colou r
Favourite sport
Favourite TV progra mme Favourite bit of KIDS ALIVE! Favourite Bible story Why
What do you want
to be when you’re
Tell us a joke!
What special
skill/talent do you have?
Tell us something
interesting about yourself?
Is there anyth ing else you would
like to tell us?
Favourite bit of Kids Alive! ? Colourings. Favourite Bible story and why? Noah’s ark, because I love animals. Favourite TV programme? Mr Bean. What do you want to be when you’re older? A vet. Pets? Dougal the dog and Goldilocks the goldfish. Hobbies? Playing with my friends, kick-boxing, football and swimming. Tell us a joke. What does the house wear? A dress (address)! What special skill or talent do you have? I can hula-hoop. Tell us something interesting about yourself. I am a red belt in kick-boxing. I am in stage five of swimming lessons. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? I like helping my daddy with DIY, I am a big sister to Beatrix and I like Lego and arts and crafts.
15 KA - p14-15 - 16 April.indd 2
08/04/2022 12:34
I’m worried about you, Cap’n Pete.
I overheard you on the phone just now and it sounded like you’re fed up with being a pirate.
What will we do without you?
You’ve got the wrong end of the stick, Pirate Dick.
I was wishing my French friend a happy Easter and i told him that I’d just eaten a delicious chocolate egg.
But you said that you’d had enough.
No I didn’t, I said I’d had ‘un oeuf’. That’s French for egg!
Published by The Salvation Army. © The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, 2022. Printed by CKN Print, Northampton.
KA - p16 - 16 April.indd 1
Please Recycle Me! 08/04/2022 12:36