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Mike Barfield Competition WIN!

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This week’s competition is for a colourful and comical bundle of books from the award-winning author, Mike Bar eld. Mike has been wild about animals from an early age. In his new book, The Wild Life of Animals, he uncovers the little-known but amazing adaptations, bonkers behaviour and cunning natural skills of the world’s most interesting animals. Covering creatures from all over the world, young nature enthusiasts will meet ying snakes in the rainforest, vampire squid in the ocean and meerkats in the desert!

Mike also writes the ‘A Day in the Life’ series of books, which take readers on an out of this world tour through the galaxy and beyond. In the third book in the series, A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars, readers can discover the poisonous clouds of Venus, the rings of Saturn and the raging storm on Jupiter. Find out about the historic gures who pioneered space travel, the animals who ventured to space so humans could follow and the ground-breaking technology that took them there. For your opportunity to win both of Mike’s books mentioned above, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk.

Remember to put ‘Mike Bar eld Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 24 March when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by lling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: Mike Bar eld Competition, Kids Alive! 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN.

‘A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars’ by Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley and ‘The Wild Life of Animals’ by Mike Barfield and Paula Bossio are published by Buster Books. For more information, visit mombooks.com/buster

Which of these planets has rings?

Venus Mars Saturn



We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Fairtrade Fortnight this week. Here’s a cool design for you to colour and remind you, your family and friends to choose Fairtrade as often as possible. Email your colourings to: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk – make sure you write ‘Fairtrade Fortnight Colouring’ in the subject box and give us your full name, age and address. Alternatively you can post your colourings to: Your Space, Kids Alive! 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN. One last reminder, if you’re sending by post remember to ll in your details below so we know who you are. We send a gift to everyone whose colouring we publish, so don’t miss out!

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