11 Colouring Corner 12–13 KA! World 14–15 Your Space
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EDITOR Cara Mott
Email kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk Post 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth
INTERNATIONAL LEADERS General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn
Published weekly by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399. ISSN 1363-5662.
What is something that you think is worth remembering?
This Sunday (10 November) is Remembrance Sunday and Monday (11 November) is Remembrance Day. These are days to remember everyone who has served or even lost their lives to protect our country. This includes people in the Armed Forces and emergency services. On these days we also think of anyone else affected by war, both in the past and in our world today.
For two minutes at 11am, many people in the United Kingdom will be silent. They’ll spend that time praying and remembering. You might even have a couple of minutes of silence at your school! That’s because remembering what others have done for us is really important.
This year, the Royal British Legion wants people to remember the battles that were fought in 1944. That might seem a bit random, but 1944 was a crucial year in the Second World War. Soldiers from the UK and the Commonwealth took part in D-Day, fghting to free Europe from the Nazis.
How will you remember these soldiers on Remembrance Day? How will you remember the people who are still serving us now? You could wear a poppy to remember the sacrifces that soldiers have made. Then you could go to a service at a local church on Remembrance Sunday. Or you could watch the National Service of Remembrance on your TV. You could even write a poem, draw a picture or use the colouring on page 11 to help you remember.
What do you think of the cover of this week’s Kids Alive!? We asked some children to colour in our Remembrance Day Colouring while they thought about people who have been affected by war and confict.
Unfortunately, war and confict isn’t something that only happened in the past. There are countries in our world today where people are in danger because of fghting. Big, scary situations like these can make us feel worried and overwhelmed – what are we supposed to do to help? We can pray to God and ask for his help. So why don’t you join me in saying a prayer?
We pray for those who have been hurt by war. We pray that the people in charge of countries will make decisions that will end fghting. We pray that everyone around the world will one day live in a safer, kinder world – a world where there is peace. Amen.
The National Service of Remembrance starts at
on 10 November. You can watch it on the BBC, ITV and Sky.
Having Humility
If you got more spellings right than your friend in a spelling test, how would you react? Would you show off and make sure your friend knew you were better than them? Or would you feel proud of yourself, but not rub it in to your friend?
There are two different people in this week’s Bible cartoon – the Pharisee and the tax collector. The Pharisee was a show-off and thought he was better than other people. He wanted everyone to know how great he was at following the rules. The tax collector had an unpopular job, which made other people dislike him. Although it looked like the Pharisee was the better person because they followed all the rules, Jesus said that the tax collector was the one who behaved better in this situation. This is because the tax collector showed something called humility.
Having humility or being humble means understanding that we’re not always the most important person. It doesn’t mean we think of ourselves as rubbish, it just means that we don’t show off or see ourselves as better than others.
Read the comment to the right about how God wants us to behave
When we do good things we shouldn’t do them so that other people can see what we do and tell us how great we are. That’s not how God wants us to behave. It’s also not how he wants us to pray. God wants us to be honest with him. He knows we aren’t perfect and that we make mistakes, so we can talk to him about absolutely anything and he will help us to live our lives in the best possible way.
by Cara Mott
What a Character!
We’ve listed some characters from books or films below. Circle the ones that you think behave in a way that shows humility.
Check out your BibleLuke 18:9–14
Being Right with God
Bumper Bible Breakdown
Did you know the Bible isn’t one big book? It’s actually 66 books put together to tell one big story of God’s great love. Join us as we look at each Bible book and discover why God made the world, what went wrong and how in the end God saved the world through his son, Jesus.
Psalms of Sadness
There are lots of songs about really happy things. However, there are also plenty of songs about very sad things. Sad songs can be quite hard to listen to, can’t they?
To be honest, there are lots of really sad songs spread throughout the book of Psalms. Some of these psalms were written because the writers were being threatened by other people! They were scared, so they wrote songs to God!
A few of the sad psalms were written after someone did something really bad. After King David made his greatest mistake, he wrote a psalm that showed how sad he felt and how sorry he was.
All of these sad psalms have something in common. They talk about how God is in control. They also talk about God’s power to save us, even in the hardest of times. So although these psalms are sad, they’re also an amazing reminder of God’s love!
KA! JAM is the coolest Bible activity club around. As a member you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lots of great stuff about being a Christian. You’ll also receive our mini-mag, Chatterbox which is filled with jokes, games and much more. And to top it off, there are loads of awesome prizes to be won!
To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to salvationist.org.uk/kajam.
Or if you would like to receive the postal version, simply fill in the coupon below.
To join KA! JAM just fll in the application form and send it – along with two KA! JAM, 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 years old to join.
Date of birth:
Boy or girl: Do you attend a church, and if so, which one?
I, (signature)
apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me. I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvation Army and that it is not a free subscription to Kids Alive!
To see your name and birthday printed in a future issue of KA! email your full name, address and date of birth to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Remember to type ‘Happy Birthday to You!’ in the email’s subject box.
9 November Chloe Chapman – age 13 12 November Praise Nwabu-ugo Ajunam – age 11
Happy Birthday to You! Happy B Birthday t to You! Pick Out Patch
Remembrance day is Really important, so I’ve got my poppy on to remember all the people who have been afFected by war. See if you can spot this version of me on another PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.
Optical illusions use colour, light or patterns to confuse our brains – that means the illusions look different to what is actually there.
Are there three or four shelves in the image on the left? Try counting them on the left side and then the right. If you look on the left side it looks like there are four shelves. However, when you look on the right, it looks like there are three shelves! It’s a trick that couldn’t happen in real life.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well!
He he, he he! What kind of needlework is angry? The cross-stitch!
by Neil Locker
Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!
1 Large boat. 3 Apostle and New Testament writer.
7 Capital of India: New _ _ _ _ _. 8 Pod vegetable. 9 English _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – sea between England and France. 13 Highest playing card. 14 Item of cutlery. 16 Joseph had one of many colours. 17 Boast. down:
1 Team. 2 Unwell. 4 Fruit grown in an orchard. 5 Tree part that falls in autumn. 6 Female big cat that’s part of a pride. 10 African ‘laughing’ mammal. 11 Powder applied after a bath or shower. 12 Comfortable and cosy. 15 Paddle for a rowing boat.
Answers on Page 2
What do you call a cow who plays guitar? A moo-sician!
What do lions eat? Roar meat!
What do you call a woman with a frog on her head? Lily!
Ho ho, ho ho!
What do you call a heap of kittens? A meow-ntain!
What do you call a sheep with no head or legs? A cloud!
Ho ho, ha ha, he he!
He he, he he!
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Who! Who who?
I didn’t know you were an owl!
Ho ho, ha ha, he he!
Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha!
Ho ho, ha ha, he he!
Ho ho, ho ho!
He he, he he!
Compe tition
of a fsh! That sounds utterly ridiculous, but this week’s competition toy is even more crazy than a normal mermaid! With Misfttens Kitten Fishbowl: Mer-Kittens, you can get your own cuddly kitten toy. These kittens are super cute, but they’re not like any cat you’ll have ever seen before. That’s because these kittens have f so they look just like mermaids! They even have their own special name – mer-kittens!
Although mer-kittens can’t talk, we imagine that if they could they would say, ‘Get meowt of here!’ That’s because each mer-kitten comes in a small fshbowl that it’s got stuck in! Once you’ve freed your mer-kitten, you’ll be able to give it tons of cuddles and take it on plenty of adventures.
For your opportunity to win your own Misfttens Kitten Fishbowl: Mer-Kitten, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Remember to put ‘Misfttens Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 6 December when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by flling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: Misfttens Competition, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ.
What animal does a mermaid have the tail of?
Fish Elephant Dog
Do you know why people wear poppies around Remembrance Day? Poppies grew in many of the battlefelds of the First World War. After the war, poppies became a symbol of the soldiers who lost their lives. Even now, poppies help us to remember the soldiers who have sacrifced so much for us. That’s why there are poppies in this week’s colouring! Why not take the time to remember by adding a splash of colour to the design below? If you’d like to share your artwork with other readers, email your colouring to: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Make sure you write ‘Remembrance Day Colouring’ in the subject box and give us your full name, age and address. Alternatively you can post your colouring to: Your Space, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. One last reminder, if you’re sending by post remember to fll in the details below so we know who you are. We send a gift to everyone whose colouring we publish, so don’t miss out!
We will remember them
Living a healthy and an active lifestyle and caring for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Anti-Bullying Week
Kids Alive!, we love being kind to others. It’s World Kindness Day this Wednesday (13 November), which is a day all about showing kindness. What a brilliant idea for a day!
However, we also know that sometimes people can be anything but kind to us. They can choose to be mean and to hurt our feelings. If we’re being honest, sometimes we can do the same to others!
Anti-Bullying Week starts this Monday (11 November). Rather than hurting others, why not choose to show kindness instead?
Help to Stop Bullying!
For how many years do you think Anti-Bullying Week has taken place? Three years? Five years? Anti-Bullying Week has actually run every year for around 20 years! Kids all around the United Kingdom have been encouraged to spend a week learning more about what bullying is and how they can help to stop it from happening.
What is Bullying?
Bullying is when either a person or group of people repeatedly hurt someone else. Someone might experience physical bullying, which involves things like pushing and shoving. There’s also verbal bullying, which includes name-calling. There’s even something called emotional bullying. That might look like someone intentionally leaving a person out of a game or spreading rumours.
You might think that bullying only happens in person, but that’s not true! It can also happen over messaging or social media. This is called cyberbullying.
Listening to other people’s opinions, even if you don’t agree with them.
Choose Respect
The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is Choose Respect. Being respectful means showing love to other people, even if they have opinions that are different to yours. It also means choosing not to be a bully.
You might have been a bully in the past. You might even still bully others. However, there’s no better time to change that behaviour than right now! Instead of being a bully, you can choose to show kindness by…
Saying sorry to someone if you’ve been mean to them.
Including everyone in the games you play at break time.
Odd Socks Day
During Anti-Bullying Week it’s also Odd Socks Day (Tuesday 12 November), which is a day when you can wear odd socks to school! You can wear a fuffy sock on one foot and a colourful sock on the other. Or you could wear a really long sock and a teeny-tiny one.
Choosing not to say something mean just to make your friends laugh.
Just like no one’s socks will be exactly the same, none of us are the same. Everyone is unique and that’s worth celebrating. Odd Socks Day helps us to celebrate our differences and reminds us to show respect to everyone!
Respect Quiz
Here are two situations you might fnd yourself in at school. Pick the option in each situation that shows respect.
C Push them. 2 ? ? ? ? ? ?
C Snap their pencil. 1
Someone asks you for help with a tricky homework question. Do you…
A Make a joke about them.
B Help them with the question.
Another kid wants to join in with your game at lunchtime. Do you…
A Play with them.
B Tell them to go away.
If you’re being bullied, or you see bullying happening to someone else, talk to a trusted grown-up, such as a parent, carer or teacher. Nobody deserves to be bullied, so never be afraid to speak up about it!
To fnd out more about Anti-Bullying Week in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, head to anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/anti-bullying-week-2024-choose-respect. To learn about Anti-Bullying Week in Scotland, visit respectme.org.uk/resources-abw-24.
Choose kindness and respect this Anti-Bullying Week
On page 3 of this week’s issue, we suggested that you could remember the sacrifces made by others by creating something. This short story by Allie, aged 10, is a brilliant example of how you can do that. This story is set during the Second World War. Although it might seem a bit scary at the start, it has an ending that’s full of hope!
Cool Colourings
War Cry
The sirens wailed. I clutched Winston’s collar and my sister’s sweaty palm. Guns fred, bombs exploded all around us. Kaboom! I ran faster and faster, tumbling through the rubble that had once held many people of Bristol. ‘Go! Quick! To the train station!’ exclaimed the air warden in a loud, shrill tone. All we could do was run. A couple of moments later, the clouds parted, the all-clear siren screeched and Winston howled and the sun came out. The war was over.
Check out this claw-some Pukka Panto Colouring from Phoebe, aged 9! We love how Phoebe has really paid attention to detail. She even coloured the inside of this fearsome cat’s ear pink, just like a real feline! Purr-fect work, Phoebe!
The Kids Alive! team was stunned when we saw this air-mazing Balloon Fiesta Colouring from Emily, aged 4. This colouring looks so real we thought we might be looking at a photo! Well done, Emily!
Christmas Carols!
Have you started listening to any Christmas music yet? Nathanael, aged 10, has already been carolling with his local Salvation Army! In fact, this picture was taken during Nathanael’s frst time carolling. It might only be November but we think it’s never too early to sing a classic Christmas carol!
G e t I n
T o u c h !
The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what –other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch?
You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.
Email: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk
Post: Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
Age? 6.
Favourite colour? Red.
Favourite food? Macaroni.
Favourite sport? Running.
Favourite bit of Kids Alive!? Colouring Corner.
Favourite Bible story and why?
Joseph and his coat of many colours, because I like all the colours in his coat. I like when Joseph and his brothers make up at the end.
Favourite TV programme? The Addams Family.
What do you want to be when you’re older? Primary teacher.
Pets? No, but I love my granny’s dog, Alfie.
Hobbies? Girls’ Brigade, ballet and tap dancing.
Tell us a joke. Why can’t Elsa from Frozen have a balloon? Because she’ll, ‘Let it go, let it gooo!’
What special skill or talent do you have? Hugging.
Tell us something interesting about yourself. I can touch my nose with my tongue.