“Supporting small businesses is often cited as a key avenue for driving capital to communities of color in the US, but corporations and foundations are often profiting from economic pressures that are dismantling Main Street (philanthropic organizations invest about 93% of their money in Wall Street). How can radical solutions emerge from this model?� Katrina Scotto di Carlo
Salzburg Global Fellow, Corporate Governance Forum Founder, Supportland and Portland Made, Portland, Oregon, USA
“A common excuse to not having been able to develop and promote talents with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds is the small available population in this area, relative to average distribution... The goal never should be to improve on average. Instead, we must provide for early-access modules facilitating the pathway toward entering our respective profession.� Markus Diethelm
Salzburg Global Fellow, Corporate Governance Forum Group General Counsel and Member, Group Executive Board, UBS AG
“Without crossing your incorporation models’ lines of political-activism limitations, how can you and your peers use your incredible influence to shape equitable government policy?”
Omari Rush
Salzburg Global Fellow, Young Cultural Innovators Forum Executive Director, CultureSource, Detroit, Michigan, USA
“How can we address gender and racial inequality, diversity and white supremacist culture in European contexts (such as Austria) where the wounds of World War II, Nazism and Austria’s status as ‘the first victim’ have not yet been fully addressed?”
Rina Alluri
Salzburg Global Fellow, Asia Peace Innovators Forum Lecturer and Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Innsbruck, Peace and Conflict Studies Unit, Salzburg, Austria
“Resource distribution is key to power dynamics and resulting inequities. Transparency is essential to effective government. All taxes in Norway are public record. The present system in many places is not working. Collective boldness in changing taxing and spending fundamentals could lead to shared prosperity and racial healing.� Thoughts? Rebecca Theobald
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
“We have seen a lot of strong words and good intentions over the years on this topic. It is time for tangible and sustainable action at a personal as well as a collective level from leaders in the industry to really make a change. Once we free ourselves from averagarian thinking, what previously seemed impossible will become intuitive and then obvious! Thoughts?� Markus Diethelm
Group General Counsel and Member, Group Executive Board, UBS AG
“How do you see the role of cultural heritage as an enabler and catalyst for racial healing?”
José Luiz Pedersoli Jr.
Unit Manager, Strategic Planning, ICCROM – International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome, Italy
“Rarely do so called leaders acknowledge ‘Structural Injustice’, leave alone do something about it. This has led to continued forms of domination and control; social, spatial, economic marginalization; gender disparity; pushing the vulnerable into poverty, unemployment and illiteracy! They are interested in short-term political gains rather than social transformation!” Sudha Mohan
Former Professor and Head, Dept Of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai, India
“A critical step in the advancement of underrepresented minorities is their early obtaining a senior mentor. If a senior mentor has such employees on her team and she can observe that they are energetic and competent, she can be an effective champion for their advancement.� How can we ensure the underrepresented receive this mentorship? Robert H. Mundheim
Of Counsel, Shearman & Sterling LLP, USA
“A more controversial statement is the argument against affirmative action: bad for the recipient and bad for the provider. Also discrimination in favour of means discrimination against someone. Why should the latter pay the price?�
Robert H. Mundheim
Of Counsel, Shearman & Sterling LLP, USA