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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


√. «ÈÓÒ «√≥ÿ ≈‘Ò ‹Δ Á≈ ¡≥«ÂÓ √≥√’≈ AE ‹±È È±ß Ô»’∂ ÁΔ ÓÙ‘» ˙ ‡Δ ¡ÀμÒ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚ «Ò«Ó«‡‚ ’≥Í‰Δ Á∂ ÓÀÈ∂«‹≥◊ ‚≈«¬À’‡ √. «ÈÓÒ «√≥ÿ ‹Δ ≈‘Ò ‹Ø ÏΔÂ∂ «ÁÈΔ, ¡’≈Ò Íπ÷ ÚºÒØ∫ ÏıÙΔ √πÚ≈√ª ÁΔ Í»≥‹Δ ÌØ◊‰ ¿∞Íz≥ ¡≈͉∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó≈‹ ÍzÂΔ ¡≈Í‰Δ¡ª ωÁΔ¡ª «‹≥Ó∂Á≈Δ¡ª Ï≈÷»ÏΔ «ÈÌ∑’∂, ÍzÓ≈ÂÓª Á∂ √ºÁ∂, «‹√˘ ÁπÈΔ¡ª Á∂ «’√∂ ÚΔ Íz≈‰Δ ˘ ¡√ÚΔ’≈ ’È Á≈ ¡«Ë’≈ È‘Δ∫ ‘À , ˘ Íz Ú ≈È ’Á∂ ‘Ø ¬ ∂ ¡’≈ÒÍπ÷ Á∂ ⁄Ȫ «Úº⁄ ‹≈ «Ï≈‹∂ ‘È «‹‘Û≈ «’ ÁπÈΔ¡ª Á∂ ‘ ‹ΔÚ Á≈ ¡√ÒΔ Ó’≈Ó ‘ÀÕ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÁΔ «ÓzÂ’ Á∂‘ ¡≥«ÂÓ ÁÙ‰≈ Ò¬Δ «ÓÂΔ AE.F.AI «ÁÈ Ù«Èº⁄Ú≈ ˘ √Ú∂∂ G.AE Ú‹∂, ¿∞Ȫ∑ Á∂ ◊z«‘ 51Bilston Road, Tipton DY4 0BY «Ú÷∂ ¡≈Ú∂◊Δ ¡Â∂ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÁΔ «ÓzÂ’ Á∂‘ Á≈ ¡≥«ÂÓ √≥√’≈,√Ú∂∂ I.AE Ú‹∂ Sandwell Vally Crematorium, Newton Road, West Bromwich,B71 3SX Â∂ ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ«¬√ ¿∞Íz≥ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ÁΔ ¡≈«Ӓ ÙªÂΔ Ò¬Δ º÷∂ ◊¬∂ ÙzΔ √«‘‹ Í≈· √≈«‘Ï ‹Δ Á∂ ÌØ◊ Guru Nanak Satsang Sikh Temple,200-204 Cannock Road, Wolverhampton WV10 0AL Í≈¬∂ ‹≈‰◊∂ «‹ºÊ∂ √Ó»‘ √≥◊ª ¡Á≈√ «Úº⁄ Ù≈ÓÒ ‘Ø’∂ Ï∂ÈÂΔ ’È◊Δ¡ª «’ ÍzÓ≈ÂÓ≈ «Úº¤ÛΔ »‘ ˘ √Ú◊ª «Úº⁄ «ÈÚ≈√ Á∂Ú∂ ¡Â∂ √Ï≥«Ë ÍzΔÚ≈ª ˘ «¬‘ ¡«√‘ «Ú¤ØÛ≈ √«‘‰ Á≈ ÏÒ ÏıÙ∂Õ¿∞Íz≥ ◊∞» ’∂ Òß◊ ÚÂ≈¬∂ jwxgy[ ≈‘ Â∞∂ ‹ªÁ∂ Ï≈Ï» ˘ «¬’ √≈Ë» «Ó«Ò¡≈Õ «’Ú∂∫ ‘Ø Ï≈Ï≈ ‹Δ? Ï≈Ï» È∂ Íπº«¤¡≈Õ ¡√Δ∫ ª √≈Ë» ‘ªÕ «‹Ú∂∫ √≈‚≈ ≈Ó º÷Á≈ ‘À, «‘≥Á∂ ‘ª® ¡√Δ∫ √≥√≈Δ Ï≥Á∂ ‘ªÕ «‹Ú∂∫ √≈‚Δ √ΔÂ≈ º÷ÁΔ ‘À, ¡√Δ∫ «‘≥Á∂ ‘ªÕ Ï≈Ï» È∂ ‹Ú≈Ï «ÁºÂ≈Õ *** ÍÂÈΔ (ÍÂΔ ˘)-Â∞√Δ∫ Ó∂≈ È≈Ó ÏÁÒ ’∂ ‹ΔÂØ ÂØ∫ ÍzΔÂØ º÷ «Ò¡≈ ¡Â∂ ÓÀ˘ Á«√¡≈ ÚΔ È‘Δ∫Õ

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019

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13th June to 19th June, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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By Geeta Mohan in New Delhi

PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi embarked upon his first foreign trip on Saturday after resuming office for the second time. A two-day, two-nation tour to Maldives and Sri Lanka on June 8-9 will focus on his administration’s “Neighbourhood First” policy. Making a huge impact speech at the Maldives Parliament (Majlis), PM Narendra Modi in a veiled attack on Pakistan said that state - sponsored terrorism is the biggest threat today.

Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019

(Above) PM Modi at Male Airport and (R) he receives the Maldives’ Highest Honour Order of the Distinguished Rule of Nishan Izzuddeen from President of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

“Terrorism is a danger, not just for a country but the entire civilization. Statesponsored terrorism is the biggest threat today. It is important for the world community to come together to fight the challenge of terrorism and radicalization,” he said while addressing a gathering of Maldives lawmakers. He landed in Male on Saturday afternoon and was received by Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid who told India Today, “It is a great honour for the Maldives to host Prime Minister Modi for his first visit abroad after his appointment as Prime Minister on May 30. The Maldives is the only country in

Modi says terror a big challenge in the world South Asia that PM Modi had not visited, and for him to visit now, signals the GoI’s trust in the government of President Solih, and its vision for peoplecentered, inclusive, and a just government.” PM Modi was accorded the honour of a ‘Head of State’ and was given a ceremonial welcome amid the scenic beauty of the island archipelago nation. He was conferred with Maldives’ highest honour for foreign dignitaries — the most honourable Order of the Distinguished “Rule of Nishan Izzuddeen”. “The two leaders reiterated their strong commitment to further strengthening and invigorating the traditionally strong and friendly relations between India and the Maldives, nur-

Maldives gives highest civilian honour to PM

tured by geographical contiguby China, had brought bilateral ity, ethnic, historical, socio-ecorelations to the brink of being nomic and cultural ties between severed. With President Solih in the peoples of the two countries. place, the ties have gotten a new They also reiterated an abiding lease of life. faith in, and commitment to “President Solih reaffirmed his democracy, development and government’s “India-First Polpeaceful co-existence,” the joint icy” and pledged his governstatement said. ment’s full support towards Modi administration had stood deepening the multifaceted, by the Opposition forces who mutually beneficial partnership stood against the autocratic between India and the Malrule of Yameen adminisdives, which has traditration who was ousted tionally been characSix in the most demoterised by trust, cratic form last year, transparency, MoUs were through the elecmutual undersigned between toral process. standing and senYameen, backed sitivity,” said the the two nations

By Geeta Mohan in New Delhi & Hamza Ameer in Islamabad PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi and Pakistan PM Imran Khan could have a “spontaneous” interaction on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit being held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on June 13-14. While any formal bilateral interaction has been ruled out, India Today has learnt that a brief conversation could be likely. During his weekly briefing on Thursday, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, “No bilateral meeting being planned for now.” Amidst new peace overtures from the Imran Khan government after the reelection of PM Narendra Modi, the White House made it clear to Pakistan on Saturday that the onus for sustained peace in South Asia was on it by putting the terror groups out of business. “What the United States is really looking for in Pakistan are arrests and prosecutions and not allowing these groups to operate and move around freely, acquire weapons, cross into India, carry out


join statement. The two sides signed six MoUs (Memorandums of Understanding) to assist the Maldives in its development and revival of its economy, including budgetary support for development projects, extending the Line of Credit for projects like water supply and sewerage, high impact community development projects, customs and white shipping, official sources said. The two leaders jointly inaugurated two defence related projects — a coastal surveillance radar system and composite training centre for Maldives National Defence Forces (MNDF).

CRICKET DIPLOMACY In a special gesture emphasising India’s cricket diplomacy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifted Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih a cricket bat signed by the Indian Cricket team to encourage the island nation develop cricket as a sport. A major push to enhance connectivity, bring international order in the maritime sphere and fight climate change was seen in the interactions between the two countries. Prime Minister Modi will be in Colombo on Sunday to mark India’s solidarity in fighting terrorism. He is likely to visit one of the Easter Sunday bombing sites. The message and thrust would remain to root out terrorism from the region and bring those who sponsor such terrorists to book.

No Indo-Pak bilateral at SCO, but ‘spontaneous’ talks not ruled out attacks,” a senior White House official told PTI this week. “The United States is looking for sustained and irreversible steps that shut down their operations,” asserted the official who spoke on condition of

US says onus for Indo-Pak peace stays with Pakistan anonymity. “Until these groups are put out of business, it's going to be very difficult for India and Pakistan to achieve a sustained peace. So the onus is on Pakistan to ensure that they crack down on these groups,” said the White House offi-

cial responding to a question on the US assessment of the Indo-Pak tension. Pakistan reached out to India in three instances since PM Modi was re-elected on May 23. In his third attempt, Khan wrote to Modi renewing his offer to work together for “durable” peace and stability in South Asia, aimed at promoting a peaceful neighborhood. The letter is being seen as Islamabad’s keen approach towards bringing New Delhi to the dialogue table, a process stalled and suspended since 2015. While the letter mentions Kashmir, poverty alleviation and peace; there is no mention of ridding the region of terrorism. India continues to maintain that talks and terror cannot go together.

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

Onus for India-Pakistan peace is on Pakistan: White House Washington Amidst new peace overtures from the Imran Khan government after the re-election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the White House has made it clear to Pakistan that the onus for sustained peace in South Asia was on it by putting the terror groups out of business. Khan has written a second letter to Modi after his re-election, saying Pakistan wants talks with India to resolve all differences, including the Kashmir issue. The Pakistani premier said talks between the two nations were the only solution to help both countries' people overcome poverty and that it was important to work together for regional development. H o w e v e r, I n d i a h a s rejected Pakistan's offer of talks, maintaining that terror and talks cannot go together and said that no bilateral meeting had been planned between the two premiers on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Summit (SCO) in Kyrgyzstan's

capital Bishkek on June 13-14. "What the United States is really looking for in Pakistan are arrests and prosecutions and not allowing these groups to operate and move around freely, acquire weapons, cross into India, carry out attacks," a senior White House official told PTI this week. The United States is looking for sustained and irreversible steps that shut down their operations, asserted the official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"Until these groups are put out of business, it's going to be very difficult for India and Pakistan to achieve a sustained peace. So the onus is on Pakistan to ensure that they crack down on these groups," said the White House official responding to a question on the US assessment of the IndoPak tension. A senior St a t e Department official said that in the wake of the Pulwama terrorist attack, the US had seen Pakistan take some initial actions against designated

terrorist organisations and more steps to enhance counter-terrorism financing measures. "We welcome those steps," the official said. "We have always agreed that the underlying causes of the tensions between India and Pakistan needed to be addressed …and the underlying tension has been the role of terrorist forces that have sanctuary on Pakistani soil. So we certainly encourage the creation of an environment that will lead to a dialogue," the official said.

13th June to 19th June, 2019


Breastfeeding advice and support for parents and mums-to-be New parents, mothersto-be and friends and family can get information and support at a free event taking place during this year’s National Breastfeeding Week. They can learn about feeding their baby and babyled weaning and enjoy a range of fun activities at the free event at Low Hill Strengthening Families Hub, Fourth Avenue, on Friday 21 June, from 10amnoon. Visitors will be able to find out about local services and organisations for families, and take part in baby massage, storytelling and nursery rhyme activities. Mums can also enjoy free mini beauty treatments, while families will be able to meet other parents, share experiences and learn new skills. Free refreshments will also be on offer. Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and

Wellbeing, said: “The aim of this event is to give parents the information they need to make a fully informed choice on feeding their baby, and to support and develop their relationship with their new arrival. “They can also get advice about a range of other issues which will benefit themselves and their new child, and have the chance to meet other new parents.” She added: “Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for mother and baby, lasting right into adulthood, and so we’re keen to encourage breastfeeding. “Research shows that babies who are breastfed are less likely to develop a range of illnesses such as ear infections and upset tummies. It also sets the child on a healthy growth path. And the longer you breastfeed, the longer the protection lasts and the greater the benefits.” National Breastfeeding Week 2019 runs from Thursday 20 June until Wednesday 26 June.

OUR INNER CONVERSATIONS REVEAL THE HIDDEN WORKINGS OF THE MIND BY CHARLOTTE SRA My life’s journey has lead me to become an author and a specialist in mental health psychology, managing success in one’s career, love and relationships. Having recently released my new book, “TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL: MENTALLY BROKEN”, for the mental health awareness month, it gathered a huge response with lots of questions being asked and answered. I was alarmed, though not surprised, at the response, with a high percentage of people suffering from mental health. Many of them were not even aware of the power of our inner speech. The readers claim that they have been able to relate to the book and have found it compulsively readable, powerful and humane,beingso real, enabling it to undress the clothing of mental health. Being a person who has suffered mental health since my childhood, as well as extremely violent child

abuse, the journey of this project has helped me gain self confidence and understanding of conquering my inner demons. I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, depressive psychosis, Asperger syndrome and OCD - all products of surviving such a challenging history. I could not expect to have come out unscathed from such an ordeal. For this reason, I am very pleased to have assisted with this project, because it’s a way of contributing back to society and to those that are particularly disadvantaged, reflecting a cognition of myself. By helping others and working integrally with a team of individuals who think differently and out of the box, breaking free from the template that society so unfairly projects as a false normality, I have empowered myself to rewire my mental mainframe and trigger a new hope in my life to a more onwardly positive outcome. Helping others is the key to helping oneself and transcending to new

heights. There are many out there that have suffered and are still suffering, yet are not diagnosed and live without support in the struggle of their everyday lives. I hope this book can be of some assistance, and also be inspiration to those that need it. This project is the start of a larger journey and the author is dedicated to seeing it through. Her heart is all in and her compassion towards others with the years of experience and her own suffering are a way for her to self-heal herself, while helping others on a similar path. This unselfish nature has my fullest respect and support. When asked people often say that their inner lives contain a lot of words. Psychologists use the term “inner speech” for this phenomenon, where people talk to themselves silently in their head. It has a cousin, “private speech,” in which people talk to themselves audibly. If you say words to yourself, such as, “I feel better today,” or “ it’s going to be okay,” without making a sound, then you

are using inner speech. If you say something similar to yourself out loud, it is termed, “private speech”. Both forms of language seem to have varied purposes, including planning and monitoring our behaviour and adopting mindfulness, thus helping us regulate our emotions and fostering creativity with self healing, Inner speech has been of particular interest to my study and self healing, as this is the form that plays the biggest part in our thinking, helping us balance our mind, body and spirit for better health, confidence, self healing, happiness and motivation. My audio version to the book will be released on the 1st July 2019. It will help enhance the workings of inner speech therapy and self healing. You will be able to follow my voice and allow yourself to open up into your own subconscious healing with the ability to rationalise emotions, gather your thoughts and reboot your system with confidence and motivation.

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Vol: 15,


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries March 21-April 19 Time to heed your own needs and stop fitting in with others' expectations. Some of you receive positive news relating to your job and finances. As Mercury transits Libra from 27th, it highlights your romantic and relationships zone. Taurus April 20-May 20 Tussle between family obligations and your own needs leaves you exhausted and frustrated. Mid-week you receive an invitation to as party, accept it as meeting people will uplift your spirits and boost your morale. Gemini May 21-June 21 Jupiter is joined by the illuminating Sun on the 26th, casting shining light on your domestic affairs, residence and your relationships. Career opportunities and positive advice from your partner enable you to boost your income. Cancer June 22-July 22 Joint ventures, team work and networking are the only solution to your overstretched and pressing work load. Keep a vigilant eye on your cash outgoings and spend only if it is essential. Leo. July 23-August 22 What a grand week Leo: As Sun meets expansive Jupiter in your house of money, it has a windfall opportunity all over. You too busy attending to home, family and relationships leaving no time for fun and adventure. Virgo August 23-September 22 With the Jupiter and Sun asserting your career and finances, it is time plan, execute and leap to that goal post. Leave others to their whims but concentrate on your own affairs. Some of you may have to embark on long journeys for business.

Libra September 23-October 22 Is it time to part ways with a situation or a relationships that has outgrown, Libra? The time is ripe to re-plan, analyze and adopt a new path to new horizons. Mid-week brings a chance to mingle with the known crowds and boost your popularity. Scorpio October 23-November 21 A power struggle at work place leaves you frustrated and disappointed but take heart that the Jupiter-Sun combo will boost your social status and charisma mid-week. Sagittarius November 22- December 22 As the week unfolds, so does your social and adventurous personality. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Is love missing from your life? The Full Moon on the 29th illuminates your house of romance and companionship and you may meet a seductive person at a party. Aquarius January 20-February 18 Communications and connections with people in authority are now essential for promoting your career. Your partner needs support in resolving a personal issue. Pisces February 19-March 20 This will be a memorable week for many months to come as the Jupiter-Sun combo and the Full Moon on the 29th bless you with all the goodies that you could wish for.

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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NAAN making Machinery For Sale. Brand new NAAN making Machinery available for sale in Wolverhampton, Consists of CORNER BUILT OVEN, PROVER, COOLER and PRESS.

Contact: S. Bhogal 07971 730 641

STAFF REQUIRED IN FISH AND CHIP SHOP Transport and Accommodation may be given. iPS Aqy icps SOp ivc kMm krn vwly stwP dI zrUrq hY[ Awaux jwx jW rihx dI shUlq vI idqI jw skdI hY[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro:

Mr. Bal Singh 07846 52 20 39

“Victory For The People”

White van man caught on CCTV dumping rubbish outside charity shop A local fly tipper has lost his vehicle to City of Wolverhampton Council and been ordered to pay over £3K for fly tipping outside a charity shop. CCTV footage shows a white van pulling up on Drayton Street on multiple occasions with the driver dumping a total of six fridges and a sofa outside Divine Onkar Mission Charity shop. The City Council contacted the DVLA early in their investigation to obtain the details for the

registered keeper of the vehicle captured on CCTV, to find the vehicle was not registered. Wolverhampton Magistrates Court ordered Mr Ripa to pay a total of £3053.28 for his fly tipping actions and granted forfeiture and destruction of the vehicle used for fly tipping to the City Council. Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment at City of Wolverhampton Council said: “Fly tipping is a serious crime

that will not be tolerated. “I am pleased with the outcome and the court’s support to clamp down on fly tippers. “We hope this sends a strong message to all those involved in illegal acts of fly tipping that we will be making life even more difficult to those who continue to blight our streets with illegally dumped waste. Despite the clear ‘No fly tipping’ signage Mr Ripa claimed he was leaving the dumped items for charity.

Overseas BJP supporters of East London and Ilford congratulates to Mr. Narendra Modi for being a Prime Minister of INDIA again.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


Vietnam elected to Asian seat on UN Security Council

United Nations Vietnam has been elected unopposed to the Security Council on behalf of the Asian countries in an election that could reshuffle the dynamics of the UN's highest body that is already paralyzed on many important issues like Syria, Yemen and Venezuela. Petit Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Friday became the smallest nation elected to the Council, when it defeated El Salvador for the Latin American and Caribbean seat. While Tunisia and Niger were elected unopposed to the Africa seats, Estonia defeated Romania for the East European representation. Saint Vincent will replace Peru and Vietnam will replace Kuwait in January 2020 in a reshuffle of the dynamics in the Council. Peru, like Kuwait, was closer to the US on many issues on the Council but

their successors are more independent like nonpermanent members South Africa and Indonesia. Vietnam's Permanent Representative Dang Dinh Quy said his country's election represented the recognition of the principles of independence and cooperation that guide its foreign policy. He told reporters that Vietnam would work to meet not only the traditional challenges, but also the emerging non-traditional

challenges to international security. As a nation that has emerged from decades of war, Vietnam would contribute to the Council from its experience of rebuilding, and specifically dealing with landmines, which are a deadly problem in many areas, said Dinh Quy. Next year Vietnam will join Indonesia, which was elected last year, giving ASEAN two non-permanent seats.

The 10 non-permanent members on the 15-member Council are elected to twoyear terms taking into account regional representation in staggered polls usually for five seats every year. In a last-minute surprise, El Salvador unsuccessfully

challenged Saint Vincent, which was the unanimous choice of the Caribbean and Latin American group, having staked its claim to this year's election a decade ago. El Salvador 's sudden entry into the race highlighted the differences between the Latin American states that like the US overwhelmingly want Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro removed from office and the Caribbean nations group known as CARICOM that oppose outside interference in Venezuela. But El Salvador's challenge failed to even make a symbolic dent, getting only six votes, while Saint Vincent received 185.

Saint Vincent has a population of only 109,000 less than that of a small Indian city like Phagwara or Narasaraopet - but at the UN it is equal to all countries that are not permanent Council members, even those several times its size like even India that is 11,000 times more populous. Saint Vincent Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said that his country would uphold the equality of states in the UN. A priority for the nation would be action on climate change, he added. On Venezuela, he reiterated his country's and CARICOM's commitment to non-interference and nonintervention and said change should come about peacefully through dialogue.

Dhaka A Bangladeshi pilot, who flew a special plane to bring Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina back from Finland after her three-nation visit, was caught without his passport at Qatar's international airport, according to media reports. Captain Fazal Mahmud of Biman Bangladesh Airlines was denied entry at the immigration of Doha International Airport in Qatar on Thursday after it was found that he travelled without passport, the airline officials said. The flag carrier sent the passport of the pilot in another flight to Qatar later; Civil Aviation Secretary Mohibul Haque told bdnews24. The airline is now sending another pilot to bring Prime Minister

Hasina back to Bangladesh, he added. Hasina is in Finland as part of her official trips to three countries. She had earlier visited Japan and Saudi Arabia. She is scheduled to return home on Saturday. Fazal flew a Boeing 787 Dreamliner from Dhaka to Qatar on

Wednesday night to bring Prime Minister Hasina back home. The issue of him carrying no passport was discovered when the flight reached Qatar. Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan has said action will be taken against the pilot after an investigation into the incident.

Bangladesh airlines pilot flying to bring PM back home caught without passport at Qatar airport

Grandfather Immensely prides of his grandson “Proud grandfather Sardar Surjit Singh Shoker (Pasla) from Leicester shared with immense pride and happiness recent achievements of grandson Veer, who is following in his grandad’s footsteps in sports. Veer’s school football team won the 2019 Leicester Schools Year 6 football tournament held at Leicester City Football Club’s Kingpower Stadium. Veer also plays for Leicester’s Guru Nanak Gurdwara Football Club, which has entered it’s 50 years since being

established.The under 12s GNG Lions won their first league trophy, winning the 2018/19 Division 4, in the Leicester Foxes League. The

team was presented their trophy on Sunday 2 June 2019 at Holmes Park, headquarters of the Leicestershire and Rutland Football Association.

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Vol: 15,

Capt forms 8 panels to review govt schemes, Sidhu on none Chandigarh Two days after divesting Navjot Singh Sidhu of Local Bodies Department, Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today ignored him while constituting eight consultative groups to accelerate the pace of implementing the government’s flagship programmes. The groups have been mandated to review and assess schemes such as farm debt waiver, universal health insurance, Ghar Ghar Rozgar, food security, and Mission Tandarust and give recommendations for improvement. A senior minister, requesting anonymity, said “When he (Sidhu) cannot talk to the Chief Minister, what is the need to make him part of any committee? He chooses to voice his point of view on government functioning

through the media. He is not part of any team. Let him carry out his work independently.” When asked why he was retained in the Cabinet when he was not a part of the CM’s team, the minister said, “He still has a chance to perform and get back in the core team. As of now, he has nothing to offer in results from his previous department, except tall

claims.” Sidhu could not be contacted despite repeated attempts. One of his media heads, Smit Singh, said “We don’t know the details of the panels you mentioned. We cannot comment on it as of now.” Meanwhile, Capt Amarinder will head the group on urban renewal and reforms — smart cities, AMRUT, UEIP and HUDCO. He will also head the group on drugs – comprehensive action plan against drug abuse. Cooperation Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa will head the group on farmer and farm workers debt waiver; Health Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu universal health insurance scheme and Mission Tandarust; Technical Education Minister Charanjit Singh Channi Ghar Ghar Rozgar; Food and Supplies Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu food security (smart ration cards): and Rural Development and Panchayats Minister Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa rural development (MGSVY, SVC, MGNREGA, rural housing). The groups are expected to complete the task in four weeks and submit reports to the CM. The reports will be taken up by the Cabinet in its meeting in July. ‘He still has a chance’ A senior minister, requesting anonymity, said “When he (Sidhu) cannot talk to the CM, what is the need to make him part of any committee? He chooses to voice his point of view on government functioning through the media…He still has a chance to perform and get back in the core team.”

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


KHAIRA: 3 PDA CONSTITUENTS TO MERGE Jalandhar Punjab Ekta Party chief Sukhpal Khaira today said three parties of the Punjab Democratic Alliance (PDA) would be merged. Addressing the media, Khaira said said a unity committee would be formed under which three constituents of the PDA, Nava Punjab Party, Lok Insaf Party and Punjab Ekta Party, would be merged. Alleging that Navjot Singh Sidhu was being victimised by the Congress, Khaira today said he was welcome to join the alliance. He said, "Sidhu spoke the truth. But due to political understanding between Capt Amarinder and the Badals, he is being targeted. The Congress tried to insult him. While portfolios of the ministers who lost haven't been changed, Sidhu was punished."

Says Sidhu victimised Alleging that Navjot Singh Sidhu was victimised by the Congress for telling the truth, Khaira said Sidhu was welcome to join the alliance. He said, "Sidhu spoke the truth. But due to political understanding between Capt Amarinder and the Badals, he is being targeted. The Congress tried to insult him. While portfolios of the ministers

who lost haven't been changed, Sidhu was punished. We appeal to him to follow the path of truth. If he bids goodbye to the Congress, he is welcome to join us, we will respect him." Khaira said, "Supporters have been demanding merger of three parties under one banner. So our call is for 'Ik nishan, ik vaidhan, ik pardhan' (one symbol, one principle, one leader)."

108-year-old World War II survivor plays piano every single day: Video viral Chandigarh A 108-year-old Polandbased woman is a talented pianist. Wanda Zarzycka, despite her age plays the piano effortlessly and every single day, an international website reports. The surprising fact is that she broke her hands when she was 80, and was told by the doctors that she would never be able to play again. But, she never gave up. Wanda is a former dancer and with time developed her interest in music as a young girl. She graduated from Ukraine's Lviv's music conservatory in 1931.

Sadly, she couldn't continue with playing the piano after World War II. Five years later, Wanda's family moved from Lviv after which her piano was brought to Krakow, Poland, in 1944. The piano, indeed, is

special for Wanda as she inherited the instrument from her mother, who received it as a wedding gift. Wanda Zarzycka's piano is her most prized possession in her apartment in Krakow.

Mail Today Correspondent in New Delhi


UVRAJ Singh has called time on his international — as well as IPL — career, finishing up after 40 Tests, 304 ODIs and 58 T20Is in which he established himself as the best Indian allrounder of his generation — an explosive batsman, useful slow left-arm bowler and dynamic fielder. The celebrated cricketer ended a career which spanned 19 years after he made his debut in the ICC KnockOut Trophy in Kenya. Yuvraj has not been a part of the Indian team for quite some time and has been contemplating retirement from international cricket and rumours are rife that he might pursue a career as a freelance cricketer in various ICC approved foreign T20 leagues. He last played a Test match for India in 2012 and featured in a limited-overs series in 2017. The 2011 World Cup hero said he had decided to move on while announcing his retirement at a press conference in Mumbai. “Cricket has given me everything and is the reason why I stand here today.”


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Vol: 15,

Issue 717



Congrats on a wonderful career playing for the country paji. You gave us so many memories. — @VIRATKOHLI

Happy retirement, Pie Chucker. A quite remarkable career with plenty highs and some pretty brutal lows.Love ya, @YUVSTRONG12! — @KEVINPIETERSEN PHOTO: PTI

Yuvraj Singh battled through cancer and emerged victorious.

Yuvraj’s mother Shabnam gets emotional on Monday. His wife Hazel Keech (right) is also seen.

ODIs In 304, one-day games, the 2011 World Cup hero scored 8,701 at an average of 36.55. He made 14 centuries and 52 fifties.

Yuvi tips Pant to better his exploits By Rasesh Mandani in Mumbai


THERE is some sincerity when legendary sportsmen pick their legacy-candidate on retirement. Sachin Tendulkar tipped Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. Yuvraj Singh singles out Delhi dasher Rishab Pant. For Pant, having missed the flight to UK after selectors picked the experienced Dinesh Karthik over his exuberance, Yuvraj’s words of high praise should boost his confidence. “Rishab Pant has potential to be better than me. And he has proven himself in a short span of time,” Yuvraj spoke in his retirement press conference. “I am really looking forward to seeing him in the next few years.”

In, 58 T20Is, he scored 1,177 runs. His highest was 77. Born : Dec 12, 1981, Chandigarh


After 25 years, in and around 22 yards, and after almost 17 years of international cricket on and off, I have decided to move on.




Yuvraj Singh, hero of India’s 2011 World Cup triumph, retires from international cricket

The left-hander played 40 Test matches and scored 1,900 runs at an average of 33.92.

This game taught me how to fight, how to fall, to dust myself off and get up again and move forward. I gave my blood and sweat to the game.


13th June to 19th June, 2019

CAREER HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY 2000 Yuvraj made a mark in India’s Under-19 World Cup triumph in Sri Lanka in 2000. He scored 203 runs at 33.83 and also impressed with his left-arm spin. Less than a year later, he became part of the national team. OCTOBER 2000 Against Australia in the quarter-final of the ICC Knockout Tournament, Yuvraj smashed 84 off 80 balls in a memorable win. JULY 2002 In one of India’s finest moments in ODI cricket, Yuvraj, who made 69, and Mohammad Kaif combined to hand

their team a thrilling two-wicket win while chasing 325 in the NatWest Series final against England at Lord's. It also sealed his place in the ODI team.

SEPTEMBER 2007 In the inaugural World Twenty20, Yuvraj (in pic) entered the record books, smashing Stuart Broad for six sixes in an over. He followed up with a match-winning 70 against Australia in the semi-finals that put India on the road to a historic title win. FEB 19 - APR 2, 2011 A dream World Cup for Yuvraj, as he scored 362 runs including one centuries and four fifties – took 15 wickets, won four Man-of-theMatch awards, and was also Player of the Tournament. AGENCIES

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Vol: 15,

Issue 717

13th June to 19th June, 2019


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