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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 716

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6th June to 12th June, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

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6th June to 12th June, 2019

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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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ÓÈ «‹æÂ


Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,


Issue 716


6th June to 12th June, 2019



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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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Vol: 15,

Issue 716


6th June to 12th June, 2019




AVJOT Singh Sidhu could be in a lot more trouble than he possibly bargained for when he took on Punjab chief minister Capt. Amarinder Singh. The former Indian cricketer, who was inducted as the state’s local government, tourism and culture minister following the Assembly elections in March 2017, has been steering a contrary course almost from the word go.

Early into his stint as a Cabinet minister, Sidhu publicly derided his own government for refusing to impose local taxes on cable TV companies. This apparently because he believed it would hurt a Punjab-wide TV network closely associated with the Badal family.

Sidhu may be stripped of his portfolio The CM reportedly turned down Sidhu’s proposal on the more realistic premise that it would eventually impose unnecessary financial burden on common TV-watching households in the state. Around the same time, Sidhu once again went into a sulk after a regulatory policy for sand-mining drafted by a group of ministers he was a part of, was also turned down as unrealistic. His proposals on an alternate excise (liquor) policy for Punjab were similarly rejected. All of this, while work in the local government department, a key portfolio held by the former cricketer, reportedly suffered amid long delays in implementation of projects. Sidhu meanwhile, also continued to appear on popular TV shows, for which he spent many weekends away in Mumbai. But things started becoming a lot more unpleasant following Sidhu’s controversy-raising trip to attend Imran Khan’s swearing in as Pakistan’s Prime Minister in August 2018. Although he claimed it was a ‘private’ visit and duly cleared by the Government of India, Sidhu’s conduct in Islamabad, particularly his rather questionable japphi (hug) with the Pakistan Army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, raised many questions across India. And on his return from Pakistan, Sidhu’s comment that Rahul Gandhi, and not Amarinder Singh, was his real “captain,” was equally frowned upon in both Delhi and Chandigarh. Refusing to learn any lessons and contrary to Amarinder’s

Sherry does a hit-wicket advice, Sidhu returned to Paknominees to address rallies in their constituencies, Sidhu really istan a few months later to stand made a belated appearance in besides his “good friend” Imran Bathinda on May 17. Khan perform the ceremonial There, at every one of the poll ground-breaking for the Karmeetings, he addressed for the tarpur Corridor. But while there, young Congress candidate Sidhu not only rubbed shoulders Amrinder Singh ‘Raja’ Warring, but even posed for selfies with Sidhu accused Amarinder Singh known Khalistanis like Gopal of “colluding” with the Badals, Singh Chawla. rather than dish out his usual fare Senior Congress leaders in Punof Badal and BJP bashing! jab are convinced that Sidhu’s very public bear-hug with Gen. The state Congress leadership Bajwa contributed to damaging has no doubt that Sidhu’s rather the party’s poll prospects both in vicious outpourings just two days Punjab and the rest of the counbefore polling damaged the party try. in Bathinda as well as other key segments across Punjab. It still wasn’t the last straw. But what could well be that, is Sidhu’s Having patiently restrained himeyebrow-raising conduct self until polling was over on through the month-andMay 19 evening, CM Singh a-half-long Lok Sabha called out Sidhu, both Chief poll campaign. Havfor his conduct durminister ing steered clear of ing the campaign as Punjab despite Capt. Amarinder well as his failings multiple requests as a minister. It Singh called out Sidhu from Congress seems, the Confor his failings

Revamped state-run

schools in demand THERE ARE more good tidings from Punjab’s schoolrooms. State-run schools, in the process of a revamp under the Punjab education department’s ‘Smart School’ and ‘Padho Punjab’ initiatives, are reportedly witnessing a flood of students transferring from privately-run institutions. It also helps that these school students showed an improvement in their performance in Class X and XII examinations held this year. Spearheaded by state education secretary Krishan Kumar, the two-year-old initiatives are beginning to bear fruit. Parents are being invited to visit these schools and see for themselves and perhaps even sit in on some classes. Where complete, the new Smart Schools have ren-

Govt school students did well in Class X and XII. ovated buildings with separate washrooms for girls, education parks and choice of English as the medium of instruction. Government schools also have free textbooks and zero tuition fees up to Class VIII, and a nominal fee thereafter.

gress trailed in largely urban segments in the five seats it lost. In the border constituency of Gurdaspur for instance, the state Congress chief Sunil Jakhar trailed in urban Assembly segments even while he was ahead of the BJP’s Sunny Deol in essentially rural areas like Dera Baba Nanak, Fatehgarh Churian, Batala and Qadian. Congress sources are saying that a number of MLAs as well as party candidates had warned about “voter disillusionment” consequent to Sidhu’s inability to deliver in cities and towns. The political grapevine in Chandigarh has it that Navjot Sidhu is more than likely to be stripped of his coveted local government portfolio. CM Singh told this writer in Chandigarh, “His (Sidhu’s) responsibilities need to be re-designated.” So now it’s only a matter of when? The writer is deputy editor, India Today magazine.

No more ‘period’ taboo WITH just 168 girls and boys on its rolls, the Government High School in Nawanshahr districts’s Garlon Bet village has started a new initiative that is promoting gender-sensitivity. Pradeep Kaur, a teacher at the school, has started a Menstrual Hygiene Club, which is busting myths that’s longassociated with the menstrual cycle. Interestingly, both boys and girls have been included as members. Kaur says, the boys no longer giggle about it and the girls aren’t afraid to ask for a sanitary pad when they need one. On the occasion of World Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28), boys made posters and the students wore ‘Period Bands’ (a bracelet with 23 white and five crimson beads) symbolising the menstrual cycle. Kaur says these discussions have served to make menstruation a “gender-inclusive topic”. Although nascent, the initiative has caught the attention of Punjab’s newly-resurgent school education department.

Some cheer in SAD camp, courtesy Narendra Modi AT A closed-door meeting of its core committee on May 28, the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) chief and Punjab’s former deputy CM Sukhbir Singh Badal was reportedly full of praise for PM Modi and the BJP. According to a member who attended the meeting, Sukhbir was greatly impressed with how the BJP rank and file doggedly sustained public focus on PM right through the monthand-a-half long election campaign. The SAD chief remarked that BJP workers chanted “Modi! Modi!” at polling stations, even in Modi’s absence. The mood in the SAD was lighter in the wake of the

(From left) PM Modi with Shiromani Akali Dal leaders Parkash Singh Badal and Sukhbir Singh Badal. campaign, at the end of which the Sikh party and its ally, BJP, won four of the 13 seats they contested together. Some of the cheer came from the party’s improved vote share significantly up to 37 per cent, after the 15-seat debacle in the 2017 Assembly polls.

The SAD leadership also reportedly took serious note that the rural support base had shrunk while urban voters backed the party, possibly for PM. But then, the SAD did run its campaign on PM Modi and without issuing an election manifesto of its own.

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Vol: 15,

Issue 716


6th June to 12th June, 2019

Katrina’s balancing act


ATRINA KAIF has said her 2016 breakup with Ranbir Kapoor, with whom she was in a relaWhen you get stuck on sometionship for seven thing, it’s deeply disturbing. It years, was an extremely doesn’t leave you alone. It was difficult period in her life. bad. It was sad. I wondered how something could trouble you to “After my last relationship this level.” ended, I was forced to During this phase, Kaif turned analyse many things to books for solace. “I about myself, my life wanted to understand ‘We how we human beings and the way I was function. On one parneed big living it. Whatever ticular night, my commercial was supposed to attitude and happen, hapfilmmakers to approach to the pened. Everymake female-led world opened up again. Some things thing happens or female-centric can still upset you. for a reason,” she films. I want that But that’s fine. I face told a film publito happen’ it. I stare at the ghost cation recently. in the room until it just “I remember I was getting on a plane to shoot Baar Baar Dekho in Thailand. It was January. There was a repetitive thought going on in my head.

fades away. When something triggers an emotion, I let it happen. What you resist, persists.” In another interview Kaif said

she’s found a balance in films. The Bharat actress says she is at a point in her career where she is drawn to “challenging” roles rather than the styling or glamour aspect of cinema. “To grow as an actor a nd further myself in my career, I have to learn and experiment more and try out different roles. The idea is to work with directors who will bring out these aspects of me that I would like to see on the screen,” she said. “It is about finding the right balance. The year I did Rajneeti, I also had a glamorous film [Tees Maar Khan].” The 35-year-old actress, who has been part of the film industry for 16 years, added more women should be a part of commercial cinema space. “We need big commercial filmmakers to make female -led or female centric films. I want that to happen. I have said this to Zoya Akhtar and other friends. I would like to see that happen.” —Agencies

‘Not without my trainer’ PARINEETI Chopra wants to ensure her hectic work schedule does not hamper her training process for Saina. The Meri Pyaari Bindu actress has her hands full promoting her next release Jabariya Jodi, before shooting the official remake of The

Parineeti will have to train and play as Saina Girl on The Train in London. But she will continue to train for the biopic on the iconic badminton player, even though it will be challenging. To overcome that, she has created an extensive plan with her trainer. “ Saina is going to be a very intense shooting process as Pari has

Richa Chadha’s 4-point regime for ‘Panga’ ACTRESS Richa Chadha has been training extensively for her role of a kabbadi player in the Kangana Ranaut starrer Panga. The film came to her at a time she was recovering from an injury. The Fukrey actor has been training with experts in the sport, but has taken on three other fitness routines for building her endurance. She has also taken on strength training, yoga and agility training, which have also proven beneficial in her recovery. Reportedly, she was a kabbadi player during her school days, which helped her train for the film too. “I wanted to [combine] my personal fitness goals with that of the film, which led me to collaborate with people like Mustafa [Ahmed, star fitness trainer] who created a fantastic strength and movement based fitness module for me,” said Chadha in a press statement on Thursday. “I have always loved doing new things for fitness and I’m glad I’m getting to experiment. I also went back to the roots of my school practice of doing Iyengar yoga and found myself attracted towards fusion belly dancing. All these new fitness routines [helped] in my overall fitness.” —Mail Today Bureau

Richa has been training with Mustafa Ahmed, who has trained the likes of Hrithik Roshan and Ranveer Singh.

to master the game of badminton, as well as get Saina Nehwal’s body language bang on,” a source said. “[To achieve Sania’s fitness level] she needs to achieve to play like Saina, which will be most challenging. Saina trains every single day to play the kind of game she plays and Pari will have to replicate that on screen. It’s certainly not an easy task for any actor.” This is why she will be taking her trainer everywhere she goes during promotions or at the shoot in London. “Pari is showing determination and dedication to authentically play the role of the iconic badminton player who did India proud the world over,” the source added. —Mail Today Bureau

From right: Actor Harrison Ford, Disney CEO Robert Iger, actors Mark Hamill and Billy Dee Williams, with ‘Star Wars’ creator George Lucas at the opening of Galaxy’s Edge.

Ford dedicates Star Wars attraction to Peter Mayhew Wars creator George Lucas. STARS from the Star Wars franchise helped to launch DisneyThe sci-fi quartet, along with Disland’s new $1billion attraction, ney CEO Robert Iger, helped cut Galaxy’s Edge in style on Wednesthe ribbon on the 14-acre attracday night. Harrison Ford paid an tion, declaring the “not so far, far emotional tribute to longtime away immersive experience offifriend and Chewbacca actor cially open for business”. Peter Mayhew, who died aged 77 “Peter, this one’s for you,” Ford last month. declared, before banging on Ford, loved for his porthe hull of a to-scale trayal of Han Solo, was model of the MillenThe accompanied on stage nium Falcon to actor spoke at by co-stars from the prompt a stunning the opening of original trilogy, firework display to Galaxy’s Edge including, Mark echo out across the attraction at Hamill and Billy Dee skies above. Disneyland in Anaheim Williams, and Star — Daily Mail

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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


Kartarpur corridor on Indian side to be completed by Sept 30: Punjab minister Chandigarh The construction of the Kartarpur corridor on the Indian side will be completed by September 30, said Punjab PWD minister Vijay Inder Singla on Saturday. The corridor will link the Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Punjab’s Gurdaspur with Gurdwara Darbar Sahib at Kartarpur in Pakistan. “The construction of the passage will be accomplished by September 30, well in time before the 550th Parkash Purb (birth anniversary) celebrations of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev,” said Singla in an official release. After the inspection of the site, the PWD minister said the construction of the

corridor would be on a par with a state-of-the-art expressway. He said the length of the corridor on the Indian side was 4.2 km with 3.6 km being a linear stretch equipped with median lights, carriageway and raised footpaths on both sides. The remaining stretch comprises approach roads from the historic Gurdwara Dera Baba Nanak and the BSF check-post on the international border. A world-class infrastructure would be in place for devotees, said Singla. The minister said in view of increasing flow of already been acquired. check-post (ICP) by the pilgrims, the approach roads upgraded. Additional 50 acres Land Port Authority of India, to Dera Baba Nanak from He said the project Batala, Fatehgarh Churian would cost Rs 116 crore, for would be acquired for the the minister added. The Union Cabinet on and Ramdas were being which sixty-two acres had construction of an integrated

November 22 last year had decided to develop a passage from Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur to the Indian side of the international border. The corridor will facilitate a passage to the historic gurdwara in Kartarpur, the final resting place of Guru Nanak Dev. The Kartarpur gurdwara is located in Pakistan’s Narowal district across the Ravi, about four kilometres from the Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Indian Punjab. Pakistan will build the corridor up to the Indian border from the gurdwara in Kartarpur. The corridor will be thrown open to pilgrims in November this year to mark the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev.

BJP not seeking bigger SIT: Case against dera chief was seat share: Malik cancelled at Sukhbir’s behest Chandigarh-The state unit of the BJP is in no hurry to make any political statement on demanding a bigger chunk in the current seat-sharing formula with the SAD in Punjab, said the state party president, Shwait Malik while talking to The Tribune over phone here today. “After a resounding success in the recent elections, we have already commenced the process of strengthening our party on the ground. We want to carry our public acceptance to a level where our own ally will happily give us the due share that our party deserves,” Malik said. Under the current understanding of seatsharing in the alliance with the SAD, the BJP has a share of contesting for three Lok Sabha seats, out of the total 13 in the state. The party contests on 23 seats of the Vidhan Sabha, out of the total 117. Showing the Lok Sabha vote figures in comparison to the 2017 Vidhan Sabha figures in constituencies contested by the the BJP, Malik said, “Our party gained a lead of almost double in Sujanpur in the Gurdaspur constituency this time as compared to the results of the 2017 Vidhan Sabha elections. The party, represented by Sunny Deol, this time gained a lead of 34,034 votes against 18,701 in the Vidhan Sabha polls. The lead in Amritsar (North) was reduced from 14,236 to only 1,368. The damage control of votes this time as compared to the Vidhan Sabha elections was more than 60,000 in Mukerian, followed by Bhoa (56,919), Dinanagar (52,439), Ferozepur (50,633) and Dasuya (40,000).

Malik said the party led in areas of 14 Vidhan Sabha constituencies, out of its total share of 23, this time. The party vote share in the total increased from 5.4 per cent in 2017 to 9.63 per cent this time. “I don’t want to make any statement of demanding any bigger share of seats at this juncture. My workers are continuing their programme of contacting the masses on ground. In any case, a final call towards seat-sharing is always taken by our party high command,” Malik said. Malik said, “We have chalked out a detailed map for our workers to start work on various projects initiated by the Centre but had been left untouched by the state government. We will carry our work independently in case we do not receive any support from the state.”

Faridkot-A chargesheet filed in the court here by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in the Kotkapura firing incident of October 2015 has claimed that Sukhbir Badal had got cancelled a criminal case of blasphemy against Dera Sacha Sauda chief in January 2015, five days before the polling for Assembly elections to gain vote bank of the dera. The criminal case was registered against the dera chief in May 2007 at Bathinda. The act of firing on peaceful protesters in Kotkapura on October 14, 2015, was an outcome of a conspiracy between certain high-profile politicians and police officers in connivance with the head of Dera Sacha Sauda and his followers.IGP Paramraj Singh Umranangal, former DGP Sumedh Singh Saini, former Akali MLA Mantar Singh Brar, former Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and Sukhbir Singh Badal were part of the conspiracy. This is unambiguous finding of the SIT, reads the chargesheet. In the chargesheet, the SIT has alleged that after granting pardon to Sacha Sauda dera chief on September 24, 2015, the SGPC had spent Rs 82.50

lakh on related advertisement to justify and give publicity to this pardon.Before this pardon to the dera chief, Sukhbir Singh Badal had a meeting with the dera chief in Mumbai on September 15, 2015, and the meeting was arranged by film actor Akshay Kumar. A day after this pardon to the dera chief, a controversial film of the dera chief was released in Punjab on September 25, 2015. “Singh is Bling”, a controversial film of Akshay Kumar was also released in Punjab on October 2, 2015.The SGPC was requested to provide the copy of letter for pardon it had received from the dera chief, but the letter and relevant record have not been provided by the SGPC, reads the chargesheet. About the defence of alibi

by Sukhbir Badal that he was not in Punjab when the incident of police firing took place at Kotkapura and Behbal Kalan, the SIT claimed in the chargesheet that he was aware of each and every development on that day. The SIT is waiting for response from the office of the Chief Secretary, Punjab, about the details of Sukhbir’s presence on that day, reads the chargesheet.Accusing the police under the command of IGP Paramraj Singh Umranangal of arson, the SIT’s chargesheet relied upon some video clips to show that the police were putting a Tempo with sound system on fire and this happened in the presence of DIG AS Chahal and Umranangal. He was in civil dress purposely not to be identified by the people.

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Vol: 15,


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Your Stars This Week

Acharya Surendera Gautama / E-mail Aries (March 21-April 19) With the New Moon on the 3rd June, your communications skills and aptitude for interaction are on the peak. Domestic affairs, family obligations and children's demand on your time are draining off your energy. Taurus (April 21-May 20 Your house of money and security is under auspicious stars and helped by the New Moon, monies owed begin and a job offer you have been waiting for, suddenly arrive. Mercury and Mars combo, wans you to be careful with words. Gemini (May 21-June 20) With Venus now in your sign and a new moon on the 3rd, love and romance begin to bloom and you will be surrounded by harmony and peace. Cancer (June 22-July 22) As the new moon shines on 3rd June, and Mercury visits your zodiac on the 4th, rejoice, as you will be on the centre stage and people from the past appear and contact you. Leo (July 22-August 22) Your social life is getting lovelier by the day from 3rd June forward for next few weeks. The focus this week will be on career, money and personal life and you may face minor challenges and obstructions. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Your house of ambitions is activated but with Mercury and Mars combo you have to watch your steps, avoid arguments and squabbles to move ahead at work place. Libra (September 23-October 20) Far horizons and distant relatives are on your mind and you may plan a ling distance trip in a hurry. Career progress is linked with added responsibilities but it definitely means a rise

in your earning power. Siblings and offspring need your unconditional support. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Be confident when dealing with financial matters this week and trust your intuition. Communications will take precedent so ensure to answer those phone calls and emails. Often it pays to discard your old opinion about someone sand start afresh in life. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Positive opportunities and changes are imminent for the next few weeks. Cash inflow increases as the week goes by and you will be enthralled and feel more secured. New Moon on the 3rd June, activates you love and romance zone. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Healthcare and wellbeing are in the stars for the next few weeks. The hectic work schedule and personal obligations have left your drained off energy; it is now time to slow down and recharge yourself. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Something or someone new is coming to your life, which will be a stepping stone for enhances energy and charisma. Discussions, debates and behind the scene meetings will set the pace for a promotion at work or securing a lucrative business contract. Pisces (February 20 - March 19) The new moon on the 3rd June brings a new start to your creative and inspirational projects. Take things in their strides and try to relax and rest. Connect with likeminded people to socialize and spend some quality time. Look after your valuables and possessions.

On eve of UK visit, Trump backs Boris Johnson, dings duchess Washington-President Donald Trump is wading into the United Kingdom’s political maelstrom days before he is set to embark on his first state visit there, saying Boris Johnson would make an “excellent” prime minister and calling Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, “nasty”. In an interview on Friday with the British tabloid The Sun, Trump expressed support for the controversial ex-foreign secretary in his bid to replace Theresa May, saying, “I think Boris would do a

very good job. I think he would be excellent.” May is to step down amid an impasse over Brexit on June 7, just days after Trump is set to be feted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace and after official observances of the 75th anniversary of D-Day are concluded.Trump referred to the American-born Duchess of Sussex as “nasty” over comments she made in 2016 threatening to move to Canada if Trump won the White House.

“I didn’t know that she was nasty,” he said of Meghan when read her prior criticism. The former Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, in 2018 and gave birth to their first child, Archie, in May. During the state visit, the president, his wife, Melania, and his four adult children are expected to meet with Harry as well as his brother, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, and his wife, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. Meghan is expected to stay home with Archie.

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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NAAN making Machinery For Sale. Brand new NAAN making Machinery available for sale in Wolverhampton, Consists of CORNER BUILT OVEN, PROVER, COOLER and PRESS.

Contact: S. Bhogal 07971 730 641

STAFF REQUIRED IN FISH AND CHIP SHOP Transport and Accommodation may be given. iPS Aqy icps SOp ivc kMm krn vwly stwP dI zrUrq hY[ Awaux jwx jW rihx dI shUlq vI idqI jw skdI hY[ vDyry jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro:

Mr. Bal Singh 07846 52 20 39

Name Change Notice I, BAKSHO of 147 Westacre Crescent, Finchfield, Wolverhampton, WV3 9BA, (UK) hereby give Notice to change my name from BAKSHO to BAKSHO TOORA with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.

Host of library activities to mark National Bookstart Week Young bookworms will be flocking to Wolverhampton’s libraries during National Bookstart Week, which is now underway. The annual event aims to raise awareness of the importance of reading and sharing books with young children, and there are a host of activities for pre-school children throughout the week. There will be free Baby Book Time sessions with the Bookstart Bear on the following dates this week and next: • Tettenhall Library, Thursday 6 June, 10.30am-11am • Springvale Library, Friday 7 June, 10am-11am • Pendeford Library, Tuesday 11 June, 10.30am-11am • Finchfield Library, Wednesday 12 June, 10.30am-11am • Warstones Library, Friday 14 June, 10.30am-11.30am. Councillor Harman Banger, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: “Getting into the habit of sharing stories, books and rhymes every day – even if only for 10 minutes – can transform a child’s life, as they explore their world and make bonds while building skills and a life-long love of reading. “We’re looking forward to welcoming families to join in the National Bookstart Week celebrations at our libraries over the next few days.” To find out more about Wolverhampton’s libraries, please visit

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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


US begins collecting higher tariffs Scheme to promote on Chinese goods arriving by sea small units on cards Washington-The United States began collecting higher, 25% tariffs on many Chinese goods arriving in US seaports on Saturday morning in an intensification of the trade war between the world’s two largest economies and drawing retaliation from Beijing. US President Donald Trump imposed the tariff increase on a $200 billion list of Chinese goods on May 10, but had allowed a grace period for sea-borne cargoes that departed China before that date, keeping them at the prior, 10% duty rate. The US Trade Representative’s office in a May 15 Federal Register notice set a June 1 deadline for those goods to arrive in the United States, after which US Customs and Border protection would begin collecting the 25% duty rate at US ports. The deadline

expired at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Saturday. The tariff increase affects a broad range of consumer goods, and intermediate components from China including Internet modems and routers, printed circuit boards, furniture, vacuum cleaners and lighting products. Earlier on Saturday, China began collecting higher retaliatory tariffs on much of a $60 billion target list of US goods. The tariffs, announced on May 13 and taking effect as of midnight in

Beijing (1600 GMT), apply additional 20% or 25% tariffs on more than half of the 5,140 US products targeted. Beijing had previously imposed additional rates of 5% or 10% on the targeted goods. No further trade talks between top Chinese and US negotiators have been scheduled since the last round ended in a stalemate on May 10, the same day when Trump announced higher tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and then took steps to levy duties on all

remaining Chinese imports. China ordered the latest tariff increases in response to Trump’s move. Trump has accused China of breaking a deal to settle their trade dispute by reneging on earlier commitments made during months of negotiations. China has denied the allegations. Beijing has grown more strident in recent weeks, accusing Washington of lacking sincerity and vowing that it will not cave to the Trump administration’s demands. Its rhetoric has hardened particularly since Washington put Chinese company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd on a blacklist that effectively bans the firm from doing business with US companies.

Bathinda: Union Food Processing Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal, who paid obeisance at Talwandi Sabo gurdwara on Saturday, said employment generation would be on top of her agenda. She said a scheme to encourage setting up of small units requiring investment between Rs 1 lakh and 10 lakh would be launched soon. According to it, almost 50 per cent subsidy would be given by the Ministry of Food Processing and Industries. She said the Central government would try to increase the income of marginal farmers by providing them all possible assistance through the department of food processing industries.

China warns Canada of

‘consequences’ of helping US Beijing-China warned Canada that it needs to be aware of the consequences of aiding the US in an extradition case involving Chinese tech giant Huawei that is believed to have sparked the detentions of two Canadians in China. Foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang’s comments came after US Vice President Mike Pence and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. Both were arrested on December 10 after Canada detained a Huawei executive wanted by the United States on fraud charges. While China has denied they were taken in retaliation, it has repeatedly implied that there is a strong connection between the cases. Korvig, a former diplomat and Asia expert at the International Crisis Group, and Spavor, a businessman, have been accused of colluding to steal state secrets. Canada has repeatedly urged their immediate release, calling their detentions arbitrary. Neither has been permitted access to lawyers or family members. “We hope that the Canadian side can have a clear understanding of the consequences of

endangering itself for the gains of the US and take immediate actions to correct its mistakes so as to spare itself the suffering from growing damage,” Geng said at a daily news briefing. Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the company’s founder, is accused of lying to banks about the company’s dealings with Iran in violation of US trade sanctions. Her attorney has argued that comments by US President Donald Trump suggest the case against her is politically motivated. Washington has pressured other countries to limit the use of Huawei’s technology, warning they could be opening themselves up to surveillance and theft of information. China and the US are currently embroiled in a trade dispute that is weighing heavily on global financial

markets. Another Canadian held in China, Robert Schellenberg, was re-sentenced to death in a drug case following Meng’s detention. His case is currently under appeal. In their joint statement, Pence and Trudeau said: “The United States and Canada stand together to firmly reject the wrongful detention of two Canadian citizens, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, and call for their immediate release. “China’s actions are damaging its international reputation and a deep concern for all countries that uphold the rule of law.” “Canada and the United States welcome constructive, results-oriented engagement with China that concretely demonstrates respect for the rule of law, human rights, and fair and reciprocal trade,” the statement said.

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Vol: 15,

US suspends funding for Iran Twitter account that trolled critics Washington-The State Department is suspending funding for a taxpayer-funded Twitter account on Iran that sharply attacked critics of President Donald Trump’s

manipulation”. The account, in English, Farsi and occasionally Arabic, is funded by the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which is

hawkish policy, an official said on Saturday. The Iran Disinformation Project was set up late last year with a stated mission to expose the “nefarious influence” of the clerical regime in Tehran, including by tackling its “social media

in charge of countering foreign propaganda. To its modest number of Twitter followers, which stood at just over 2,700 on Saturday, @IranDisinfo offers a narrative in line with the Trump administration, highlighting human rights

concerns in Iran, attacking its leaders across the spectrum and using the hashtag #40YearsOfFailure to describe the country since the 1979 Islamic Revolution overthrew the pro-US shah. But some of the many USbased critics of the Trump administration’s hard line on Iran, who fear his policies could lead to war, voiced alarm at also being attacked by the account, which at times suggested they were stooges for the regime. A State Department official said that while “the bulk” of @IranDisinfo’s work was acceptable, the Department “identified recent tweets that fall outside the scope of the project to counter foreign state propaganda or disinformation”. On Friday, “the Department suspended the funding for the Iran Disinfo project until the implementer takes necessary steps to ensure that any future activity remains within the agreed scope of work,” he said. Negar Mortazavi, a prominent Twitter commentator on Iran who is based in Washington, highlighted the irony that she cannot return to Iran because she has worked for US-funded Voice of America. “@IranDisinfo uses my own tax money to attack and smear me and call me ‘Devil’s Advocate,’” she tweeted. The account also attacked Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post journalist who was detained for a year and a half in Iran.

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


US state of Illinois nears pot legalisation

Chicago-The US state of Illinois on Friday moved closer to legalising marijuana for recreational use—the first case in which US state lawmakers led the change. In a bipartisan vote of 66-47, the lower House in the state capital Springfield approved the measure which, once signed by the governor, would make Illinois the first US state to start a recreational pot industry via the legislature rather than through initiatives approved by voters. “This will have a transformational impact on our state, creating opportunity in the communities that need it most and giving so many a second chance,” Governor J.B. Pritzker said in his statement. Pritzker, a Democrat, campaigned on marijuana legalization and was due to sign the legislation that would take effect

January 1. Illinois residents age 21 and older would be allowed to legally possess 30 grams of cannabis, 5 grams of cannabis concentrate or 500 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabisinfused product. Non-residents are allowed to carry 15 grams of cannabis under the bill. It would also create a licensed growing and dispensary system, and would direct Pritzker to pardon people with past lowlevel marijuana convictions. There are concerns legalisation could increase the number of minors using pot, and the number of people driving while under the influence. “If this bill passes, a giant, big-money industry will commercialize another harmful, addictive drug in our state,” said Representative Marty Moylan, a Democrat from the Chicago suburb Des Plaines.

At the moment, ten US states plus Washington DC allow recreational marijuana use: Alaska, California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, Michigan, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine. Medical cannabis treatment is also legal in 33 of the 50 US states as well as the capital Washington. But Drug Enforcement Administration still considers marijuana a dangerous substance alongside LSD and heroin. In January 2018, the administration of President Donald Trump canceled five directives issued by former president Barack Obama’s government, under which federal authorities refrained from prosecuting cannabis buyers or retailers. Cannabis professionals in states where it is legal have no access to the banking system and are likely to be prosecuted by tax authorities.


Former cricketers Sunil Gavaskar (left) and Shane Warne at the Salaam Cricket 2019 event in London.

Vol: 15,

Issue 716


6th June to 12th June, 2019

Bhajji feels India can beat Pakistan easily Harbhajan Singh (right) and Misbah UlHaq during India Today cricket conclave.

bigger threat than arch-rivals

We are sitting in Lord’s with the best in the world of cricket during World Cup.I’m doing a film on ’83 win & playing Kapil Dev.My day started with Gavaskar & I met Shane Warne.

— Ranveer Singh, Bollywood actor

Sir Vivian Richards speaks during Salaam Cricket 2019 at the Lord’s Cricket stadium.

at Manchester on June 16 but in a blunt assessment at Salaam Cricket 2019, Harbhajan Singh said Pakistan do not have the what it takes to beat India. “Maybe from the media perspective, India vs Pakistan is more hyped up. But from a cricketing aspect, India vs

—Harbhajan Singh Indian spinner

England is more important. India can beat this Pakistan team 9 and a half times out of 10 times,” Singh said. However, former Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq said anything can happen in IndiaPakistan clashes in the World Cup. —India Today

‘Virat isn’t arrogant but confident’ WEST Indian batting great Sir Vivian Richards said that Indian skipper Virat Kohli is often seen as arrogant but he is someone who is high on confidence. Speaking at INDIA TODAY Cricket Conclave Salaam Cricket 2019 Richards said: “I love guys like that. People talk about arrogance but it is about believing in yourself. It is like having the keys to your home, Virat has something similar now . I had it in my time, he has it now.” Speaking about Indian fans, Richards said they need to show a bit more patience with their team and players instead of jumping the gun at the slightest bit of disappointment. He also added that his team Windies’ chances of winning World Cup is as good as anyone else. —India Today

Logically, Bhajji is right but Pakistan is a dangerous team. In cricket, you cannot say anything. This Pakistan team is capable. India do have a better chance. — Misbah Ul-Haq Former Pakistan captain

I think the Indian captains that stand out for me are Ganguly and MS Dhoni.Virat continues to grow .

— Nasser Hussain, Former England captain

I think the two greatest players I ever saw was Sachin and Lara. But at the moment Virat is great too.

Says England are

Maybe from the media perspective, India vs Pak is more hyped up. But from a cricketing aspect, India vs Eng is more important. India can beat Pak 9 and a half out of 10 times.

HARBHAJAN Singh said the India vs Pakistan World Cup 2019 match on June 16 would not be as big as the one between tournament favourites India and England. There is a lot of anticipation for the India-Pakistan game

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— Michael Clarke, Former Aussie cricketer

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Vol: 15,

Issue 716

6th June to 12th June, 2019


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