ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
Happy 10 th Birth Day to Ramandeep. From: Mom Sukhvinder Kaur, Dad Malkiat Singh Kailey, Big Mom Satwant Kaur, Big Dad Karam Singh, Sister Amandeep, Sukhjinder Kaur Tina , Sharandeep, brother-in-Law Parm Dhanda, Veer Raj &Bhabi Sukh , Raikoti Family , Nankey and Mann Jitt Weekly.
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
ÏΔÂ∂ «ÁÈΔ «Ó‚ÒÀ∫‚˜ «Úº⁄ ‹≈‰∂ Í«‘⁄≈‰∂ √ÎÒ ’≈ØÏ≈Δ, “˙Ó ‡À∫‡ ‘≈«¬” Á∂ Ó≈Ò’ ÙzΔ «’zÙÈ ’∞Ó≈ √≈˙Ò ¡Â∂ ÙzΔÓÂΔ ’ÓÒ∂Ù ≈‰Δ √≈˙Ò È∂ ¡≈͉∂ Ò≈‚Ò∂ Ï∂‡∂ “«ÈÂÈ” (ÍØÂ≈ ÙzΔ Ó≈È Ó«‘≥◊≈ ≈Ó √≈˙Ò ¡Â∂ √Á≈ÈΔ ÁÙ‰ ’Ω √≈˙Ò) ¡Â∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ ˘‘ ≈‰Δ Ù¬Δ¡≈ (√ÍπºÂΔ ÙzΔ ¡π‰ ’∞Ó≈ È¬Δ¡ ¡Â∂ ÙzΔÓÂΔ ÓË» È¬Δ¡) Á∂ «Ú¡≈‘ ÁΔ «¬º’ Ù≈ÈÁ≈ Δ√ÀÍÙÈ Í≈‡Δ «ÁºÂΔ «‹ºÊ∂ ÁØ‘ª ÍzΔÚ≈ª Á∂ «ÙÂ∂Á≈ª ¡Â∂ «ÓºÂªÈ∂ √πÌ≈◊ ‹ØÛΔ ˘ Ù∞Ì’≈ÓÈ≈Úª «Á≥Á∂ ‘ج∂ ÈÚ «Ú¡≈‘Δ ‹ØÛΔ Á∂ Ó≈«Í¡ª ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ¡ª «ÁºÂΔ¡ªÕ «ÈÂÈ Á∂ √«Â’≈ÔØ◊ ⁄≈⁄≈ ‹Δ √. ÍÓ‹Δ «√≥ÿ ‹Δ È∂ ¡≈͉∂ «Èº‹Δ ¯˜ √ÓfiÁ∂ ‘ج∂ ÍzΔÚ≈ √Ó∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ¡ª ωÁΔ¡ª «‹≥Ó∂Á≈Δ¡ª «ÈÌ∑≈¬Δ¡ªÕ «¬’ºÂ ‘ج∂ √≈∂ Ó«‘Ó≈Ȫ È∂ √≈˙Ò ÍzΔÚ≈ ÁΔ¡ª ÷πÙΔ¡ª «Úº⁄ Ú≈Ë∂ ’Á∂ ‘ج∂ √π÷Á∂Ú ’∂«‡«≥◊ Á∂ √Ú≈ÁÒ∂ ÷≈«‰¡ª Á≈ ¡ÈßÁ Ó≈«‰¡ªÕ√≈˙Ò ÍzΔÚ≈ È∂ «¬√ ÷πÙΔ Á∂ ÓΩ’∂ Â∂ Ϻ«⁄¡ª ˘ ¡ÙΔÚ≈Á Á∂‰ ¡≈¬∂ √≈«¡ª Á≈ Ë≥ÈÚ≈Á ’ΔÂ≈Õ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ ¡Á≈≈ «‹ºÊ∂ √≈˙Ò ¡Â∂ È¬Δ¡ ÍzΔÚ≈ ˘ ¿∞Ȫ∑ Á∂ Ϻ«⁄¡ª ÁΔ Ù≈ÁΔ ÁΔ ÚË≈¬Δ «Á≥Á≈ ‘À ¿∞μÊ∂ √πÌ≈◊ ‹ØÛΔ ˘ ÚΔ Ù∞Ì ’≈ÓÈ≈Úª «Á≥Á≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ √. ÍÓ‹Δ «√≥ÿ √≈˙Ò Á≈ Ë≥ÈÚ≈ÁΔ ‘À «‹‘Û∂ ÒßÏ∂ ¡√∂ ÂØ∫ ÓÈ «‹ºÂ Í⁄∂ ˘ ‘ ‘ÎÂ∂ Ïz«Ó≥ÿÓ Á∂ ’¬Δ «¬Ò≈«’¡ª «Úº⁄ ÓπΠÚ≥‚Á∂ ‘ÈÕ
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
www.mannjittweekly.co.uk ““ ÒÛΔ ‹ØÛÈ Ò¬Δ ¡≥’ FIF ÍÛ∑Ø ”” «Í¤Ò∂ ¡≥’ «Ú⁄ ÓÀ∫ ¡≈͉∂ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ¡≈¿∞‰ Á∂ ⁄ÓÂ’≈ Ú≈∂ «Ò«÷¡≈ √ΔÕ ÓÀ∫ «¬√ ˘ ⁄ÓÂ’≈ ‘Δ ’‘ª◊≈ «’˙∫«’ ÓÀÈ∂ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ¡≈¿∞‰ Ú≈∂ ’Á∂ √Ø«⁄¡≈ ‘Δ È‘Δ∫ √Δ, ‘≈Òª«’ Ó∂∂ «ÍÂ≈ ‹Δ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ «Ú⁄ ‘Δ «‘≥Á∂ √ΔÕ ¡◊ ÓÀ∫ ¿∞Ȫ∑ ˘ ≈‘Á≈Δ Ì∂‹‰ Ò¬Δ «Ò÷ «Á≥Á≈ ª ¿∞‘ ÓÀ˘ Ì∂‹ «Á≥ÁÕ∂ «Î «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ¡≈¿∞‰ ÁΔ ’Ø¬Δ «Áº’ È≈ ‘∞≥ÁΔÕ ¿∞‘Ȫ È∂ ÌΔ ÓÀ˘ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ Ó≥◊Ú≈¿∞‰ ÁΔ ’Ø¬Δ ’Ø«ÙÙ È‘Δ∫ ’ΔÂΔÕ ‘Ø √’Á≈ ‘À, ¿∞‘ √Ø⁄Á∂ ‘؉ «’ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ «Ú⁄ «˜≥Á◊Δ ’«·È √Δ, Óπ≥‚≈ ÍÛ∑Á≈ ‘À ª ÍÛ∑ ÒÚ∂, «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ¡≈ ’∂ ÌΔ Î≈¿±∫‚Δ¡ª ÎÀ’‡Δ¡ª «Ú⁄ √Ú≈‘ ‘Δ Îº’‰Δ ‘ÀÕ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ÁΔ ’«·È «˜≥Á◊Δ Ú≈∂ ¿∞‘ ¡’√ «Ò÷Á∂ ‘Δ «‘≥Á∂ √ÈÕ ¿∞‘Ȫ Á∂ ÷ ÒßÏ∂ ÒßÏ∂ ‘∞≥Á∂ √È Â∂ ‘ ◊ºÒ ‚Δ‡∂Ò «Ú⁄ «Ò÷Δ ‘∞≥ÁΔ √ΔÕ ’∞¤ ÌΔ ‘ØÚ∂ «¬º’ «ÁÈ ‹Á ÓÀ∫ Â∂ Ï‘≈Á ’≈Ò‹ ¡≈¬∂ ª Ï‘≈Á È∂ ¡≈Í‰Δ ’؇ ÁΔ ¡≥ÁÒΔ ‹∂Ï∑ «Ú⁄Ø∫ «¬º’ ’≈◊˜ ’º«„¡≈ Â∂ ÓÀ˘ ÎÛ≈ «ÁºÂ≈, È≈Ò∂ «’‘≈, ““ ◊∞Ó∂Ò ! «¬‘ Ó∂∂ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ‹≈‰ Ò¬Δ ≈‘Á≈Δ ‘À, Ó∂∂ ⁄≈⁄∂ È∂ Ì∂‹Δ ‘À, ‘∞‰ ÓÀ∫ «¬‘Á∂ ¿∞μÂ∂ Í≈√Í؇ Ò¬Δ ¡ÀÍÒ≈¬Δ ’È≈ ‘À, ‹Á Í≈√Í؇ ω «◊¡≈ ª ÓÀ∫ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ ⁄Ò∂ ‹≈‰≈ ‘À ““, ÓÀ∫ ¿∞√ ’≈◊˜ ˘ «Ë¡≈È È≈Ò Í«Û∑¡≈Õ ¿∞‘Á∂ ¿∞μÂ∂ Ï‘≈Á Á≈ È≈Ó ¡Â∂ ¿∞‘Á∂ ⁄≈⁄∂ Á≈ È≈Ó «Ò«÷¡≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ √Δ ¡Â∂ ʺÒ∂ Ò≈Ò ≥◊ Á≈ √‡≈ ÁΔ Ù’Ò Á≈ √«‡º’ Òº◊≈ √Δ ¡Â∂ ¿∞‘Á∂ ʺÒ∂ «’√∂ ¡≥◊∂˜ √ØÒΔ«√‡ Á∂ Á√Â÷ √ÈÕ «¬‘ ’≈◊˜ ÍÛ∑ ’∂ ÓÀ∫ Ï‘≈Á ˘ ÚË≈¬Δ «ÁºÂΔ Ò∂«’È ¡≥ÁØ∫ ÓÀ∫ «‘ºÒ «◊¡≈Õ ÓÀ˘ «¬Áª Òº◊≈ «‹Áª ÓÀ∫ ÁπÈΔ¡ª Â∂ «¬’ºÒ≈ «‘ «◊¡≈ ‘ØÚªÕ «¬º’ ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á Á»√≈,
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Vol: 14,
Issue 697
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Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
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ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
PM May’s Brexit ‘Plan B’ goes to UK parliament THERESA MAY returned to Parliament on Monday to lay out her plans to break the deadlock over Brexit after her agreement with the European Union was resoundingly rejected last week. The British Prime Minister unveiled her Brexit ‘Plan B’ - trying to win over Tory Eurosceptics and the DUP by securing more concessions from the EU. The Prime Minister has been scrambling to find a way through after her deal was humiliatingly crushed in the Commons last week. But in a conference call with Cabinet on Sunday night May effectively ruled out trying to find a cross-party consensus - instead making clear she will focus her efforts on bringing Brexiteer rebels and the DUP back onside. The approach has been branded “one more heave” by ministers, but it is far from clear that the EU is willing to give enough ground on the crucial Irish border backstop issue. May
The PM didn’t rule out reopening Brexit deal
An anti-Brexit protester outside the Houses of Parliament in London.
MINISTERS TO MOVE QUEEN MINISTERS could urge the Queen to block a bid by MPs to delay or cancel Brexit, a constitutional expert warned. Others from across parties are launching a bid to seize control of Parliamentary business from the government so they can rule out a no-deal departure from the EU. But Sir Stephen Laws, who was government's legislation chief and now
appeared in the House later to explain how she intends to proceed. She will also table a “neutral” motion to be debated and voted on - along with any amendments tabled by MPs - on January 29. Government sources said that she would be holding further talks with MPs, as well as business leaders and trade unionists, win round Tory Brexiteers and throughout the week. But her allies in the DUP. The Daily Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn Telegraph reported that she was has refused to hold discussions even considering trying to with the PM, and there has been amend the Good Friday Agreelittle success for the government ment - although No10 sources in trying to peel off Opposition dismissed the idea as “mad” and MPs. The deal was hammered a “non-starter”. by a record margin of 230 votes Irish foreign minister Simon in the Commons last week. Coveney was adamant over the There have also been fears that weekend the backstop forcing through a package with intended to ensure there is no Labour support will split the hard border between NorthTories and cause an elecern Ireland and the tion. The Prime MinisRepublic - was an Now, ter was expected to essential part of the PM focuses her press for changes to Withdrawal Agreethe Northern Ireefforts on bringing ment. May has land backstop in not ruled out Brexiteer rebels and the hope she can reopening the the DUP back onside.
Venezuelan cop demands removal of Prez Maduro A MAN identifying himself as a Venezuelan National Guard sergeant at a Caracas outpost called for the removal of President Nicolas Maduro, in a social media video circulating on Monday. The video did not show significant movement of troops or military vehicles. Social media photos showed the presence of security forces in the area of the National Guard outpost.
Brexit deal, but EU leaders have warned she should not expect any fundamental changes. The Brexit deal between London and Brussels - rejected last week by British MPs - contains a socalled backstop provision ensuring that if all else fails, the border will remain open The UK Prime Minister was expected to use her statement to explain how she intends to proceed in the run up to the vote on January 29, rather than setting out a ‘Plan B’. Amid a bitter blame game over who was responsible for the deadlock, Corbyn has been refusing to talk unless May rules out a no-deal Brexit. Daily Mail
THE HEAD of Iran’s Air Force has warned his country is “impatient” to fight Israel and “eliminate it from the Earth” after deadly Israeli missile attacks on Tehran forces in Syria. Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh said that young Iranian Air Force recruits are now “fully ready to confront the Zionist regime”. The comments, on a state linked website, came after Israel’s military said it had targeted Iranian installations near the Syrian capital Damascus, hours after intercepting a rocket fired from Syrian territory. At least 11 people were
British Prime Minister Theresa May.
EUROPE REJECTS BREXIT PLAN THERESA May's Brexit plan will have to change if it is to win the support of parliament, her spokesman said, adding that talk with lawmakers on what changes were needed were ongoing. The spokesman said another vote would be held when the government believes it can win one.
Meanwhile, reports said that May’s Plan B was bluntly ruled out by European leaders before she announced it to MPs. Dublin delivered a firm “no”. Also, the vicepresident of the European parliament also rejected two other ideas being hastily floated as ways of defusing the Brexit deal.
Israel attacks Iranian forces in Syria, 11 die
Iran says, ‘Will fight Israel & eliminate it’
The national guard’s video has gone viral Reuters was unable to independently confirm the video. The information ministry did not immediately reply to a request for comment. Maduro was inaugurated on January 10 under an avalanche of criticism that his leadership was illegitimate following a 2018 election widely viewed as fraudulent, with countries around the world disavowing his government.
works at the Policy Exchange think-tank, said that there was a risk of the monarch being asked to ‘veto’ the plan. ‘It can raise a question whether the government will be entitled or might feel required to reassert its constitutional veto by advising the Queen not to grant royal assent to the bill. How should the monarch react to such advice?’ he added.
President Nicolas Maduro at a meeting in Caracas. The United States and many Latin American nations say Maduro has become a dictator whose failed state-led policies have plunged Venezuela into its worst ever economic crisis, with inflation approaching 2 million percent. The Venezuelan President claimed that a U.S.-directed “economic war” is trying to force him from power. Reuters
killed in the strikes making them the deadliest Israeli strikes since last May, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. It followed a previous night of cross-border fire, which Israel said was prompted by a rocket fired at a packed ski resort in the Golan Heights, close to the frontier with Syria. Israel did not say who it suspected of carrying out that rocket attack. The threat of open confrontation between arch- enemies Israel and Iran has long simmered in Syria. The Iranian mil-
Guided missiles seen in the sky during an attack in Damascus. itary has established a presence there since early in Syria’s civil war in support of President Bashar al-Assad's battle against the rebels. Amid heightened tensions between the two countries, Nasirzadeh said, “The young people in the air force are fully ready and impatient to confront the Zionist regime and eliminate it from the Earth.” The remarks appeared on the Young Journalist Club, a website supervised by state TV. Israel,
regarding Iran as its biggest threat, has repeatedly attacked Iranian targets and those of allied militia, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah, in Syria, aiming to push them far from its frontier. “Israeli strikes targeting Iranian and Syrian military near Damascus killed 11 fighters including 2 Syrians,” Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said. The targets included weapons depots of Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah and Iranian fighters. Daily Mail
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
‘India- UK relationship will continue to grow stronger post-Brexit’ says High Commissioner of India to UK during her maiden visit to Midlands
Her Excellency Mrs. Ruchi Ghanashyam, High Commissoner of India to the UK, accompanied by her husband Ambassador A.R. Ghanashyam, undertook her maiden official visit to the Midlands on 18-19 January, 2019. The High Commissioner Mrs. Ghanashyam is the first woman career Diplomat to be appointed as India’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. She is also the second woman to be appointed since Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, who had served as India’s High Commissioner to the UK from 1954-1961. During her visit, the High Commissioner held a series of meetings, and met a number of dignitaries including Parliamentarians, Councillors of Indian origin, leaders of faith organisations and members of the Indian diaspora. High Commissioner visited the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at Coventry and appreciated the outstanding contributions of Lord Bhattacharyya to India-UK business partnership. High Commissioner also paid a visit to the East End Foods company in Birmingham on January 18, 2019. East End Foods, led by the Wouhra brothers, is one of the leading suppliers of Indian spices, and other Asian food products in the UK and European market. As she learnt about the success story of a family business that begun 40 years ago in a small corner shop that has grown today into the largest importers of ethnic foods in the UK, the High Commissioner appreciated the efforts of the
Wouhra brothers. The final engagement on January 18 th was a formal interaction of the High Commissioner with British Parliamentarians and Councillors of India-origin at the Hyatt Regency, Birmingham. Members of Parliamentarians present on the occasion were Mr. James Moris, Mr. John Spellar, Mr. Eddie Hughes and Mr. Mike Woods, from the House of Commons and Lord Mike Whitby along with his Ladyship from House of Lords. Lord Mayor of Birmingham Ms. Yvonne Mosquito, along with her consort, was also present. Among the Councillors present were Mr. Arun Photay from Wolverhampton, Mr. Chaman Lal from Birmingham, Mr. Ram Lakha from Coventry, and Dr. Nitish Rout from Stoke-on-Trent. Consul General Dr. Aman Puri
High Commissioner H.E. Mrs. Ruchi Ghanashyam, interacting with Mr. Jas Wouhra, Managing Director of East End Food PLC at the East End Foods Plant
introducing the High Commissioner to the assembled guests, expressed the hope that the keen interest taken by the new High Commissioner in strengthening and deepening the political ties between India and the UK would result in stronger bond between the two countries. In her address to the gathering, the High Commissioner thanked the Parliamentarians for their continued support in implementing some of the Government of India’s initiatives, which are in alignment with the British policies, and serves the interest of British-Indian communities. She added that India is keen to maintain and further strengthen trade and economic linkages between the two countries. Engagements of January 19, 2019 comprised of a breakfast meeting with Bhai Sahib, Dr. Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia, OBE, KSG, Sikh religious leader of Guru Nanak Nishkam Seva Jatha (GNNSJ), Birmingham and Chairman of the Nishkam Group of Charitable Organisations. She held fruitful discussions with the renowned spiritual leader, and lauded his outstanding work on interfaith cooperation. The final engagement on January 19, 2019 was a visit to the ‘Gandhi Peace Centre’ located in the premises of Sri Venkateshwara (Balaji) Temple Complex in Tividale. The High Commissioner paid tribute and garlanded the Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the recently inaugurated Gandhi Peace Centre which features a permanent exhibition on Gandhiji’s life and his messages,
being displayed via interactive exhibits, photo clips and rare photographs. The High Commissioner took keen interest and appreciated the unique exhibition conveying the values and messages of Bapu. On completion of the tour of the Gandhi Peace Centre, the High Commissioner addressed the Indian community who had gathered within the Community Centre of the Temple Complex. Approximately 200 people had gathered from all across Midlands
and North of England. In her maiden address to the Indian diaspora, the High Commissioner said “All of you are true Ambassadors of India……..and you carry the torch for us”. Hailing the role played by the Indian community. She encouraged members of the Indian diaspora, especially the younger generation to visit India, and see for themselves the progress and development happening in the fastest growing large economy of the world – their Motherland.
From L –R : Bhai Saheb Mohinder Singh, Chairman GNNSJ, High Commissioner H.E. Mrs. Ruchi Ghanashyam and Ambassador A.R. Ghanashyam AND Consul General Aman Puri
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
Trump offers new plan to end govt shutdown Donald Trump, US President.
PRESIDENT Donald Trump outlined a plan to end the government shutdown on Saturday, offering congressional Democrats three years of legislative relief for 700,000 DACA recipients — including protection from deportation — and an extension of legal residence for people living in the country under 'Temporary Protective Status' designations.
24th January to 30th January 2019
Prez Trump salutes as a military carry team moves the transfer case.
He also offered $800 million in urgent humanitarian assistance and 75 new immigration teams to reduce the court backlog of 900,000 cases, which he called an 'impossible nightmare' in his late-afternoon remarks.
Sikh man attacked in hate crime in the US A SIKH man has been brutally assaulted in an alleged hate crime by a white man who pulled his beard, kicked and punched him in the face at a store in the US, the latest such incident in the country. Harwinder Singh Dodd, who was working at a convenience store in the US State of Oregon, was racially targeted on Monday by a 24year-old Andrew Ramsey. Ramsey targeted Dodd because of his perception of the employee’s religion, FOX 12 TV news reported, citing a court document. Ramsey wanted rolling papers for cigarettes, but did not have an ID and the clerk would not sell them to him, Justin Brecht, a legislative policy adviser in the Oregon State Capitol and a former combat Marine, was quoted as saying by the report. When Dodd asked Ramsey to leave, he attacked him by pulling his beard, punching him in the face, pulling him to the ground and kicking him, Brecht said. He was bleeding, he had gotten punched quite a bit in the face, and kicked on the ground and thrown to the ground very brutally. It was REPRESENTATIONAL PIC
3 yrs of legislative relief for 700k DACA recipients Speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, Trump said he wants $5.7 billion for the ‘strategic deployment of physical barriers, or a wall,’ that he will use to put 'steel barriers in high-priority locations' along the U.S.-Mexico border. “I want this to end. It’s gotta end now,” he said, ending a pained crescendo about drugs and related crime waves that flow northward from Mexico. “These are not talking points. These are the heartbreaking realities that are hurting innocent, precious human beings every single day on both sides of the border,” the president said. It’s unclear if rank-and-file Democrats will find the proposal enticing enough to pressure House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring it to the floor. She called it a ‘non-starter’ before Trump’s address. In a briefing after Trump’s speech, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the president still has the authority to walk away from negotiating with Democrats and declare a national emergency on the border. “I absolutely still believe that the national emergency is still a
U.S. PRESIDENT DONALD Trump traveled to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Saturday to receive the remains of four Americans killed in a suicide bombing in northern Syria. Trump, locked in a battle with congressional Democrats that has led to a nearly monthlong partial government shutdown, announced his trip via a predawn tweet, saying he was going “to be with the families of 4 very special people who lost their lives in service to our Country!” Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House prior to departure that he planned to meet the families, a duty which he said “might be the toughest thing I have to do as president.” tool that’s available to the president,” Mulvaney told DailyMail.com. “He’s just been very candid, very public in saying it’s not his preferred course of
U.S.PREZ HONOURS FOUR AMERICANS KILLED IN SYRIA He was greeted by military staff at Dover Air Force Base after a short flight from Joint Base Andrews, but did not speak to reporters before entering his motorcade. Flanked by military officials, Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan filed up a ramp leading onto a military transport aircraft, where a prayer was given to honor the memory of Scott Wirtz, a civilian Department
of Defense employee from St. Louis. Trump filed down the plank and saluted while six service members clad in fatigues and white gloves carried an American flagdraped casket carrying Wirtz to a waiting gray van. The Dover base is a traditional hub for returning the remains of American troops abroad. The US believes the attack that killed the Americans was the work of Islamic Reuters State militants.
action that’s going to fix this, it’s through legislation.” That would be a precursor to diverting funds from the Pentagon and other agencies to the
Army Corps of Engineers, which would dole out contracts and continue the border wall without congressional approval. Daily Mail
Harwinder Singh Dodd was racially targeted. very serious. Ramsey has been charged with a hate crime, assault, police said, adding that he threw his shoe at Dodd and tried to steal his head covering. He was also charged with assault in the fourth degree, disorderly conduct and criminal trespass. Hate crimes increased by 40 per cent in Oregon from 2016 to 2017, according to the FBI. In August 2018, in about a week, two sikh men were brutally assaulted in the US State of California that raised concerns over increasing incidents of hate crimes in the country. PTI
Eight peacekeepers killed in attack on UN base in Mali REUTERS/REPRESENTATIONAL PIC
The attack happened at the Aguelhok base 200 kms north of Kidal and towards the border with Algeria
GUNMEN killed at least eight Chadian UN peacekeepers in an attack Sunday on one of their bases in northern Mali, a source close to the MINUSMA force said. According to a new toll, still provisional, at least eight peacekeepers have been killed, the source said. The attack happened early Sunday at the Aguelhok base 200 kilometres (125 miles) north of Kidal and towards the border with Algeria, the source added. A Malian security source spoke of at least six killed and 19 wounded, while a diplomat in northern Mali told that several of the attackers were also killed. The UN’s spokesman in Mali con-
demned the killing of at least eight keepers are deployed in Mali as part of UN peacekeepers in a vile and crimia UN mission that was established nal attack. after Islamist militias seized northern Mali in 2012. “Peacekeepers of the MINUSMA force at Aguelhok fought off a sophisThey were pushed backed by ticated attack by assailants who French troops in 2013. arrived on several armed vehicles, said A peace agreement signed in 2015 by Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the UN's the Bamako government and armed special representative for Mali. Eight groups was aimed at restoring stabilpeacekeepers have so far been conity to Mali following a brief firmed dead and several others Islamist takeover in the were wounded”, he added in a north. But the accord has A statement. failed to stop violence by diplomat in An attack at the same Islamist militants, who northern Mali base last April killed two have also staged said that several of peacekeepers and left sevattacks in Burkina the attackers were eral others wounded. Faso and Niger. also killed More than 13,000 peaceAFP
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
THE QUEEN vs KARNI SENA The ‘Manikarnika’ actress and director warns the fringe outfit to stop harassing her
Freeman accused by Davenport’s mother EMOTIONS ran high at the sentencing of the man who stabbed Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter to death as the defendant’s mother screamed that the Oscar winner was to blame because he “sexually abused the victim”. Lamar Davenport, 33, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison with an additional five years of post-release supervision. “Morgan Freeman molested her and he caused this. He did this,” Davenport's mother screamed as she was ushered out of court in New York Thursday, according to Page Six. During the trial Davenport's lawyer told jurors that Hines and Freeman had a sexual relationship.
ANGANA Ranaut’s Manikarnika - The Queen Of Jhansi has been synonymous with controversies since its inception. From director Ketan Mehta accusing Ranaut of hijacking his dream project to the actress’ fallout with co -actor Sonu Sood, then taking over the reins from director Krish, the film has been constantly in the news over the past few months.
And it seems that the pattern isn’t going to break any time soon. It is reported that Hindu outfit Karni Sena is objecting to a couple of scenes. One, where Rani Laxmibai is shown as having an affair with a British officer and the other where the queen is seen dancing. The film is among Ranaut’s dearest projects as it also marks the actress’ directorial debut. Talking to an entertainment website about the latest controversy, the actress made it clear that she isn’t scared and will not go down without a fight. “Four historians have certified Manikarnika. We have a censor certificate as well. Karni Sena has been conveyed this but they are continuing to harass me. If they don’t stop, then they should know I am also a Rajput and I will destroy each one of them,” she said. Manikarnika, the biopic of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, will release on January 25, targeting the Republic Day weekend. Ranaut launched the second song of the film ‘Bharat’ at an event in Gurgaon earlier this week. The film has been cleared by CBFC. India Today TV
Davenport lawyers told jurors Freeman had an affair with Hines. But then she changed tunes saying her son was “innocent” and “it was an accident”. Allegations had been made during the trial and previously that Freeman was involved in a romantic relationship with 33-year-old E’Dena Hines. Hines had at one point texted Davenport to reveal she had “grandpa feelings”. Freeman, 80, has always denied such allegations. Hines is the granddaughter of Freeman’s first wife, Jeanette Adair Bradshaw. Davenport had been convicted of manslaughter in the first degree in May of last year for the fatal attack on Hines. He stabbed her 25 times in the street as horrified onlookers bore witness. Hines and Davenport, a rapper, had been living together in a $780,000 apartment that was paid for by Freeman. Daily Mail
The film is amongst Ranaut’s dearest projects and marks her directorial debut.
‘Why Cheat India’ is a class to bunk by Suhani Singh
A question mark at the end of the title is not the only thing missing in Why Cheat India. There’s no semblance of a coherent narrative either. We have a convoluted mess led by a moustachioed, bespectacled man (Emraan Hashmi) who runs a shady enterprise wherein he sits lesser-privileged chart toppers in place of richer, dull ones. He mints money to prove a point to his disgruntled father, cheats on his wife, lectures people to justify his warped morality, provides geeks with girls before exams and serves prasad to desperate parents. There’s lot more going on but why give you a headache? Hashmi is Rakesh Singh aka Rocky who justifies his crooked ways with the excuse that the state of education in India is so terrible it’s beyond repair A convoluted mess so why blame him. His trump led by a con man card is Satu (Snighadeep Chatterjee), a student who who skims off has slogged it out in Kota and Emraan Hashmi plays Rakesh Singh who justifies his crooked lesser-privileged then lived up to his debt-ridden ways with the excuse that the state of education is terrible. school toppers father’s lofty expectations after acing the engineering entrance we forget that this film not only stars money stash (The producers exams. Rocky lures him with money Hashmi but is also produced by him. make it clear early on that the and the dialogue akalmand ho, ab film is set in 1998 to avoid hurting Vice works fine for Rocky but not so much nakalmand bano. That he buys this is first those in power). for Satu who unable to balance the pressign that he’s not as bright as he appears. sure of college with Rocky’s assignments Rocky is on a roll for Satu’s sister (Shreya Aal izz well as Satu clears exam after exam gets addicted to drugs. Soon he’s packed Dhanwanthary) has fallen for him as there for others and Rocky increases his black off to Qatar and Why Cheat India loses its are all these mushy tracks to squeeze in, lest
out take
Director: Soumik Sen. Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Shreya Dhanwanthary, Snighadeep Chatterjee.
IMPACT ON TARGET VIEWERS emotional lynchpin. It results in writerdirector Soumik Sen unfurling a barrage of issues that it felt as confounding as sitting for a math exam for this reviewer. There’s a back story on Rocky’s failed experiments. The brief source of entertainment is Rocky’s homemaker wife who babbles and looks a lot like German tennis player and Grand Slam-winner Angelique Kerber. Sen’s convinced his hero is the epitome of cool giving him an entry sequence in a single screen theatre, a devoted sidekick, plenty of hard-hitting dialogues, power and fool baddies. All of it fails as it can’t hide the obvious: Rocky from Jhansi is drab. Wisecracks like “Pakode toh bech hi lenge” are lost in a script that’s trying to hard. By the end a film, that’s supposed to enlighten viewers about the wrongs in our education system, it feels like a classroom lecture to avoid. It’s best to bunk.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
√ÍÂ≈«‘’ ≈ÙΔÎÒ Ó∂÷ : Ó≈⁄ BA-¡ÍzÒ À AI √Ë≈È «‹‘Δ ’Ø « ÙÙ ’È ”Â∂ √’≈Δ ’≥ Ó ª «Ú⁄Ø ∫ Óπ Ù ’Òª ‘º ‡ ‰◊Δ¡ª, ¡Î√ª Á≈ ∞ı ÚΔ ÈÓ ¡Â∂ Ò⁄’ΔÒ≈ ‘∂◊≈ Í ¡≈͉∂ √πÌ≈¡ «Ú⁄ ◊∞√ º ∂ Á≈ ¡√ ‘∂◊≈ «ÏÃ÷ : AI ¡ÍzÒ À -Ó¬Δ B@ «¬√ √ÍÂ≈‘ ÁΩ≈È ÁπÙÓ‰ª Á∂ ¿∞μ̉ Â∂ «√‘ Á∂ «Ú◊ÛÈ Á≈ ÷Â≈ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈ Í ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Íπ˜ΔÙÈ ·Δ’ ‘∂◊Δ, ÓÈ «Ú⁄ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ Ò≈Ò√≈ ‹≈◊ √’ÁΔ ‘ÀÕ «ÓÊπÈ : Ó¬Δ BA-‹±È BA ÍzÏÒ «√Â≈≈ Â∞‘≈˘ ‘ Â∑ª ‘≈ÚΔ, ÍzÌ≈ÚΔ, «Ú‹¬Δ º÷◊ ∂ ≈, ’≥Ó’≈‹Δ ‘≈Ò≈ √≥ÂÙ Ø ‹È’ Í √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ «Ú⁄Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ Ù» È∞’√≈È Í‘∞⁄ ≥ ≈¿∞‰ Á∂ Ó»‚ «Ú⁄ Ș ¡≈¿∞‰◊∂Õ ’’ : ‹±È BB-‹πÒ≈¬Δ BB √ÂÍ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ È∞’√≈È Á∂ ‘≈Ò≈ ω √’Á∂ ‘È, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ⁄Ω’√Δ º÷Ø Í «Ú⁄Ò≈ «‘º√≈ Â∂ ¡≈÷Δ «‘º√≈ ’≈ØÏ≈Δ Ò≈Ì Ò¬Δ ⁄≥◊≈ ‘ØÚ◊ ∂ ≈Õ Ó≥◊Ò ÁΔ Íπ‹ΔÙÈ ’≈È ¡’√Δ‚À∫‡ Â∂ √º‡ Ú◊À≈ Á≈ ‚ Ï«‰¡≈ ‘∂◊≈, «¬√ Ò¬Δ ‚≈¬Δ«Ú≥◊ Ú◊À≈ «Ë¡≈È È≈Ò ’ØÕ «√øÿ : ‹πÒ≈¬Δ BC -¡◊√ BB «¬√ ‘¯Â∂ «Ú‹À ÙzΔ √≈Ê Á∂Ú◊ ∂ Δ √À-√Í≈‡∂ ÁΔ ⁄≈‘ ‘∂◊Δ, √‹‰√≥ÚÈ ÁΔ ∞⁄ º Δ Â∂ ÓÈ «Ú⁄ ⁄≥⁄ÒÂ≈ ‘∂◊Δ Í «ÚØËΔ¡ª ’’∂ «’√∂ √Ó∂∫ ¿∞Òfi‰ª ÚΔ «√ ⁄π’ º ÁΔ¡ª «‘‰◊Δ¡ª ’ø«È¡≈ : ¡◊√ BC-√ÂßÏ BB √ÍÂ≈‘ Á∂ Í«‘Ò∂ «‘º√∂ «Ú⁄ «√‘ «Ú⁄ ◊ÛÏÛΔ ÁΔ Ù’≈«¬Â «‘ √’ÁΔ ‘À Í √’≈ Â∂ ◊À-√’≈Δ ’≥Óª «Ú⁄ ’ÁÓ ¡◊≈‘ ÚºÒ ‘∂◊≈
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Your Stars This Week Acharya Surendera Gautama
Aries (March 21-April 19) Take care of personal possessions and valuables early in the week. The Venus-Jupiter duo bring out your passions and seductive nature and you are ready to flirt and romance. Taurus (April 21-May 20) Attend to financial affairs and suppress your emotions to avoid stress and tension. Approach workmates for advice or someone you have fancied for long. Gemini (May 21-June 20) You have to confront someone who has been misleading you or putting spanners in your wheel. Your energy and charisma begin to soar mid-week and you will notice others are attracted to you. Your career is about to lift off. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Self- improvement, change of life style and trying something new to lift up your spirits, is the theme of this wonderful week. Social status, popularity and romance are your destiny for next few weeks. Leo (July 23-August 22 Saturday’s New Moon is in your fourth house, depicting domestic bliss, happiness, peace and a new beginning. Get together with your mates, mingle with the crowd and the expansive Jupiter lead you to new job opportunities. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Hold on to your cash and suppress the temptation to splash it out in front of friends. Smooth talk, charm and magnetism will achieve what you wish for. Compromise, in case of
arguments, at home but stand your ground. Libra (September 23-October 20) Look around Libra and see who you can rely upon in case of need. Deception seems to be around you; midweek and the best course is to listen to others but act upon your own intuitions. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Stay calm and composed whilst dealing with authority or seeking favours from bosses. Venus-Jupiter conjunction helps you to smooth out relationships. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Positive changes at home are hall mark to new and loving relationship with the family. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Look within, listen to your feelings and chase after your dreams. Try to cut the dead wood, sow new seeds of hope and discard any doubts. Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Chalk out your road to success, set your goals and use your energy and charisma to realize your dreams. The love goddess Venus joins expansive Jupiter and you can feel love and romance all around you. Pisces (February 19- March 19) Venus and Jupiter travel through your 8th house and you are all about long haul travel. Creativity and positivity are your two good companions for the next few weeks.
Priyanka Gandhi enters active politics, appointed AICC gen secy in-charge of UP East New Delhi-After years of speculation around her entry into politics, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday took the plunge when her brother and Congress President Rahul Gandhi named her party General Secretary in-charge of UP East. Priyanka will assume her new role from February. The significant announcement came this morning soon after Rahul Gandhi reached his parliamentary
segment Amethi post his return from the UAE trip. The development opens the doors for Priyanka Gandhi to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from a family stronghold in UP amid talks that she may succeed her mother and former Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi in Rae Bareli. Priyanka Gandhi just turned 47 on January 12 and had been actively involved in the party affairs in UPalong with the formerAICC General
Secretary in-charge Ghulam Nabi Azad who was rested from UP today and shifted as General Secretary Haryana.Along with Priyanka Gandhi, Rahul also named his friend and Guna MP Jyotiraditya Scindia the AICC General Secretary in-charge of UP West. In other reshuffles, Gandhi replaced Ashok Gehlot as patty General Secretary organisation after Gehlot took over as Rajasthan CM.
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Name Change I, MANJIT w/o mr. Surinder Singh of 106 Clarence Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands B21 0EE and my address in India is VPO Bundala, District Jalandhar, Punjab, hereby give notice to change my name from MANJIT to MANJIT KAUR with subject to the approval of Consulate General of INDIA at Birmingham.
Free community day offers residents new start this new year A free community day in Whitmore Reans next weekend will be encouraging local people to come together to make a new start this new year. It will showcase a range of services and activities to help people improve their health and wellbeing or employment prospects, or learn a new skill. The New Year, New Start event takes place at St Andrew’s Church Hall, near the Avion Centre, on Saturday 26 January from 10am-1pm, and has been organised by the City of Wolverhampton Council and partners. Among the organisations taking part will be Whitmore Reans Resource Centre, the African Caribbean Community Initiative, Gloucester Street Church, Gatis Community Space, Wolves at Work, Black Country Impact, Whitmore Reans Strengthening Families Hub, WV Active, Asda, Samaritans Wolverhampton, Wolves Foundation and Compton Care. Also on hand to meet local residents will be representatives of Wolverhampton Homes, Midland Heart, Victim Support, Changing Lives, P3, Recovery Near You, CrimeStoppers, the Refugee and Migrant Centre and Embrace, Wolverhampton’s Sexual Health Service.
There will be free arts and crafts at Whitmore Reans Library, free refreshments courtesy of Asda, Partap Sweet Centre and Greggs, entertainment from local groups including the African Caribbean Community Initiative and Dunstall Hill and St Jude’s primary schools, and the chance to meet Wolverhampton Wanderers mascot Wolfie. The free event day follows on from a community clean-up which is planned to take place on Friday 25 January and which will involve partners coming together to clean the area and tackle fly-tipping. Together, these two events will kick-start a number of activities over the coming months which aim to make positive changes in the area. Councillor Roger Lawrence, the leader of the City of Wolverhampton Council and chair of Health and Wellbeing Together board, said: “This free community day is a great opportunity for local residents to find out about some of the many activities on offer to them in and around Whitmore Reans, meet local organisations and get help and support from key services. “They will also be able to enjoy free arts and crafts, refreshments and music and dance performances.”
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
Probe reveals Prince was ‘shocked, shaken’
OLICE are on Friday investigating the Duke of Edinburgh's role in a horror car smash involving a baby and its mother as it was revealed the Queen's husband was able to walk over and ask them: 'Is everyone else alright?'.
Barrister Roy Warne pulled Prince Philip, 97, from the wreckage of his Land Rover and said the royal told officers he had been 'dazzled by the sun' before the collision near the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk at 2.45pm yesterday. The Kia that ploughed into Norfolk Police probing him on the 60mph road was carDuke's crash as it emerges rying a nine-month-old baby, its mother, 28, and another woman, royal was driving without 45, who suffered a broken arm personal protection and an injured knee, but the officer child was unhurt. Norfolk Police told MailOnline Prince Philip was ‘contoday they are treating it like scious but very shocked any other road traffic collision, and shaken’ after crashing meaning they are likely to queshis Land Rover near tion the Duke once he is recovered. A force spokesman said: 'The incident will be investigated and any appropriate for driving without due care and action taken'. attention - but could avoid court The Queen will be 'very by surrendering his licence, annoyed' with her husband, according to driving offence according to royal expert Ingrid lawyer Nick Freeman, best Seward, and Prince Charles said known as 'Mr Loophole'. recently he was 'always worried' The crash also raises major about his father's determination security questions after it to keep driving well into his emerged there was no royal pronineties. tection officer in the car with If Philip was at fault for the Prince Philip - but it is undersmash he could be prosecuted stood the royal's team followed
Shattered car parts and windscreen glass at the scene near the Sandringham Estate today where the Duke of Edinburgh was involved in a road accident while driving
Fortnite is now world’s top-grossing free game FORTNITE continues to smash records left and right. A new report from gaming data firm SuperData found that the successful battle royale game was the top-grossing free-to-play game in the world in 2018. In total, Fortnite raked in a whopping $2.4 billion over the course of 2018, according to SuperData. What's more, Fortfrom the 125 million users it had nite's status as a pop culture in June. Much of its revenue phenomenon is catching the comes from in-app purchases attention of the likes of Netflix, like including new skins, dance who said in an earnings report moves and accessories for inreleased Thursday that it considgame avatars. The most expeners the game to be bigger comsive in-app item is £99.99 ($130). petition than media giants HBO However, SuperData said that and Disney, as well as Amazon. 34% of all US players purFortnite's user base has skychased a 'battle pass,' rocketed alongside its which rewards players The revenues. for playing during a game raked In November, it was 'season,' with prizes in a whopping reported that Fortlike exclusive chal$2.4 billion over the nite had amassed lenges, among othcourse of 2018. 200 million users, Daily Mail ers. which is a 60% jump
Sandringham Two women with ninemonth-old baby in back of their Kia smashed into the side of his armoured Land Rover All three were rushed to hospital - one suffered a broken arm, the other in a car behind. Roy Warne, 75, was driving home from hospital with his wife Victoria, 72, who had just been given the all clear from breast cancer, when he saw the Duke's car 'tumbling across the road'. He helped free the 'conscious' but 'very shaken and shocked' royal through the 4x4's sunroof as the Duke shouted: 'My legs! Where should I put my legs?'Mr Warne said: 'He [Philip] COLOMBIA' s government declared three days of mourning after at least 21 people died in a car bomb at a Bogota police cadet training academy, and 68 were wounded - the worst such incident in the city in 16 years. Authorities said they identified the bomber and that he had no known links to armed guerrilla groups. The defense ministry said the terrorist act was carried out using a vehicle packed with 80 kg explosives. Unfortunately, the preliminary toll is 21 people
injured her knee but baby unharmed Philip was pulled from the wreckage via sunroof Experts have warned of the dangers of older drivers getting behind the wheel amid rise in over 70s DVLA tests wasn't rude. He was very shaken and he went and asked: 'Is everyone else alright?'. He's a very brave man. He didn't make a big fuss about it'. He added: 'He is lucky to be alive. I saw the Duke's car careering, tumbling across the road - it ended up on the other side, having rolled right over. It was an astonishing escape for everyone. People could have
been killed. The impact was enormous'. Mr Warne said he wasn't sure where the Duke's security detail had been but added that police arrived on the scene in a different car 'very quickly', once he had pulled Philip out. Philip is believed to have pulled out of a side-road, coming from Sandringham House, on to the busy A149 where the Kia, travelling at up to 60mph, struck his side of the 4X4 in a socalled 't-bone' smash. The Land Rover was flipped on to the passenger side, and then slid across the carriageway before 'somersaulting' back on to the driver's side and coming to a halt on a grass verge. Philip was pulled out of the sunroof by driver Mr Warne, who had stopped at the scene, and the Duke was breathalysed by police, which came back negative, and rushed back to Sandringham where he is recovering with the Queen by his side. Daily Mail
Colombian police academy blast kills 21
Authorities said they’ve identified the bomber dead, including the person responsible for the incident, and 68 wounded,Colombian police said in a statement, adding 58 of those injured had been discharged from hospital. All Colombians reject terrorism and we're united in fighting it, P resident Ivan Duque tweeted in the aftermath. Later in a statement to the nation, he said he had ordered reinforcements to Colombia's borders and routes in and out of cities.
The bomber - who authorities confirmed was killed in the attack - struck at the General Francisco de Paula Santander Officer's School in the south of Bogota during a promotion ceremony for cadets. No group has claimed responsibility, but public prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez named suspect Jose Aldemar Rojas Rodriguez as the material author of the crime. Martinez said Rojas Rodriguez
entered the school compound at 9:30 am driving a grey 1993 Nissan Patrol truck, but gave no details about the explosion. He said the truck underwent an inspection in July in the Arauco department on the border with Venezuela - a traditional stronghold of ELN Marxist guerrillas. Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno said one of the dead was an Ecuadoran cadet, while a second suffered injuries. AFP
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
US, China team up for space missions to Moon
Observations gathered from the collaboration could help future missions to the Moon, pictured over Los Angeles in January 2018
ASA is set to collaboratively work with China's space agency for Moon exploration, in a bid to prepare for setting up a human colony on the lunar surface, as well as future missions to deep space.
The US space agency held discussions with the China National Space Administration (CNSA) last month to explore the possibility of observing a signature of the landing plume of their lunar lander, Chang'e 4, which landed on the Moon earserve as a crucial training lier this month. As NASA works ground and technology demontoward its plan to sustainably stration test site where we will return to the Moon, it will be prepare for future human miscritical to collaborate with both sions to Mars and other destinacommercial and international tions, NASA said. partners along the way, the Since the beginning of its US space agency said. mission, NASA's Lunar This approach will Reconnaissance NASA, enable human Orbiter (LRO) has expansion across CNSA have imaged objects the solar system impacting the suragreed to share and bring back to face of the moon. any major findings Earth new knowlFor a number of resulting from this edge and opportureasons, NASA nities, it said. was not able to coordination with NASA's robotic phase LRO's orbit global research lunar surface misto be at the optimal community sions, which will location during the begin as early as 2020, landing, however NASA will focus on scientific was still interested in posunderstanding of lunar sibly detecting the plume well resources, and prepare the after the landing. Science gathlunar surface for a sustained ered about how lunar dust is human presence, to include the ejected upwards during a spaceuse of lunar oxygen and hydrocraft's landing could inform gen for future lunar vehicles. future missions and how they arrive on the lunar surface. The lunar surface may also
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Since the Chinese landing, LRO instruments have been collecting data that are currently being analysed. LRO is expected to image the Chang'e 4 landing site on January 31 in a manner similar to what was done on Chang'e 3. NASA and CNSA have agreed that any significant findings resulting from this coordination activity will be shared with the global research community at the 56th session of the Scientific and Technology Subcommittee meeting of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space meeting in Vienna, Austria, in February this year. All NASA data associated with this activity are publicly available. In accordance with Administration and Congressional guidance, NASA's cooperation with China is transparent, reciprocal and mutually beneficial, the US space agency said. PTI
RISK OF ‘TECH TRANSFER’ SINCE 2011, the US Congress has barred bill after a wave of cyber-attacks that NASA or the White House Office of was traced to sources in China. NASA Science and Technology Policy from said in its Friday statement that "all using federal funds "to develop, design, NASA data associated with this activity plan, promulgate, implement or execute are publicly available," and that NASA's a bilateral policy, program, order, or cooperation with China "is transparent, contract of any kind to participate, reciprocal and mutually beneficial." collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in In an interview broadcast by state any way with China or any Chinesetelevision CCTV on Sunday, Wu Weiren, owned company." chief designer of China's Lunar Exceptions are possible, but NASA Exploration Program,said NASA must convince Congress and the FBI scientists had discussed a possible that the activity would "pose no risk of collaboration at an international resulting in the transfer of technology, conference "a few years ago," and that data, or other information with US scientists had asked to extend national security or economic the lifespan of China's Queqiao The security implications to China relay satellite from three to or a Chinese-owned five years to facilitate the clause was company." The clause was planning of an American inserted in a US inserted in a US spending moon mission. spending bill
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
Team India, with 116 points, stay as the number one ranked Test team.
THE WORLD MAIDEN Test series triumph in Australia saw both the Indian team and its skipper Virat Kohli consolidate their respective pole positions in the latest ICC Test rankings released Monday.
Cheteshwar Pujara is ranked third among the batsmen after his dream series Down Under.
India & Kohli maintain leading positions in ICC Test rankings
India, with 116 points, stayed as the No 1 ranked Test team while skipper Kohli (922 points) was 25 points clear of second ranked New Zealand skipper Kane Williamson (897). Cheteshwar Pujara after his dream series Down Under is ranked third among the batsmen while Rishabh Pant has entered the top 20 with a career-best 17th rank. In the bowler's list Kagiso Rabada still topped the chart while Ravichandran Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja are the bestranked Indians at fifth and ninth place respectively. Fast bowler third position in the rankings Jasprit Bumrah has climbed to while Australia and Sri Lanka 15th spot with 711 points. Engwill vie for important points in land will have to win their their two-match series starting upcoming three -match series a day later. against the West Indies starting A 3-0 sweep will lift England to on Wednesday in order to retain
In bowler’s list,
Rabada still in
numero uno spot
109 points but they will remain behind India and South Africa, while the West Indies will remain in eighth position irrespective of how the matches pans out. In the other series starting on Thursday, Australia and Sri Lanka will remain in fifth and sixth positions, respectively, whatever the series result. Australia will gain three points and go up to 104 if they win 2-0 with Sri Lanka losing two and going down to 89 in such a scenario. Sri Lanka can go up to 95 points and to within two points of Australia with a 2-0 series win. PTI
Behavioural coaching for cricketers Cricketers representing at all levels need to attend the programme New Delhi-The Committee of Administrators (CoA) is mulling a behavioural counselling programme for the Indian team in the wake of the furore over sexist comments made by Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul on a chat show. The Indian cricket board has suspended the two cricketers and their fate will be decided by an ombudsman to be appointed by the Supreme Court. The programme will also include all age-group national teams and the A squads.“The Indian senior team as well as the emerging, the A teams and the U-19s will have behavioural counselling session at the National Cricket Academy (NCA). The course will deal with every aspect of a professional sportsperson’s life. There will also be sessions on gender sensitivity,”
said a senior BCCI official.Incidentally, BCCI treasurer Anirudh Chaudhry, in his observations after the Pandya-Rahul episode, had also suggested that young players undergo gender sensitivity programme so that they are well equipped to face the spotlight when they get into top-flight cricket. While the senior team will attend a few sessions, the course will be more relevant for India’s U-19 cricketers, especially with the IPL riches coming their way even before they turn 20. “Players like 17-year-old Prabh Simran Singh (Rs 4.8 crore, KXIP) or Prayas Ray Burman (Rs 1.6 crore, RCB) have become overnight millionaires even before playing a single Ranji match. There should be life coaches to counsel them,” a former India player said.
ÓÈ «‹æ MANN JITT Weekly
Vol: 14,
Issue 697
24th January to 30th January 2019
84k protest in Paris
People walk in a street of Paris during a demonstration called by the yellow vests (gilets jaunes) movement for the tenth consecutive saturday against high cost of living, government tax reforms and for more social and economic justice.
CLASHES broke out throughout France on Saturday, as an estimated 84,000 ‘yellow vests’ demonstrators took to the streets in a 10th consecutive weekend of protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s government. The demonstrations passed off relatively peacefully in Paris where 7,000
turned up, although Reuters Television reporters saw scuffles briefly break out between police and demonstrators, some wearing masks, in the capital’s Invalides district. Protesters threw firecrackers, bottles and stones at police who responded with water canon and tear gas to push
them back. “Macron, resign!” some of the protesters shouted. The “yellow vests” protests - named after the fluorescent jackets French motorists are required to carry in their cars - began in November over plans to raise fuel taxes. The fuel tax hikes were subsequently
scrapped, yet the movement has morphed into a broader protest against Macron’s government and general anger over taxes and the cost of living. “How can we continue to live with so little?” said Bernard Grignan, a 65-year old retired manager who took part in the Paris demonstrations. Reuters