6 The Guidelines Brand Funworld is intended for long term use. In order to protect its identity, and to achieve recognition and acceptance of the Brand, it must be used consistently. The Brand is not simply a design feature, to be changed for creative or other reasons. And it is not something to be simply added to a completed design. It should be considered an integral part of a design from the outset, and be used in a proper manner. There is already flexibility in the specifications to allow it to be used in different situations. These guidelines will help you reproduce the Fun World identity with care, precision and consistency. They incorporate the design features of the Brand. They also include detailed information on color, size, and how to and how not to use the Brand. The guidelines are to assist you in drafting designs in the most correct manner. Please read this entire document before starting any work that displays the Brand.
The Signature
Brand Personality and Value
Brand Essence
Primary Elements
Primary and Secondary Signature
Signature Dimensions
Grid System and Perspective
Minimum Space and Size
Signature Color
Primary Color Palette
Primary Background Color Palette
Secondary Backround Color Palette
Tertiary Background Color Palette
Primary and Secondary Fonts
Unaccaptable usage of Signature
Unaccaptable usage of Supergraphic
Brand Touchpoints
BRAND FUN WORLD Positioning and Platform Funworld is an alternate world where imagination meets reality. A family-oriented arcade with the latest games and rides all over Indonesia. Families can escape the dullness of life’s routines and experience an adventurous world. Funworld offers state of the art and popular machines, rides, and gurantees safety and a joyful experience in our themed outlets. These core values underpin Funworld’s positioning as Family Funtasia: Trust, Wonderful, Family, Fun, and Freedom.
Brand Personality Fun
FUN WORLD ensures that every machine is up-to-date and is maintained within the highest
standards of safety. Employees are always eager to assist customers with a big smile.
Colors of brand FUN WORLD reflects that of the excitement of the unexplored, a journey,
a horizon and a warm welcome. Therefor FUN WORLD is TRUSTWORTHY to families and
children who want an escape from reality trip.
Care Variety Agile Modern
FUN WORLD educates bravery and courage for children to try new things. Every machines
Theme Park
and games FUN WORLD holds are the latest and most modern machines in all of Indonesia.
Other than that it offers a huge arrange of games, giving open doors to many people even
generations. FUN WORLD will be a perfect place to spend time with family as an ESCAPE
A FAMILY FUNTASIA as an escape-from-reality trip for families all around Indonesia to enter a world of make believe full of joy and fun. FUN WORLD with its variety of decor
themes creates a dreamworld like you would see in a story book. A story book which ignites children’s creativity of imagination, in to a world transcending the skies above the clouds.
THE SIGNATURE The key visual signature is an important asset to Fun World. Not only because it represents Funworld as a logo, it conveys the core messages of Funworld visually and emotionally. The Fun World signature is comprised of two elements: The Tree Ship-House Symbol, and the distorted Logotype. A tree house is a place where a child escapes reality and ventures the world of make-believe. It becomes a place where they unleash their wildest dreams and are able to transform this simple tree-house into anything: a Pirate ship, high tower, submarine, plane etc. This symbol represents the creative mind of a child. The signature is a unique piece of artwork- The Tree ShipHouse symbol should never be recreated as it is composed by strict ratios and circles. Therefor only approved digital files can be used.
Signature Elements
Tree Ship-house Symbol
The symbol may be used alone in special circumstances. It represents the essence of brand FUN WORLD which is imagination, fun, fantasy, and freedom Examples include: Stamp, sticker, gift boxes, collaterals, watches, backdrops, etc. In such cases the symbol can be reproduced as an engraving, etching, etc.
Primary and Secondary Signature
Primary Signature The primary signature is preferred version of Brand Fun World. The primary signature is the purple-pink pantone gradient in the horizontal lock-up. The Tree Ship-House symbol incporporates the logo type and therefor must always be facing left to right.
Secondary Signature In certain cases in which the horizontal-lock up logo is unsuitable, the vertical lock-up can be used as alternative.
Dimensions Horizontal Lock-up
Vertical Lock-up
The horizontal lock-up of the signature has been created for
The vertical lock-up of the signature has been created for
primary usage. This is the preferred version of the signatrue
secondary usage.
for brand FUN WORLD. “x�, which represents the width of the Tree Ship-house, is the basis on which other parts should be calculated to arrive at the correct proportions.
Grid System and Perspective
The Tree Ship-house symbol is comprised of geometric circles varied in size using the golden ratio or fibonacci sequence. The circles are consistenly used throughout and the golden spiral is used as the base of composition. The circles below show the ratio of each individual circles that can be used for the supergraphic, symbols, and other visual needs. Circles always needs to be proportional with each other. The perspective used is as shown in the diagram on the right including angles to determine the used perspective forming the lettertype.
Minimum Clear Space
Minimum Size
Always maintain minimum clear space around the FUN WORLD Signature to preserve its integrity. To maintain clarity and visual impact, the Signature must never be linked or crowded by a photograph, copy, or graphic elements. The minimum clear space around FUN WORLD Signature is 0.25 X. To protect, legibility, integrity, and impact of the Brand Fun World signature, it must never be reproduced in sizes smaller than those shown on this page. For print application of the primary signature, do not use the tree-house with a width below 25mm.
COLOR Primary Signature Color Horizon Purple and Horizon Pink comprise the signature color palette. Described is the degrees of each part of the Symbol and Type. PANTONE® spot color should be used as often as possible because only these inks can reproduce the full brightness of the signature colors.
The standards for PANTONE® colors are shown in the current edition of the PANTONE® Color formula guide. The colors shown on this page and throughout these guidelines are not intended to match the PANTONE® Color Standards. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. Use actual PANTONE® Chips. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MATCH EXAMPLES IN THIS GUIDE.
Horizon Purple
Process Color C: 0 M: 59 Y: 5 K: 0
RGB Value R: 231 G: 130 B: 169
Horizon Pink
Process Color 80% Cyan 99% Magenta 0% Yellow 0% Key
RGB Value R: 92 G: 6 B: 140
22 Gradation Angles
This are the angles and length used for each part of the Signature’s gradation. It is expected to follow each gradation’s angle and position precisely when logo needs to be created.
23 Primary Color Palette
When creating Brand FUN WORLD Signature, use the colors specified on this page. The primary usage of the signature should be the full color Signature on white background. The single color signatures on the right can be used if gradient is not available or there is not sufficient contrast against the background. The black version can be used if the other versions cannot be created, or does not provide sufficient contrast against the background and if only one color of ink, paint, or engraving is possible.
Primary Background Color Palette
The primary background color of Brand FUN WORLD are: Yellow, Orange, and red. Different versions of the symbol should be used against the background colors shown here. In case of Bright Red background, the signature’s main gradient does not contrast well. The purple blocking alternative or black or white is preferred. Using background color incorporated into the logo is also permitted. Within 50% shade of black, signature should be changed into bright block color chosen within the range of color palettes, as its contrast does not suffice for legibility.
100% BLACK
Secondary Background Color Palette
The primary background color of Brand FUN WORLD are: dark blue, blue, and sky blue. This background is to be used for formal purposes or to differentiate between regulars and special cases.
Tertiary Background Color Palette
The tertiary background color of Brand FUN WORLD same as the signature color palette. The main signature cannot be used on either of these colors therefor a block color signature in white needs to be used. Tertiary color must rarely be used for background and supergraphic as it refers to higher positions within the company or formality.
Fonts to be Used
Gotham family is the preffered font to be used in brand
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Gotham Book
Gotham Bold
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Gotham Book Italic
Gotham Bold Italic
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Gotham Black
Gotham Ultra
FUN WORLD. In cases such as lack of font resources Arial may be used as substitute. But Gotham should always be used.
Secondary abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Arial Regular abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Arial Bold
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Arial Regular Italic
Arial Bold Italic
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ?!><!@#$%^&*()_+-=
Arial Black
Arial Ultra
30 Unaccaptable Usage of Signature
Never Flip Signature
Never Rotate Signature
Never Flip Symbol
Never reproduce the signature smaller than the minimum specified size
Never Rearrange Logo Type
Do not distort Signature
or symbol
Never use only part of the signature
Never rearrange gradient
Never reproduce signature
Never violate minimum
on textured or complex
clear space with letters,
symbols or other logos
Never create outlines of signature
Never reproduce signature over backgrounds which does not contrast the logo well
Never use a â&#x20AC;&#x153;white boxâ&#x20AC;? containing signature over background Never use a background that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t contrast the Signature well.
SUPERGRAPHIC Supergraphic The supergraphic will be used to create repetition in all of the touchpoints related to brand Fun World. Cropping areas of the supergraphic will be used depending on the media. There are no strict usage on cropping but there are few rules that need to be followed to keep the integrity of the supergraphicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ratios. In cases of publication, it is encouraged to use different croppings in different posts. But in this booklet a few sample croppings will be presented to demonstrate correct cropping. Consistent croppings are obligatory on business cards, swipe cards, uniform, letterheads, and envelopes.
There are two versions of the supergraphic. On the left is the version only to be used on small surfaces like ID Cards, business cards, A4, brochure, badges, uniform, etc. The version on the right is used for large format printing because the symbol will not be visible then.
Alternatives Supergraphic color alternatives. Maybe used based on functionality. Blue to Purple is usally used from lower to higher order of hierarchy.
Cropping A
Cropping B
Cropping C
Cropping A
Cropping Examples
Cropping A which can
Here are a few sample
be used on left bottom
croppings that may be
used which are aligned with brand FUNWORLD. Parts of the supergraphic which are cut horizontally above leaving only the lower half needs to be
Cropping B Cropping B can also be used in the left bottom corner.
Cropping C Cropping C is to be used on the bottom.
cropped (marked in white transparency).
Business Card
Alternative A and B may be used as backgrounds. Deleting elements is not necessary if media is fullscreen.
A4 Alternative Landscape
A4 Alternative Portrait
Unaccaptable usage.
The supergraphic needs to be cropped according to the rules stated before. If the supergraphic is cut horizontaly, cutting the upper half of a cloud, the particular cloud must be deleted except if the supergraphic is used covering the whole media. Mirrorring is allowed. Only colors within the guide: primary, secondary, tertiary background colors may be used. Colors may be flipped according to usage, but the examples shown need to be primarily used.
Never crop out top part of clouds, except full page use. Never distort supergraphic in any way
Never resize supergraphic outside 1:1.618 Ratio with other supergraphic present within the same media.
Never use other color palette other than mentioned, and do not mix color palettes
Never rotate Supergraphic. 180 degree turn is allowed for web only.
These are examples of Signature and supergraphic application on various medias. The feel of the brand must be conveyed effeciently and direct. Usage of supergraphic, font, size, signature will be carefully explained within this chapter.
Letter Head Letter Head
Envelope The envelope is designed using Gotham Black 6pt for the highlighted address, gotham book 6pt for the rest of the text. The logo Symbolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s width is 20mm. The supergraphic left bottom corner cropping is used and cannot surpass 2/3rd of the envelope because addresses and stamps will be done in that area, The envelope needs to be warm and welcoming. The supergraphic cropping is not strict as long it does not cross the content line which is 1/3rd of the right side.
Business Card The Business Card conveys proffesionality and excitement in the same time. The back cover is comprised of the supergrapghic cropping including the Tree Ship-house symbol sailing the clouds to convey brand FUN WORLDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essence. The primary, secondary, and tertiary colored supergraphic is used to differentiate oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s position hierarchy within the organization: Primary for head staffs and below, Secondary for Branch managers and below, Tertiary for CEO and below. Font used is as follows: Gotham Black 8pt for names, and Gotham Book Italic 5pt for Position. Gotham Black 6pt for highlighted Addresses and Gotham Book 6pt for the rest, Symbol width is 15mm. Card size is 50x90mm.
Fun Card
Uniform The uniform is a polo consisting of the logo which is located on the left chest, the supergraphic 2/5th above the underline of the shirt, position at the upper back, and PANTONE 2018 U colored sleeves.
52 Social Media Social media post templates must be used for documentation photographs and endorsements. Elements include brand FUN WORLD signature, the supergraphic, and a short caption with sizes listed beside. The Supergraphic used may be cropped randomly following the rules stated in chapter: Supergraphic. As for posters and publications The Logo needs to be on the top left corner with the same dimensions stated beside. Usage of supergraphic in this case will not be needed but color pallette still needs to be consistent.
Website Website design is crucial in the internet era as people all around the world have the internet within their grasp. Primary colored supergraphics and colors needs to be used and cropping can be varied according to design aesthetics. As for the header or other reasons, supergraphic may be rotated 180 degrees. Parallax layering design of individual clouds as the viewer scrolls is strongly recommended.
56 Front Sign Vector Block version of the Signature will be used for printing store-front large physical logos.
FUN WORLD is an escape-from-reality trip for families all around Indonesia. It upholds the essense of Trust, Wonderful, Family, Fun, and Freedom in its brand. This manual contains detailed instructions about the usages and standards of brand FUN WORLD. Creating touchpoints and any other form of branding under the name of FUN WORLD should and always needs to refer back to this manual in order to uphold its consistency in conveying FUN WORLDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essence.
Samuel Christopher Ng 1901482374 Brand Funworld