10 tips for a healthy digestive system

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10 Tips for a Healthy Digestive System

Once can have healthy digestive system through simple lifestyle. In order to have Healthy Digestive System, here are some tips shared by Gastroenterologist.

 Chew your food thoroughly: Chewing is first stage of Digestion. Digestion of food starts in your mouth with saliva and enzymes. Enzymes not only breakdown your food but also attack bacteria’s. Most of people don’t have habit to chew food properly, which makes digestion of food much harder when it reaches your stomach.  Learn importance of stomach acid: Second stage of digestion of food happens in stomach and it breaks food in particles. Stomach don’t digest the food but secrets enzymes like “pepsin” which breaks food. Heart burn, gas and bloating cause due to decrease level of stomach acid (HCL).  Be Hydrated: Drinking water is essential to our overall health because it acts as a transportation system, circulating nutrients throughout body and removing waste products. Water is necessary to prevent constipation and easy digestion

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