10 tips for a healthy digestive system

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10 Tips for a Healthy Digestive System

Once can have healthy digestive system through simple lifestyle. In order to have Healthy Digestive System, here are some tips shared by Gastroenterologist.

 Chew your food thoroughly: Chewing is first stage of Digestion. Digestion of food starts in your mouth with saliva and enzymes. Enzymes not only breakdown your food but also attack bacteria’s. Most of people don’t have habit to chew food properly, which makes digestion of food much harder when it reaches your stomach.  Learn importance of stomach acid: Second stage of digestion of food happens in stomach and it breaks food in particles. Stomach don’t digest the food but secrets enzymes like “pepsin” which breaks food. Heart burn, gas and bloating cause due to decrease level of stomach acid (HCL).  Be Hydrated: Drinking water is essential to our overall health because it acts as a transportation system, circulating nutrients throughout body and removing waste products. Water is necessary to prevent constipation and easy digestion

of food through digestive system. Drinking enough water daily promotes healthy body.  Reduce Stress: People get stressed due to burden of work. Though it is unavoidable, but it is essential to cope up with it in order to have healthy mind and digestive system. Stress lowers immunity and impairs digestive system and excretory system. Recognize sign of your body stress responses so that you can deal with it.  Abstains from Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking is injurious to health and can cause multiple disease like lungs cancer, asthma, etc. Stop as early as possible. Alcohol passes through different section of gastrointestinal track and cause damage to digestive track as well also cause heartburn.  Eat fiber rich food: Fibers are important ingredients that can keep digestive system healthy. One can consume them through cereals, fruits and vegetables. Also it stabilize glucose and cholesterol level in body. Consuming diet rich food keep you away from Hemorrhoids, Constipation, etc.  Exercise: Physical activities like Walking, Jogging, Skipping, Cycling, Swimming, etc. can speed up your digestive system, increase blood circulation in body and stimulated other body organs. Aim of 30 minutes of walking in a day. Obesity can create pressure on your stomach and cause imbalance in digestive system.  Detoxify your body: Detoxification is process of removing toxins from your body. A detox diet includes raw vegetables, fruits, fruits juice, herbs, water. Toxins slow down metabolism and can cause imbalance of organs. Aloe Vera and Amla juice are good detox agents.

 Have probiotics included in your diet: Probiotic are healthy bacteria that are present in digestive track. “They help to keep body healthy by reducing the effects of poor diet, antibiotics and stress”. It enhance nutrition intake in body, strength your immune system and break down lactose.  Eat on regular schedule: Consuming meals and snacks every day on fix time can help to keep digestive system proper. Make schedule to sit for lunch, breakfast, dinner on same time every day.

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