Each and every one wish to have a proper Digestive System. It is only possible when proper food is been taken and life style is proper. Do you wish to improve your digestive health! Follow this 20 tips to improve your Digestive Health 1. Eat on proper Schedule: Have your diet on proper interval of time daily. Imbalance in diet plan may also cause digestive system to weaken. 2. Consume high fibre diet: Fibre containing food like cereals, pulses fruits, leafy vegetables improves your digestive health. 3. Stretch, at beginning of day: Don’t you like a huge stretch in your bed at beginning of day? Stretch, just activate your body organs and digestive system would work throughout. 4. Have Organic food: People should make habit to having farm organic food twice a week not just for proper digestive system but also sometimes change in food is must. 5. Have glass of water before meal: Having water before a meal is advisable by doctor which immunes your digestive system. Avoid having water during meal as such it weakens and impairs your digestion power.