5 Ancient Ayurvedic Self-Care Tips to Keep You Healthy and Balanced This Fall
Ayurveda holds ancient secret to heal the body from illness and keep it healthy. Ayurveda purely believes in – mind and body are connected with each other, -nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than mind. Here are 5 Ancient Ayurveda self-care tips to keep you healthy and balanced by Ayurveda specialist. 1. Live in tune with nature: As per Ayurveda “live in tune with nature” depicts of having healthy desire that matches what actually you need. When you’re in balance and healthy state, you naturally desire only that which nurtures your health and life. This includes enjoying what you are doing, sights that uplift and nourishes you, going with flow of nature. 2. Strengthen your digestive power: As Ayurveda say “Healthy digestive system, happy is the soul, body and mind”. By Ayurveda when our digestive system known as “Agni” is proper we create healthy tissue, on contrary when Agni weakens it will create health related problems. Below are few Ayurvedic practices to strengthen digestive system. Eat in settled atmosphere not when you’re upset or stressed out. Don’t eat until you are truly hungry. Include all six tastes in your meal. Use detoxifying (removing toxic elements) herbs like Triphala, Hardee, Brahmi and ginger after diet.