Medarog is the ayurvedic term of Obesity. According to ayurveda belly fat can cause an increase in the kapha dosha. The deposit of excess fat around the abdomen can be reduced by following these ayurvedic remedies. Start day with Lemon Water Mix few lemon drops in a glass of warm water and drink it daily in the morning it will strengthen the liver and melt the fat around waist. Almond Soak 6-8 almonds in water overnight and eat it in the morning. Protein and fiber are nutrients that aid in weight loss. Fiber rich almonds keep the feeling of fullness and restrict binge eating. Triphala Remedy Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki the mixture of all 3 known as triphala, is the proven remedy for access body fat by removing the toxins from the body. Mix half tbsp of triphala with a glass of warm water and drink before going to bed. Aloe Vera Juice One of the benefits of aloe vera gel is it reduces stomach fat. It detoxifies the body and purifies the digestive system lead to reduce fat.
Squeeze out the juice from aloe vera add few lemon drops and water stir it well add a tbsp of honey for taste. Drink this regularly. Fenugreek Seeds Don’t go on bitter taste the fenugreek can dissolve the fat from the liver. Soak 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Take these seeds with lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach. Also add fenugreek seeds in daily meal in curries, soups and vegetables to loose excess fat.
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