5 ayurvedic secrets to keep the heart healthy

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Heart is the central hub deeply affected by mental health, happiness, stress energy and every other aspect of life. The hriday roga i.e. heart diseases are also related with all these aspects of life.

Healthy body means healthy mind and healthy mind leads to healthy heart so here are the ways to keep it healthy.

YOGA AND PRANAYAM  Yoga and pranayam moves prana in the body.  Yoga stimulates circulation while pranayam can calm and purify the mind; it activates subtle channels rooted to heart.  Ayurveda recommends daily six to ten surya namaskar or specific poses for heart like bow, bridge, mountain, tree etc. STRESS MANAGEMENT  Excess stress tends to create havoc on every aspect of health from agni the quality of digestion to the nervous system including thought patterns and state of mind.

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