5 Carb Rich Foods for Breakfast
The obesity prevalent was unfairly blamed on the consumption of carbs. While processed junk foods, which are high in refined grains and sugar are extremely fattening and unhealthy, fiber rich foods that also contain carbs are very healthy and essential for your diet. If you consume high fiber carbs moderately, it helps you maintain a healthy weight because if you get anything lower than approximately 50% of calories from carbohydrates, you are unhealthy. Carbohydrates, which are rich in fiber can be easily digested by your body. Mentioned below are 5 food items which are extremely rich in carbs which should be consumed during breakfast for optimum health. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are very nutritious. It has the sufficient amount of carbohydrates present to maintain your health, as well as fiber, potassium, vitamin B5, vitamin A, manganese and vitamin C. It is also very low in cholesterol, saturated fats and sodium. Consume this antioxidant food item everyday for breakfast to sustain your health. Bananas: Bananas contain about 23% carbs. The unripe ones are high in starch, which turns into sugar as it ripens. Apart from carbs, bananas also contain a high amount of Vitamin B 6, potassium and vitamin C along with healthy plant compounds. They are also rich in pectin and resistant starch. Oats:
Deemed as one of the healthiest whole grain foods, oats is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It contains 66% carbohydrates and above 10% of it is fiber. Not only does it lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels, but is also extremely helpful in losing weight. Apples: Despite the different colors, flavours and sizes, apples consist of 13 to 15% carbs, as well as many vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in healthy plant compounds, antioxidants and vitamin C. Apples are helpful in decreasing the risk of a few types of cancers, reducing heart diseases and improving blood sugar control. Quinoa: Classified as pseudo cereal, it is an incredibly popular seed that is eaten like a grain. Apart from being a high carb food, it is not only extremely rich in fibers and proteins, but also plant compounds and minerals. One of its many health benefits is improved blood sugar control. Incorporate it in your diet to help you lose weight.
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