5 Home Remedies to Reduce Water Retention
Here is the 5 best natural remedies that are very beneficial and can efficiently solve the build-up of excess fluid in the body and also help you treat the swelling due to water retention. 1. PARLSEY Parsley is considered to be the most efficient natural remedy in case of water retention. Just take one cup of water and put 2 teaspoons of dried parsley. Then put it on heat until it starts to boil and to evaporate and take it off heat to cool for about 10 minutes. Drink this tea, 3 times a day until there is some amelioration in your condition. Or you can make a drink with lemon juice and fresh parsley. 2. LEMON JUICE The second best natural remedy in throwing out the excess fluids and toxins from your body is the lemon juice. All you need to do is just make a mixture of warm water with several tablespoons of lemon juice, and if you like you can also put some honey in it to improve its taste. Drink this until you notice some amelioration. 3. EPSOM SALT Reverse osmosis is another treatment that has proven to be very efficient in reducing the swelling cause by water retention. It is powerful in flushing the buildup toxins and the excess fluids from the body. Making this bath has relaxing, calming and soothing properties. Just fill your bathtub with warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom salt, and relax in it for about 15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a week. 4. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and due to that it can lower the levels of sodium in the body. We are all aware of the fact that sodium is the main culprit for retaining sodium in the body. Just mix one glass of water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and consume this twice a day. You can also add 1 more tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the water. You can also put your feet in this mixture. For this remedy you need to mix warm water with some apple cider vinegar and put your feet for about 10 minutes. This natural remedy is also beneficial in eliminating feet odor, besides being efficient in reducing fluid retention. 5. FENNEL SEEDS Fennel has the ability to act as a potent diuretic and also promote the urine production. It is also helpful in the digestion process and can hinder the buildup of toxins inside the body. Just put one teaspoon of fennel seeds in some warm water and boil it. Then cover it and leave it for 10 minutes. Remove the fennel seeds from the tea. Drink this tea 3 times a day.
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