Symptoms That Indicate Your Heart Is in Trouble!
Your heart gives you warning signs before the beginning of a major problem. May be you know that you are at risk of one or more disease if you fail to notice these small signs that your heart sends out. Minor symptom like chest pain, can indicate that your heart may be in trouble. While there could be many callus factors for heart condition. Here is some symptoms, which are possible indications of a heart disease and shouldn’t be ignored in any case.
Chest pain or discomfort: This is most common symptom, which indicates that your heart is not healthy. Usually it comes in the form of a pain, pressure or tightness in the chest and may happen due to a blocked vein. This may be an early warning sign of a heart attack and you should seek professional advice before it turns into a major problem. Excessive sweating If you often sweat without any valid reason, it might be a sign to be concerned for. The sweating experienced will feel more like the one that arises due to stress rather than common perspiration experienced due to any vigorous physical activity. Difficulty in breathing:
When you feel shortness of breathing, which is an indication that you are at risk of getting heart stroke. This symptom includes having difficulty in breathing and feels similar to the breathless experienced after long run. Sickness and frequent stomach problems: If you experience sickness, heartburn, abdominal pain or indigestion frequently, it may be the result of unhealthy heart. Sometime these sins be due to other diseases as well, but if you experience any of the other symptom of heart problem too, it’s highly probable that your heart is in trouble. Exhaustion: If you fall in to the high risk zone of being a potential heart patient, you may feel tired after doing some simple work, which didn’t tire you earlier. Common example may be climbing the stairs or carrying something from doorstep inside the house to new few. Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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