6 reasons why you should go vegan!
Is a vegan or vegetarian diet the healthiest diet you can follow? Researchers, doctors, celebrities and the health conscious routinely argue its pluses and minuses… it can be very confusing! Relax, and allow the following facts outline some of the definitive benefits of following a vegetarian or vegan diet. You’ll live longer Several studies indicate that those following a vegan or vegetarian diet will live an average of three to six years longer than those who do not. Great if you want to lose weight or slim down When you cut out animal products you’ll find that it’s easier to stay slim as you’re not consuming high amounts of saturated fats from dairy and meat products. Having a vegan diet boosts immunity and is anti-cancer Since fruits and vegetables are rich in super nutrients and many have anti-oxidant purposes, they can bolster the immune system and help the body fight against disease. No bad breath and less body odour Eliminating dairy and red meat from your diet significantly reduces body odour, and vegans frequently experience a reduction in bad breath.
Vegans are more beautiful Vegans who consume a large amount of fruits and vegetables are feeding and nurturing the health of their skin, hair and nails meaning that they literally glow with health. Vegans are healthier
Vegans and vegetarians typically have lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, lower rates of Type 2 diabetes, lower body mass indexes, a lower risk of death from heart disease, and lower overall cancer rates. Science and research confirms that you don’t need meat to be healthy at all. Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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