5 Signs, Symptoms and Solutions for Iodine Deficiency
Iodine is often considered as an important element and most people do not give it the importance as it deserves. This is wrong, Iodine is very much needed by your body and it is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis in our everyday lives. A lack of iodine can lead to many problems and can affect the physical and mental health of a person. Let us look at some of the signs that can indicate you are suffering from thyroid problems. 1. Depression: If you feel depressed and restless, it can be due to a nutritional deficiency, such as iodine. The mineral can be very beneficial in increasing the nervous activity and can reduce irritation, anxiety and restlessness. Iodine also induces sound sleep. Therefore a lack of proper sleep can also mean that you are suffering from iodine deficiency. 2. Unusual weight gain: Lack of Iodine in your body can make you gain weight. You may feel overfed all the time even though you do not eat properly. Your internal systems may not work to its potential in case you have an iodine deficiency and this may lead to loss of appetite and vomiting in some cases. It also increases the chances of build-up of unwanted gas in your body. 3. Goiter: