6 spices and herbs you didn’t know heal pimples!
Have you been dealing with unwanted acne? Have you been popping and bursting every pimple? Have you tried every cream and ointment that claims to heal those red painful outbursts in vain? Well you might find the best cure in your kitchen! Here are 6 spices that work wonders against pimples. Turmeric- just add ½ teaspoon of turmeric to yogurt and honey and apply regularly to feel the difference. Cloves- just make a paste with honey and apply to the affected areas. It does burn a little but definitely is among the best cures. Black pepper-mix equal amounts of raw milk and black pepper and apply to see the red painful monsters disappear. Ginger- just add chewing a small piece of ginger in your daily routine, it not just helps your body fight pimples but also keeps your body healthy. Licorice tea- having a cup of licorice tea 14 days a month/ alternate weeks, keeps the skin fresh and oxidized and fights pimples. Cinnamon- mixing cinnamon with honey 1/3 and applying to areas affected will not only cool down the burning pimples but also prevent scars.
So why spend thousands on products that have chemicals that do more bad than good. Switch to these magical herbs and spices and give yourself that ever fresh and healthy skin. Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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