6 tips to safeguard your hearing

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6 Tips to Safeguard Your Hearing

Your` hearing is one of the most important function your body carries out and sometimes you realize that you are losing your sense of hearing, when it is too late to get it back. There are two main reasons for this. One of the reason is age and the other is when the inner ear's hair cells break down and do not pick up sound well. Here are 7 ways to safeguard your hearing: 1. Try to avoid loud places: It is not advisable to go to places where you have to shout to be heard, such as in a street, a concert or a construction site. 2. Buy low noise rating equipment: The equipment in your house will make sound that you hear the most. Try to avoid these equipment by buying appliances with a low noise rating. 3. Avoid smoke: Smoking raises your chance of hearing loss. Second hand smoke does the same thing. Therefore, try to avoid, both smoking and second hand smoking. 4. Remove earwax properly: Earwax cannot be removed properly using a cotton swab. Instead, you should use an irrigation kit. Remember this as otherwise; the earwax could muffle your hearing.

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