7 ways to get your Pretty Smile back
Smile is the prettiest thing that one can wear but the smile loses its luster if the teeth have yellow stains. Our teeth are coated with a layer called enamel which gives white color to them. A yellow layer lies below enamel and is known as dentin. When the enamel gets stained or stripped, the yellow layer is revealed. Causes of yellow teeth
Poor oral hygiene Unhealthy food habits Certain illness and Medication
So before going with treatment try these home remedies that are effective and affordable to get your smile back. SALT Before brushing the teeth add little salt on brush to whiten teeth naturally Add some salt with baking soda and rub it carefully on teeth to reduce the yellow stains Salt helps in refilling the lost minerals of teeth and regain whiteness. TULSI Tulsi is known since eons times for its healing properties, it whitens the teeth and also prevent the gum bleeding. Crush the dried leaves, form the powder and use it for regular brushing
APPLE To remove the stain and whiten the teeth we just need to eat an apple everyday but it should be chewed properly Apple is abundant source of malic acid a natural teeth whitener. Apple skin contains Fiber that helps in removing stain so don’t peel it LEMON Vitamin C in lemon acts as a bleaching agent clearing the yellow discoloration. Mix a teaspoon of water and fresh lemon juice , brush with it for a minute or Rub the lemon peel all over the teeth for two minute or Mix a teaspoon of salt in 2 – 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and apply it as a tooth paste Rinse well with water. BAKING SODA Wet the toothbrush and dip it in baking soda the soda will stick on to it Brush the teeth with thee coated soda for 2 minutes and rinse well By removing the stain of food , drink, & nicotine baking soda will make teeth white
TURMERIC Turmeric is a natural ingredient and is easily available Prepare the paste by mixing turmeric, salt and lime juice Apply it for healthier gums and teeth whitening. STRAWBERRIES Directly rubbing the ripe strawberry on teeth will remove superficial debris Crush 2-3 strawberries add ½ table spoon baking soda Brush with this paste gently for 5 minutes rinse well As strawberry also contain natural whitener enamel vitamin C Smoking and chewing tobacco strips the enamel layer and so does drinking coke, pepsi, coffee and other dark drinks. Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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