Amazing amla home remedies for winter

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Winter is the season for amla our ancestors believed that amla can help in balance all the three doshas (vata /pitta /kapha) in the body and effectively treat the underlying cause of many health problems. Here are the amazing benefits of Amla. Fight with Cold and cough  Along with coolness winter is a season of cough and cold.  Mix 2 table spoons of amla powder with honey, take it whenever find the cold and cough symptoms. Source of Vitamin C  Amla is a natural source of Vitamin-C so if a person has the deficiency of vitamin c it’s better to get it from natural sources rather than in form of supplements.  Amla contains high fibre content and will ease the problem. For Cancer Prevention  Amla is also rich in antioxidants that protect against the formation of free radicals in the body.  Frequent eating of Amla will help to prevent cancer.

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