According to Ayurveda imbalace in "vata" and "Pitta" doshas is the cause behind allergies. Vata is air element and Pitta is fire element. The imbalance between Air and Fire lead to allergies of all types. Ayurveda suggest the treatment of Allergy as alleiviation of Vata and expulsion of pitta from the system and restoring the balance. Try these ancient Ayurvedic remedies to treat the allergies: TULSI People chew leaves of tulsi to combat infection and cough. Tulsi contains antimicrobial and healing properties. It's very effective in viral flu, influenza and other acute respiratory tract infections. Tulsi also contains ursolic acid that helps in asthma treatment. DALCHINI Dalchini has antimicrobial properties that help in curing the microbes of the respiratory tract. It is also beneficial in eradicating cough. In Ayurvedic treatment the tree bark is used for cold and skin allergies.
TURMERIC Turmeric has antioxidant properties that help in boosting the body’s immune system. It is also anti-inflammatory so used to treat several types of allergies. Drink a glass of warm milk added turmeric powder. ASHWAGANDHA Due to weak immune system body can’t fight against allergy. Ashwagandha helps in curing fatigue and stress related issues and also improves the immune system of the body, which ultimately results in fighting several types of home or outside allergies. SIRIS We can prepare a pate by mixing the water with grinned leaves of plant and apply directly on skin. Siris is beneficial in treating snake bites or stings from any other poisonous animals. It also prevents allergic reactions. FOODS TO AVOID DURING ALLERGIES Heavy greasy foods, Dairy products, Meats of all types, Nuts, Sour fruits like lemon and Yogurt should be avoided in all cases of allergies.
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