Benefits of 7 Days of Honey and Garlic on an Empty Stomach
“A spoon full of Honey mixed with garlic is better than an apple a day!” Garlic is used in every cuisine because of its taste and aroma. Besides that garlic have several health benefits. Allicin in garlic have many antioxidant properties that help in:
Reducing Cholesterol level Prevent coronary heart disease and heart attack Prevent blood clotting Beneficial in reducing the effects of atherosclerosis Reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis Daily health problems like Fever, Cold, Flu, Diarrhea, Bug bites Flushes out the toxins by full body detox Regulate blood glucose and lower the effects of diabetes
Honey has healing properties and used since many years. Honey is naturally sweet in taste yet has no fat or cholesterol. Several benefits of Honey are: