In today’s era of technology no one can imagine spending even an hour without smart phone. Smart phones have changed the way we live and communicate with others. The calls are converted into continuous whatsapp texting, emailing and messaging. Smart phone, a small box that contains the whole world into it but this convenience is not without its downsides. Here are some well-known and also lesser known harms of that magical box we can’t survive without.
DAMAGES YOUR EYESIGHT Direct exposure of smart phone screen light can damage retina of the eye that can cause the loss of central vision. Smart phones with big screen can create headache, brow ache, redness, irritation and dryness in the eyes.
RISK OF THUMB INJURIES Whatsapp and email for communication lead to lot of thumb action. Texting thumb is a repetitive stress injury that affects both your thumb and wrist. Typing can put a lot of repetitive stress on the thumb joint, muscles and tendons attached to it.
LESS SLEEP At night people tend to put their cell phones near their bed for checking the messages and browsing on social networking sites, this can disturb the sleep. The blue light emitted from electronic devices disrupts our production of melatonin hormones (which are responsible for promoting sleep).
NECK PAIN Cell phone use can double or triple the weight of your head and can strain your neck. Poor posture while sitting, standing, walking, or in a static position can lead to more than upper body pain and stiffness—poor posture affects other parts of the spine, such as the middle and low back.
HEADACHE Most of the children and adults use their phone till late at night; the radiation from phones can damage sleep and cause headaches. Migraine headache may also be the result of your smart phone. Reading the small text on smart phones may be responsible for visual problems and headache.
HEARING If we listen to music that is too loud, we can damage the tiny hairs in the inner ear, which transmit chemical signals through nerves to the brain. Repeated exposure to noises above 85 decibels (approximately the noise level of heavy traffic) can cause hearing loss.
AFFECT YOUR BRAIN Study shows that the human brain is sensitive to the effects of radiofrequencymodulated electromagnetic waves from acute cell phone exposures.
INJURIES We’ve all heard about the accidents caused by driving and texting, but you are also prone to accidents while walking and texting. Smart phones can lead to physical injury by distracting you from your physical surroundings. If you talk on your mobile phone close to an hour a day then think again. Getting rid of the phone may not sound practical for work or social life but changing some habits and moderate use can give more benefits and avoid the risks associated to your health.
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