Dark chocolates - The Delicious yet Healthy Cravings
Who doesn’t like chocolates? Chocolates can be easily placed among the most delightful food on the planet. However we do compromise our love of eating chocolates at times for our health. Well no more! If we simply switch to dark chocolates for our chocolate cravings, we may end up being benefitted. Healthier Skin Dark chocolate is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Iron, calcium and vitamins A, B1, C, D and E are among the many nutrients that we can obtain from dark chocolate that nourish skin. Compound found in cocoa called flavanol can protect your skin, primarily against sunburn, redness and UV damage. Healthier Heart Medical studies show that people who eat dark chocolate have healthier cardiovascular systems, boasting better blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels Reduce Blood Pressure A chunk or two of chocolate a day may reduce high blood pressure, according to U.S. researchers. The antioxidant effects of compounds called polyphenols, found in greater quantities in dark chocolate, may help to relax arteries. Weight Loss Losing weight requires that you consume fewer calories than you burn each day. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise, dark chocolate can give you an extra boost toward reaching your weight-loss goals.
Healthier Teeth Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth turn sugar into acids, which eat away at the tooth’s surface and cause cavities. Compounds in the cocoa bean husk have an anti-bacterial effect and also fight against plaque that makes chocolate less harmful than many other sweet foods. Diabetes & Dark Chocolate For people with type 2 diabetes, daily dark chocolate consumption of 20 grams per day helped increase the sensitivity to insulin which is important for blood glucose control. Increasing insulin sensitivity may also help delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in people with pre-diabetes. Reduced stress Dark chocolate has been found to improve mood by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain so that can lead to reduce your stress level. Diarrhea Relief Cocoa flavanoids are a possible remedy for diarrhea as the fluid loss by the intestine can be prevented by cocoa flavonoids so having a piece of dark chocolate can help you to control liquid loss. While chocolates come with the bunch of benefits, excess of everything is wrong. So don’t compromise your cravings but make sure you have a self-control too. After all if you eat healthy, you stay healthy..!! Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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