Dry Skin? These Home remedies will help you
Dryness occurs when skin loses moisture or can’t retain it. As the temperature drop down skin becomes parched due to the dry air. Dryness lead to itchiness and cracking of the skin. So try these mild remedies to keep the skin nourished during winter season. Olive Oil Apply olive oil to your skin immediately after bathing. Pat your skin dry with a towel, but allow some moisture to remain on the surface. Olive oil contains antioxidants that work as a cleanser, moisturizer, and protector for the skin. Honey Rub honey all over the body and leave it on for five to 10 minutes before taking a bath daily use of this can help in getting well-moisturized skin. Honey is extremely moisturizing as well as has soothing properties; it makes the skin glow naturally. Milk Mix a few drops of rose water with four tablespoons of milk and rub this all over your body.