Kids who play outside in the dirt, sand, grass, and other open areas are likely to get worms easily. As prevention is better try these tips to limit the chances of intestinal worms in kids. Ways to prevent Wash the fruits and vegetable before using. Avoid eating unwashed salads, semi-cooked vegetables or meat. Don’t let the kids play outside with barefoot in the grass and mud Drink boiled water and also avoid drinking from public tanks Use swimming pools that do meet the hygiene requirements. The precautions can easily minimize the chances Home Remedies Bitter Gourd Mix a cup of bitter gourd juice with water, add honey for taste give the child to drink two times in a day. Bitter gourd will help in fighting the worms in the body. Carrots Make the child eat a carrot on an empty stomach to clear out the worms.
Vitamin A in carrot will help in boosting the child’s immunity and enables to fight against parasites. Turmeric Add a spoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and drink it daily for a week Turmeric has antiseptic properties and helps in eliminating all kinds of intestinal worms. Cloves Add a teaspoon of cloves to a cup of hot water and let it steep for 20 minutes Cloves can destroy existing intestinal worms and also prevent the future infestations. Garlic Let your child eat three cloves of raw garlic on an empty stomach daily. Raw garlic is a natural de wormer and flushes out the worms. Coconut Let the child eat grated coconut daily as a breakfast for a week. Coconut has anti-parasitic properties that will effective in treating worms.
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