Eight ayurveda tips for weight loss

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Overweight means having too much body fat than normal, it gives negative results to health. Ayurveda herbs and yoga are the best ways for weight loss. Most individuals need to change their energy intake and energy spend in order to reduce weight. Here are eight Ayurveda tips for weight loss and have no side effect on body. 1. Eat light evening meal  Ayurveda describes that our digestion process is less strong in evening and when we go to sleep, metabolism and circulator system slows down. Hence habit of having light meal in the evening that can be easily digested.  As per research it has been found that “Eating late food, will tend to gain weight”.  Evening meal includes Soups, vegetarian, light and hot food. 2. Drink Water  Drink hot water with ginger, lemon or herbal tea throughout the day. Hot water improves digestion of food and helps to prevent the body from becoming toxic and clogged.  Also its good aid which reduce food craving between two consecutive meals.  Boil water for 10 minutes as such it will reduce its heaviness and will energize the body.

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