Final 10 brain foods that will improve your focus and concentration

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Brain foods for Better concentration Power up your ability to concentrate with highly effective brain foods!!! You’re eating and drinking habits can have direct effect on brain’s energy, how well you concentrate, how the mind handles tasks, how you feel, and how strongly you experience test anxiety. Making the right choices among foods, especially nutrients found in foods that boost cross-linking and neuron firing in the brain can truly help to get better concentration. Brain also starts to age along with the body. On aging our brain cells and neurons lose their efficiency. To get back these lost neurons and remain young at brain forever, you can do lots of things but foods play a vital role to maintain activities of our brain. One’s diet must be a rich combination of whole wheat grains, cereals and other such essentials. Want to keep your mind sharp and active? Check out the foods provided below and also ensure to include them in your daily diet as they can help you to concentrate, control stress, increase memory & tune sensorimotor skills, speed up your reaction time, keep you motivated, and even decelerate the aging of brain cells!

1) Berries Both blueberries and acai berries are good for brain as they serve an extensive range of functions for improving mental function and mood. They are good source of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Analysis has shown that blueberries might facilitate to defend the brain from the atom harm and will decrease the results of age-related conditions like dementedness or Alzheimer's.

2) Fish or Wild Salmon A great source of protein, fish is a great brain boost as it is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which are necessary for brain function and development. In the brain, the most important polyunsaturated fatty acid found is the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. Consumption of food rich in omega-3 such as wild-caught salmon can augment mood and the functions of brain such as listening, reasoning, responding, etc.

3) Coffee to Stay Alert Till now, no magic bullet has been found to power up your ability to concentrate or to boost IQ. However, certain substances such as caffeine can energize and assist you to focus and concentrate. Caffeinated coffee is a classic remedy for drowsiness; it provides you that instantly recognizable wake-up buzz-- however the effects are short term. Caffeine promotes your brain cells to be more active and provides you a burst of energy. Avoid taking too much caffeine as it

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