If you are pregnant or going to become pregnant, it is important to take proper amount of folic acid which is synthetic form of vitamin B9 known as “folate”. It help to prevent problems like serious birth defects of pain in spinal cord, neural tube defects. Folate plays important role in production of new blood cell. NATURAL SOURCE Dark Leafy Vegetables For an immediate boost of folic acid, add more amount of leafy vegetables in your diet. Have a one large plate of these leafy vegetables which can provide with almost all your daily needs for folate. Broccoli Broccoli is not only food to eat but also great source of folic acid. Have one cup of broccoli soup a day which will provide approximately 24% of your daily need of folic acid. Fruits Many food contains folic acid but citrus fruit rank highest in all. Include Orange, Kiwi, banana, pineapple, raspberries and strawberries which are good source of folate. Beans, Peas and Lentils
Include lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, soya bean in your diet to satisfy the need of folic acid. Consume this in your diet to fulfill the requirement of folic acid. Carrot Carrots are another rich source of nutrition’s and folic acid. Eat raw correct as a salad or along with your meal which satisfy 10% of daily recommendation of folic acid. BENEFITS It helps in prevention of miscarriage, avoids complication during pregnancy also some birth defects. Folic acid is required for the healthy development of cells and prevent your DNA which may sometimes leads to cancer. Folic acid is used in preventing and treating low blood vessels of folate also control the complications. Deficiency of folic acid sometimes increase risk sudden pregnancy, which may lead to abortions and even complications in baby.
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