Have Frozen Yogurt and Add Nutrition
Frozen yoghurt is a healthy food that is good amount of protein and free of fat. Yoghurt is rich in various nutrients such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus and potassium which are all essential for our body. Enriched milk if used in making yoghurt, imparts the cry essential Vitamin D and A to the yoghurt. Probiotics: Frozen yoghurt is beneficial for the digestive system as it is rich in probiotics, it is also aids in reducing system of IBS and other inflammatory diseases. It converts fiber into good fats which is good for our cardiovascular health and maintain cholesterol levels in the body. Add fruits: Yoghurt basically is a milk derived that is formed when lactic acid bacteria is added to milk. This bacteria helps in coagulating the milk protein and thus causes the molk thicken. You may also add various fruit to your frozen yoghurt for nutrition. Some of fruits that you may add are: 1. Cherries: Cherries are rich in anthocyanin which is a strong antioxidant, you may add this to your frozen yoghurt to add to the flavour. They also contain carotenoids which help in preventing cancer. 2. Chopped apples: