General anesthesia long term side effects
Side effects of anesthesia can occur during a surgery or procedure, or afterward when you are recovering and the anesthesia effect is decreasing. Side effect depends on type of anesthesia you have been given. Here are some long term side effect of general anesthesia given by anesthesiologist. Delirium: This can last for a few days after surgery. Occasionally, patients can become confused or have problems in remembering things. It can come and go, and usually disappears after about a week. This condition can be more common when patients are transferred to intensive care after surgery and remain there for several days. Cognitive dysfunction: People with heart disease, lung disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease or who have had a stroke, may be at risk for long-term memory loss. It primarily hurt learning followed by memory loss. Malignant hyperthermia: Malignant hyperthermia is caused when person is given anesthesia which cause a rise of body temperature and body muscles contracts. It may also occurs when person is alright and recover from anesthesia. Chills and Shivering: