We do take a lot care of our face but least concentrate on our hand that also faces the direct sun exposure. There are many natural ways to make the hand fairer that are tanned due to direct sun exposure. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera can treat hyper pigmentation and helps to remove dark spots. Extract fresh aloe gel. Apply it on hands let it dry for half an hour. Wash it off with cool water. Repeat this daily to get fairer skin. Milk Honey & Lemon Honey has the skin whitening properties to treat uneven skin tone. Prepare a paste by mixing one tbsp of each honey, lemon juice, and milk. Apply this paste on the dark hand. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it. Turmeric and Sandal wood Both are ancient remedy for improving skin complexion. Mix equal proportion of Turmeric powder and Sandal wood powder add some milk or rose water to make a thin paste. Apply it on clean hands, rinse of after 15 minutes with water.
Papaya Simply rub the inner side of papaya slice on hand approx for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water the bleaching properties of papaya removes the skin tan. Cucumber Cucumber is best remedy for sun burn. Rub the slice of fresh cucumber on hands for 5 minutes leave it for 15 minutes then wash with water. Alternatively mix 2 tbsp juice of each cucumber and lemon apply on dark skin wash it off after 20 minutes.
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