Hardest and greatest thing motherhood national safe motherhood day

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Hardest and Greatest thing Motherhood - National safe Motherhood Day

A healthy mother is the back bone of a healthy home. Women play pivotal role for social and economic development of family and eventually a nation too. That's what various programs have been launched to provide primary health care to women. Every year 11th April is recognized as "National Safe Motherhood Day" to make awareness in citizens and communities to contribute on maternal health. Many countries have been able to improve the health and well-being of mothers and new-borns over the last 20 years. The White Ribbon Alliance works towards protecting lives of women and new-borns in India. The WRAI (White Ribbon Alliance) members organize activities and campaigns throughout the country. The campaigns aim to increase awareness that every woman has the right to live and survive pregnancy and childbirth. Also there are many NGO's working for the up-liftmen of mothers who could not give proper nutrition and food needed for the growth of their babies. Worldwide organizations like WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA, India has been successful in lowering the maternal mortality rates. Every woman needs and deserves respectful care and protection of their autonomy and the right to self-determination, said experts. Many Indian women die during

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