Health Benefits of Avocado Leaf Tea
Avocado leaves have many health benefits. They contain many useful substances for our body, such as flavonol, quercetin, glucoside, polyphenol, Estragol, cineol, limonene, serotonin, flavonoids, alpha and beta pinene etc. The flavonol compound in avocado can help the mechanism protect the body against degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis. This brings the benefits of avocado leaves to prevent premature aging, too. Avocado leaves contain quercetin which acts as a diuretic agent. It helps you urinate well to eliminate debris from the metabolism. Avocado leaves also contain polyphenol and pinene, substances that can inhibit the growth of bacteria. You can prevent any infection through its mechanism of action. You can use an avocado leaf to: • help relieve headaches. • combats constipation. • Boiled avocado leaf will help calm your nerves. • relieves a toothache. • Relieves stomach problems. • It is very useful and beneficial for urinary tract infections. • Avocado leaf tea is used to treat hypertension. • can help you cure diabetes. • Helps you to expel intestinal worms. • helps you regulate menstruation and relieves symptoms of menopause. • eliminates kidney stones.