Health Benefits of Triphala Herb
Ayurveda suggests that healthy stomach leads to a healthier life and an unhealthy stomach is a house of diseases. Thus, to remain fit and healthy, it is very necessary to keep the stomach healthy and fit. Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation consisting of three fruits native to the Indian subcontinent: Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. It is the balancing formula for detoxification and rejuvenation. Here are a few benefits of triphala: Healthy digestion Triphala balances the digestion by removing toxins from the intestinal tract. Regular use of the same can be beneficial for those who are suffering from constipation. Weight loss Triphala helps you avoids any kind of unnecessary fat storage. It also effectively consumes the intake fat with food you eat, helping to ultimately lose weight. Diabetes control Triphala churna along diabetic patients.