Healthy reason to eat dats

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It is good to eat warm things during winter to protect own self from cold. Dates give warmth and keep the body healthy. Adding dates in diet will give the following benefits: Constipation  Soak dates in water over night and eat in the morning to get rid from the constipation symptoms. Cough and cold  Eat 2 dry dates every morning and evening. It will help in getting rid from cough and cold in case of asthma also. Weight Gain  Dates are great source of sugar and calcium include them in daily diet to get good muscle and also to put on weight. Diarrhea  Dates contain potassium that is very effective in controlling diarrhea. It is easily digestible which alleviate unpredictable nature of chronic diarrhea. Blood Pressure  Dates are good source of potassium that is beneficial for lowering the blood pressure. Dates are also aid in proper heart functioning.

Energy Booster  Dates contains glucose, fructose, and sucrose hence the best snack for energy boosting against fatigue and tiredness. Good For skin  Dates are high in anti-oxidants including vitamin A that fights the freeradicals gives naturally healthy and glowing skin.  Dates are also a rich source of Vitamin C that helps in improving skin elasticity. Hair care  Daily consumption of dates will promote hair growth and also fight against the hair problems like split ends and brittle hairs. Do not forget to wash dates before eating to remove the impurities.

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