We all know that calcium is required for strong teeth and healthy bones. But Calcium is also required for: Regulating the heart. Muscle functioning. Stabilize the blood pressure and cholesterol level. So it’s necessary to solve the calcium deficiency. Eat some of these foods to meet the daily calcium requirement LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES Vegetables like Spinach, kale, celery, broccoli are good sources of calcium. Make a healthy salad using these vegetables or steam them lightly. Cook it minimally to get this calcium rich food inside. DAIRY PRODUCTS Milk and milk products are rich in calcium and vitamin D. Drink milk, buttermilk, eat plain yogurt, cheese, paneer, butter to rebuild the calcium reserve. For those who are lactose intolerant drink the other like almond milk, soy milk or rice milk. SOYABEAN Soya is the best source of calcium as well as provides proteins. Eating half cup of soya is enough for daily calcium requirement. Alternatively also drink soy milk, tofu or add soya flour to dough.
ALMOND Almond contains the highest amount of calcium. Almond is also helpful in memory improvement. So grab the almonds every morning. Besides calcium almond is also rich in vitamin E, protein and iron. ORANGES A cup of freshly-squeezed orange juice offers approximately 72 mg of calcium. Oranges are best source of vitamin C, which will improve absorption of calcium by body. Oranges are also great source of potassium and vitamin A.
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