Whenever we have a stomach ache, it can be really difficult to concentrate on anything. Irrespective of the reason behind the stomach ache, we want it to go away fast. So here are some useful home remedies for stomach ache Ginger Since ancient times, people have turned to ginger as a cure-all for pain to nausea and everything in between Ginger has antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate the digestion process, in turn reducing stomach pain. Peppermint The antispasmodic effect of peppermint on the muscles in the digestive tract helps to relieve pain caused by gas. Plus, peppermint improves the digestion process. Chew some peppermint leaves time to time to get some quick relief Add one teaspoon of dried peppermint to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for five to 10 minutes, strain and add a little honey. Sip the tea slowly. Rice water Rice water forms a soothing layer on the stomach wall that helps reduce the pain. Add about a teaspoon of honey in this water and drink while still warm. Baking soda
Being an alkaline, baking soda restores the pH balance in the body and counteracts infections, hence relieving the stomach ache as well as bloating and gas. Add the juice from one lemon, one teaspoon of baking soda and one-quarter teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water drink it immediately Use this remedy for 3 times a day Yogurt Choose plain yogurt with no added sugar or flavors, to minimize stomach irritation. If the symptoms persist for prolonged period see a doctor. Home | About us | Doctor | Patient | Pharmacy | Diagnosis | FAQs | Contact us |
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