There is no need to spend much on tooth paste and other teeth whitening products one can get rid from yellow teeth by these simple home made remedies: Strawberries Grind strawberries and prepare a paste rub the paste on teeth gently. Daily rub it twice for few weeks, the yellow tinge on the teeth will vanish. Lemon Take a lemon peel and massage the teeth to make them white. Lemon has an amazing bleaching property that helps in removing yellow discoloration from teeth. Apple Chewing an apple daily is as good as brushing the teeth. When we chew apple it releases the acidic juices that works well in removing the yellow stain from teeth. Orange peel Rub an orange peel on teeth at night. The calcium and vitamin C of orange will kill all microorganisms and provide effective results in a week
Basil (Tulsi) Take basil leaves and let them dry out. Make powder by grinding. Rub the fingers on teeth with this basil powder or mix the powder with regular tooth paste to get the sparkling teeth Basil will also help in dental problems like pyorrhea or the bleeding of gums.
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