How Swine Flu Spreads? Symptoms and Treatment
Swine flu is the commonly used word for H1N1 influenza virus infection. It is a relatively newer anxiety of the influenza virus, Swine Flu was originally discovered in peoples who were in direct contact with pigs. This is not necessarily the case now. Also, one should not that despite the name, it does not spread by eating bacon, ham or bacon. It is very spreadable and blow-outs from person to person very fast. Swine flu was big news in 2009 when it was declared a disease is in news again as a number of people have succumb to death in 2017 because of it. Mechanism of spread: When a person with flu sneezes or coughs, the virus is released into the air, and when another person breathes the virus, they get the disease. It could also be through surfaces like doors or restroom handles which were handled by the infected person. The symptoms take about 7 days to develop, and could be quicker and severe in people with weak immune system. Symptoms: Swine flu look like the regular flu with generic symptoms including:
Fever and chills Sore throat Runny nose Generalized fatigue Body aches Vomiting Cough and cold