“Washing the hair everyday will keep it oil and grease free” is an old wives tale. No matter what is the cause behind that, the oily hair after a day or two day of shampooing can make any one a bit irritated. Greasy hair generally occurs when there is an excessive production of natural oils in the scalp. The sebaceous glands are designed to produce and secret sebum that naturally lubricates the hair and skin. Here are some of the effective ways to manage oily Hair: Baby powder Sprinkle some baby powder on scalp and leave it to for five minutes. Then comb your hair well. The powder will effectively soak all the excess oils. Hand Sanitizer Apply some hand sanitizer on scalp and on hair. Hand sanitizer contains alcohol that is used to get rid from oily hair quickly and will dry out the grease in the hair. Tea Boil some tea leaves or tea powder in a glass of water. Apply on the scalp and hair when become warmth. Rinse with water after 5 minutes to get rid from access oil.
Aloe Vera gel Apply the Aloe Vera gel on hair keep it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly from your hair with lukewarm water. Baking Soda Sodium bicarbonate will help in removing excess hair oil. Add baking soda to shampoo, mix it well and wash hair thoroughly with it. Lemon Juice Squeeze the juice from a lemon, mix it with a cup of water and apply it on scalp. Leave for a few minutes and then wash hair with warm water and shampoo. The most important thing is avoid excessive oily foods and stay hydrated. Ultimately the healthy diet will help in getting rid of excess oil production.
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